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CALDWELL'S WWE RAW REPORT 1/25: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of final build-up to Royal Rumble PPV

Jan 25, 2010 - 10:15:24 PM

WWE Raw Live Report
January 18, 2009
Live from Columbus, Ohio
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell, Torch assistant editor

This week's WWE Raw started with Michael Cole plugging the Royal Rumble in six days. Jerry Lawler plugged Psych's James Roday and Dule Hill as guest hosts. They're still plugging Roday for tonight. Cole then paused and asked Lawler if he's ready for this. After a pause, DX's theme music hit. It was a bit unnatural, as if Cole was too much acknowledging the scripted nature of the show. Triple H and Shawn Michaels then came out to the ring flashing glowsticks. They rolled footage from the end of last week when Hunter tossed Michaels over the top rope and they had a stare down to close the show. After the footage rolled, DX did their crotch chops and continued to pose for the audience. That filled four minutes.

After their music stopped, the audience battled out chants of "DX" and "HBK." Hunter then asked the audience if they're ready. Hunter paused and didn't finish his usual saying before asking Michaels where the leprechaun is. Michaels said he's not here because he sent him home. Crowd booed. Michaels said it's serious now. Hunter asked if they're really going to do this now. Michaels said he wants to be clear how much it means to him to win the Rumble and get Taker. He asked Hunter to look at it from his position just once. Michaels wants to end The Streak. Crowd booed. "Is that too much to ask?" Michaels said.

Hunter firmly said it is too much to ask. "It's the Royal Rumble, you damn right it's serious. We've been running around for six months doing jokes and making people laugh. It's over now," Hunter said. He added that it's about winning a title shot and getting in the main event at WrestleMania. Hunter said that should be everyone's goal in this company and if they don't want it, then they shouldn't be in this company. Read-between-the-lines message right there. Hunter said they could eliminate 28 other guys by themselves in the Rumble, but when it comes down to them, he'll step on his friend in order to get to his goal. Michaels grimaced, but said, "I understand." He then walked off to the corner and Hunter nodded. Legacy's music then hit to bring us a Summerslam re-match. Odd to book this without an advertisement. The promo was good, though, to continue to tease tension and establish the importance of the Rumble. Could have used that around Survivor Series.

1 -- Unified tag champions DX (SHAWN MICHAELS & TRIPLE H) vs. LEGACY (CODY RHODES & TED DIBIASE) -- non-title match

Cole plugged DX vs. Punk and Gallows for the tag titles on Smackdown this week. DX and Legacy traded control, then Cole suddenly snapped to attention shouting there's breaking news on the guest hosts on the other side of the break.

[Commercial Break]

They returned from break with Michaels looking for a hot tag and receiving it. He teed off on Cody Rhodes as Lawler asked Cole about the breaking news, which is that James Roday is not here and they "don't know exactly why." Back to the action where Michaels dropped Cody in the corner and teased a top rope elbow, but DiBiase ran interference. Michaels simply adjusted his flight plan and splashed both men on the outside in front of the guardrail. Michaels was slow to re-enter the ring, which allowed Cody to snap off a neckbreaker to cut off Michaels's offensive advantage.


Legacy worked over Michaels for a while, then Cody ran off Hunter from the ring apron. Michaels then tried to get a tag, but Hunter was absent. DiBiase tried to work over Michaels, but Michaels broke free and got the tag to Hunter this time. Hunter then ran over DiBiase before giving Cody a spinebuster. Same for DiBiase. Hunter then had the Pedigree on Cody, but Michaels blind-tagged himself into the match. Cody then shoved Hunter into Michaels and they had a stare down. In the confusion, Michaels turned and dropped DiBiase with sweet chin music. Hunter then ran over Cody with a clothesline and Michaels pinned DiBiase for the win. Afterward, Michaels and Hunter shook hands and settled their differences. Cole plugged the tag title match on Friday night's Smackdown

WINNERS: DX at 10:05. Match served two purposes of continuing to hype Hunter and Michaels as the top acts in the Rumble and teasing tension between DX to give them an "out" if they drop the titles on Smackdown. DiBiase and Cody looked silly at times in the match, but they were simply secondary stars meant to enhance DX here. (*1/2)

Psych sneak peek: They rolled a clip from the season premiere of "Psych" on Wednesday night guest-starring John Cena. ... Announcers: Cole and Lawler plugged MVP vs. Big Show coming up next.

[Commercial Break]

Raw recap: They went back to last week when The Miz interacted with Jon Heder and Don Johnson before MVP interrupted to pick up their feud before Big Show KO'ed MVP.

In-ring: MVP's music hit to bring out as Lawler said he liked Jon Heder last week. Interesting endorsement of the heel guest host. Lawler also sided with Miz in the issue with MVP. Lawler teasing a devil's advocate turn. MVP took the mic and said Miz might be U.S. champion, but he's the #1 contender so he can continue to hide behind guest hosts and his new 500 pound protector and keep running his mouth, but he's eventually going to have to defend the belt. MVP said he'll win because he's straight up ballin'. Cue up Miz's theme music, which led to Miz slowly walking out on stage. Miz said he's not even sure what straight up ballin' is. He asked if that's a euphemism for some unspeakable act from when MVP spent time behind bars. Miz said MVP has been jailed, but these people accept him. And yet they can't stand him. "I am treated like an outsider, like an outcast," Miz said.

[Q3] Miz said while MVP was taking mugshots, he was the star of reality shows. Miz said he was becoming a bigger star than MVP and everyone else in the building. MVP interrupted to say everyone dislikes him because is a jackass. Crowd popped. MVP said Miz isn't a baller, nor will he ever be a baller. MVP suggested Miz would be very popular in jail and the inmates would be fighting for exclusive rights to Miz in jail. MVP asked what kind of relationship he has with Big Show. They had cross talk, which Miz interrupted and shouted he would like to do nothing more than have their title match right now. Miz said he has a friend who wants to make a statement. MVP again questioned the "friend" relationship with Big Show, which brought out Show to face MVP.

2 -- MVP vs. BIG SHOW

MVP had a few glimpses of offense, but Big Show blocked a boot and nailed a chokeslam for a quick win. Post-match: Miz stormed the ring with belt in hand and trash-talked MVP, who sold the chokeslam. Miz then proudly held up his title belt and smirked for the crowd.

WINNER: Big Show at 1:01. Quick squash of MVP one week after Show quickly KO Punched him. Miz is really being emphasized here, which is good. MVP had a decent showing in the pre-match promo to counter the imminent loss, although the "friend" promo verbiage was eye-rolling from the really bad book of DX 2009 and John Cena 2007 promos. (n/a)

Random plug: Mr. McMahon has reached a decision on the status of Bret Hart. Oh yeah, that storyline. They're really presenting it as an after-thought here.

[Commercial Break]

Backstage: Ted DiBiase rubbed his jaw in pain. Cody Rhodes walked in breathing hard, then he thanked DiBiase for sparing him a superkick from Michaels. In walked Randy Orton, who stared them down and talked about the tension the last few months. Orton said after some miracle, they're all three on the same page. Now, they go out there and lose to DX. And Sheamus jumps him last week, but where's his back up? In the locker room arguing. Orton said he's going to beat Sheamus for the WWE Title at the Rumble with or without them.

Elsewhere Backstage: John Cena had his arm around his friend, Dule Hill, and said most people are talking about the season premiere of Psych on Wednesday. Hill said James Dulay had emergency appendectomy and can't be here tonight. Cena said he can relate because he had one before. He encouraged Hill to make tonight his playground. Cena walked off, then there was a knock on the door. In walked The Miz. Miz said he can't believe Psych would waste their time having Cena on the show when they could have had him. Hill said he would have, but - Miz told him not to patronize him because he had to Google his name just to find out who he is. Hill then booked him in a match and knocked the "Really?" bit. He's out.

[Commercial Break]


In-ring: Maryse's music hit to bring out the Divas Title tournament semi-finalist. Maryse took the mic before the match and chuckled to herself before beginning a promo. She said the other tournament finalists are wasting their time. Suddenly, fireworks shot off on the stage. It was Dule Hill messing with the pyro. Maryse didn't appreciate the disrespect. She cut a promo in French on Dule, which led to Eve's music hitting to bring out Eve. Cole recapped the tournament and said Gail Kim vs. Alicia Fox in the other semi-final will happen later in the show.

3 -- MARYSE vs. EVE -- Divas Title semi-final tournament match

Maryse did her cocky "you want some?" gesture at Eve leading to Eve scoring with some early offense. Eve then went for a top rope moonsault, but airballed. Maryse tried to follow with her hair-flipping DDT, but Eve blocked. Maryse then followed up with the hair-flip DDT for the win. Maryse celebrated post-match and got her shine on the way to the finals.

WINNER: Maryse at 2:05 to advance to the finals. Short and sweet with focus on Maryse here. The exchange with Dule Hill was somewhat awkward, but in a way that actually enhanced Maryse's character. She just has "it" right now. (n/a)

Backstage: Vince McMahon was shown talking to a security person backstage. He kind of limped into his McMahon strut with a big grin on his face. Not a traditional suit for McMahon. A little darker than his traditional suit and tie.

[Commercial Break]

ECW plug: "Ezekiel Jackson isn't wasting time putting ECW champ Christian on notice. Are Christian's days as champ numbered?"

In-ring: McMahon's music hit to bring out McMahon, who did a pose on-stage. McMahon then strutted out to the ring as the announcers recapped the opening segment with McMahon and Taker last week, including Taker calling McMahon a coward. McMahon said if Taker were here tonight, he would dare him to come on out here and look him in the eye and say it again. McMahon transitioned to talking about Bret Hart. He said there isn't one good reason to bring Hart back to WWE. He said you buy low and sell high. McMahon said he sold Hart down the river "to WCW" and he was never seen or heard from again. He said everyone forgot about Hart until Shawn Michaels coerced him to bring Hart back. He polled the audience on whether they want to see him bring Hart back, which prompted a "We want Bret" chant.

[Q5] McMahon told the audience to be careful what they ask for. He said he has an announcement. "Bret Hart will never again appear in WWE!" McMahon said to a heel reaction. McMahon said he does what's right for business, but the audience is apparently smarter than he is. He said there must be a whole arena full of billionaires. He sarcastically said since the audience is smarter than he is, he's going to find out. McMahon walked out of the ring and approached a fan, who said he's going to beat his you-know-what. McMahon then walked into the arena and asked the audience if he's afraid of Bret. McMahon made fun of a guy wearing a "Damn" t-shirt. He then hopped back over the guardrail and shot the camera a look as he struggled. McMahon said he built an empire and there is no reason to bring Bret Hart back because he's part of the past. "We want Bret," McMahon said. He said he's concerned with the present and the future. He's not concerned with someone who's "nothing more than a footnote from the past." He sarcastically thanked the audience for their consideration.

Suddenly, John Cena's music hit of all people. Cena getting involved in the storyline with nothing else going on? Cena sternly walked to the ring and entered the ring to approach McMahon mid-ring. McMahon smirked and said if Cena's out here to change his mind, then don't even think about it. Cena said he's not out here for that, but he never had a problem with McMahon until now when he referred to Hart as a used-up piece of gum. Cena said a few months ago, McMahon treated Roddy Piper like he was nothing. Cena sarcastically congratulated him on being successful and he's wearing an ugly purple jacket to prove it. McMahon mocked Cena's wardrobe. Cena got close and said McMahon had a lot of help from people who helped him build this business. He said McMahon gets that idea that human beings, that WWE superstars who work their butts off are just commodities who are kicked to the curb when they hit their expiration date. He named Michaels, Undertaker, and Batista. "I don't even know what you're talking about," McMahon said. Cena said people don't respect McMahon as a man because all he cares about is lining his pocket and feeding his ego.

Cena said McMahon thinks Hart can't make money for him anymore so he brought him on the show and the last image is him kicking Hart in the guts. "You're right you're not a coward; you're pathetic," Cena said. Cena said he doesn't give a damn if McMahon kicks Hart in the gut or shakes his hand, but McMahon will invite Hart to Raw next week. Cena said if McMahon doesn't invite Hart, then he proves to every single person that they are nothing more than a commodity to line McMahon's wallet and serve his ego. Cena said if that's the case, he'll make it through next week, but then there's August 24, 2035 at McMahon's 90th birthday. That got a laugh. Cena said he figures he'll be a chewed-up piece of gum by then and he'll find McMahon, grab him out of his wheelchair, and knock his teeth down his throat. Cena said he hopes he doesn't have to do that, then he walked out of the ring. "That's stupid," McMahon said as Cena walked off. McMahon shouted down at Cena to listen to him. McMahon said he'll invite Hart right here, next week. He said he'll even walk down the aisle and he won't even flinch. McMahon said Cena's all smiles over there, but since Cena wants his presence to be felt, he's booking him in a match tonight. He said Cena's going to be in the ring tonight with the man who humbled him and took the WWE Title from him, Sheamus. Cena smiled and nodded for that announcement. Cue up McMahon's theme music.

JC: That was one heck of a promo exchange right there. Every good storyline has a hint of realism that makes people stand up and take notice. Cena really delivered without being over-the-top, but right on tone, while McMahon played up his always-great egomaniac character. I don't see them building a long-term McMahon vs. Cena feud, but that was a money promo on behalf of every fan who's spent money on a bad PPV product and for every dead wrestler or beat-up wrestler with nothing to show for a career in the business, even if it was scripted to ironically make money for McMahon most-likely at Mania with McMahon vs. Hart. PYB (3): 11:20.

[Commercial Break]


In-ring: The announcers briefly talked about what just happened, then The Miz's music hit to bring out the U.S. champion. Out as Miz's surprise opponent was Kofi Kingston. It's non-title here.

4 -- U.S. champion THE MIZ vs. KOFI KINGSTON -- non-title match

Tough spot for both men right after the big promo exchange between McMahon and Cena. Miz quickly grounded Kofi, but Kofi came back with a pendulum kick strike out of the corner. Kofi followed with a top rope splash to Miz's back for a two count. Kofi then missed with a leaping forearm and Miz hit a combination neckbreaker for a two count of his own. Suddenly, MVP's music hit. No sign of MVP, though. Miz then turned around and took Trouble in Paradise to the face for the pin and the win. Post-match: MVP walked out on stage and stared back at Miz, who smirked at him from inside the ring while checking his jaw. The feud continues.

WINNER: Kofi Kingston at 3:39. Nice little tit-for-tat between Miz and MVP to keep the feud going. Looks like they'll work the feud into the Rumble match, then come out with a U.S. Title match on one of the Raws after the Rumble PPV. Meanwhile, Lawler continues to defend Miz on commentary. Maybe it's something, maybe it's nothing. (*)

Backstage: Carlito, the troublemaker, led Dule Hill into the production truck for a tour. Hill said he messed up with the whole pyro thing. Carlito said Hill should have just come to him first. Hill then played with the graphics and put Carlito in a match. Hill then instructed the graphics man to do his thing with a code, which led to the screen revealing Kelly Kelly in the graphic opposite Carlito as his opponent. Carlito smiled and laughed, but Hill said that wasn't what he wanted. It was an accident, he said. Carlito convinced him to make it happen, though. Carlito went off to stretch before telling Hill they can hang out later. Carlito left the truck, then Hill told the graphics man to carry on.

[Commercial Break]

In-ring: Carlito was still in his street clothes of a polo t-shirt and jeans, this time in the ring. Kelly Kelly's music hit to bring out Kelly, who wasn't very happy with these developments. Suddenly, Santino's music hit as Kelly was halfway down the ramp. Santino stopped on stage and told Kelly Kelly...Kelly...Kelly not to take another step because he holds the Best of Raw 2009 DVD in his hand. "I look stupido...a lot," he said. Santino said he's going to look better in 2010 by taking Kelly's spot and going on to the Royal Rumble by winning the Rumble and earn an express ticket to da WrestleMania. Santino pumped himself up and did a big confident walk, but Jack Swagger jumped Santino from behind. Swagger rolled Santino into the ring and blasted him with a right hand. Swagger then chucked Santino over the top rope to get his payback from two weeks ago. Swagger then took Santino to the outside and slammed him face-first into the ringpost. Swagger did push-ups over Santino's fallen body before doing his over-the-top chest pounding and screaming. More chest-pounding on the way out of the ring.

Announcers: Cole and Lawler plugged Cena vs. Sheamus in the main event still to come.


[Commercial Break]

Announcers: Cole and Lawler talked about Santino having to be helped out during the break, then they introduced the historic Royal Rumble video package full of stats from the history of the Rumble. Always a fun video. They plugged Triple H winning the last time they were in Atlanta for the Rumble. After the stats review, they rolled fast-paced footage highlights set to the official Rumble theme music to get folks hyped for the Rumble. Probably the best PPV hype in some time. Back live, Cole called it WWE's All-Star Game. "This time it counts!" Apparently the Raw brand is the American League. The announcers then broke down the other matches including Sheamus vs. Orton, Taker vs. Mysterio, and Christian vs. Zeke.

Backstage: Cena was talking to Dule Hill, then they plugged "Psych" on Wednesday. Cena said things couldn't get any better with Sheamus tonight. Cena then grabbed a picture of James Roday and put him on speaker. Roday said he's so bummed he couldn't be there, but he should tell Sheamus that Carrot Top and The Berzerker (too soon after the Vikings loss) want their lovechild back. Roday ran off another joke, then Alicia Fox walked in and Roday perked up on the other end of the phone. Hill then hung up on Roday and Alicia asked Hill to predict what's going to happen with Gail Kim tonight. Hill said he sees a Fox standing victorious in the ring. He said he'll even be ringside as her good luck charm. Fox said if he's wrong...then... her voice trailed off as she walked away. Hill asked Cena what that means. Cena said it could mean a Tecmo Super Bowl tournament (awesome), or they could end up in the Golden Corral (not awesome), or it could mean Fox finds Mark Henry, who then removes Hill's appendix (painful). Cena laughed it up, then walked away, leaving Hill concerned.

[Commercial Break]


In-ring: Gail Kim was already in the ring for the Divas Title semi-final match as Dule Hill sat in on commentary. Alicia quickly made her way to the ring to start the match with another match to go tonight.

5 -- GAIL KIM vs. ALICIA FOX -- Divas Title semi-final tournament match

Alicia was aggressive early on, then she shot a look to Dule Hill, who gave her the thumbs up. Gail capitalized on the distraction for a slam and a two count. She followed with forearm strikes and a slam for the pin and the win. Post-match: Alicia slammed the mat in frustration, then slammed her hands on the announce table demanding to know what happened to her victory. Dule tried to calm her down, saying he's just an actor. He said he's not the real psychic and they just need to let it be water under the bridge. Alicia then reared back and popped Dule across the face before storming off. Lawler helped Dule up as he sold the effects.

WINNER: Gail at 1:55. Gail gets a win and she still isn't the focus here. Anyways, it's Gail vs. Maryse in the finals. Date TBA.

Backstage: They showed WWE champion Sheamus slowly walking down the hallway. He has Cena up next.

ECW plug: They announced Christian and Kane vs. Regal and Jackson for ECW with Christian looking to "even the odds" before the Rumble.

[Commercial Break]

Announcers: Cole announced Bret Hart will be live on Raw next week to confront McMahon. Also, William Shatner guest hosts. Lawler excitedly made the plug as Cole referenced Shatner inducting Lawler into the WWE Hall of Fame.

In-ring: Sheamus came out to the ring for the main event non-title match against John Cena. Once Sheamus was in the ring, they paused for Sheamus to stare toward the entrance ramp before Cena's music hit to a strong reaction. Cena then stormed out and charged the ring as Sheamus bailed to the outside for Cena to do his routine. Cole said he's never seen Cena as emotional as he was earlier in the show confronting McMahon, who booked the main event. Cole said McMahon might be right that Sheamus has humbled Cena more than anyone else. Lawler added color to that statement, which certainly helps elevate Sheamus.

[Q9 -- over-run]

6 -- WWE champion SHEAMUS vs. JOHN CENA -- non-title match

Cena hit a traditional Fisherman suplex at the top of the hour, but Sheamus cut him off with a clothesline mid-ring. Sheamus then slowly worked over Cena as the announcers talked about Sheamus backing up every word he's said about taking out Cena. Sheamus knocked Cena off the ring apron with a big strike, then Cena slowly pulled himself back in the ring. He nearly tricked Sheamus into the Attitude Adjustment, but Sheamus slipped out and hit a nice DDT for a two count. Sheamus then hit a standing powerslam for a two count. Sheamus then took Cena to the outside and rammed her into the guardrail. He returned to the ring and told the ref to start counting out Cena. The kids ringside screamed in horror as Cena remained motionless before storming the ring just before ten. Sheamus then missed with an elbow drop and Cena fired off his big comeback. The crowd popped as Cena did his Shuffle routine. He wanted the AA, but Sheamus slipped under Cena and hit a backbreaker across his knee for a two count. Sheamus then stood over Cena and eyeballed Cena for something painful. He wanted the Bicycle Kick, but Cena ducked and rolled into an STF. Sheamus was too close to the ropes, though, and Sheamus escaped. Sheamus rolled to the outside and Cena followed, but Cena ate an emphatic bicycle kick on the floor that took the air out of the building.

Sheamus rolled back into the ring and demanded a count from the ref. Cena sold being KO'ed again, then out of nowhere, Randy Orton stormed the ring and hit the RKO on Sheamus from behind for a DQ. The crowd did a "shocked" reaction here. They didn't buy Orton as a babyface with their reaction. Orton then pounded the mat and stared a hole into Sheamus, who remained out cold on the mat. Cena then tried to get into the ring, but Orton grabbed him and wanted the elevated DDT. Orton took too long, though, and Cena popped to his feet and dropped Orton with the AA. Cena's music hit as both Sheamus and Orton were out cold on the mat with Cena celebrating. How often do both wrestlers in a WWE Title match end up face-down on the mat leading to a PPV title match? After they replayed the ending moments, Cena was shown standing tall in the ring looking down at the fallen Sheamus and Orton to close the show ten minutes past the top of the hour.

WINNER: Sheamus via DQ at 9:50. Strong TV main event to conclude the Rumble hype. Sheamus was presented very well here, as the only reason why he was face-down to close Raw was due to Orton's sneak attack. Cena gave Sheamus a good amount of offense and Sheamus came across like a barbaric, effective heel capable of delivering a beating. Good piece of TV, although it was odd seeing both Orton and Sheamus face-down before their title match at the PPV. The one thing WWE didn't establish was who to root for between Sheamus and Orton on Sunday, which will be rather interesting on the PPV. However, the emphasis at the beginning of Raw was on DX as top Rumble contenders (before they refreshingly disappeared from the show) and the emphasis at the end of Raw was on Cena as a top Rumble contender, as expected. Overall on this show, WWE completed a thumbs up sales pitch for the Rumble getting viewers excited, establishing the top contenders, and creating some tension between two of the big players - Hunter and Michaels. (**)

We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for a "Raw Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of To contribute your thoughts on Raw, email to using our Feedback form.

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PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.

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He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)


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