TV REPORTS CALDWELL'S ROH TV REPORT 6/27: American Wolves vs. Danielson & Black tag title match, Young Bucks's hot debut
Jul 21, 2009 - 5:50:35 PM
By James Caldwell, Torch assistant editor
Ring of Honor TV Report
June 27, 2009
Week 15 on HDNet (third episode of Set Three)
Taped in Philadelphia, Pa.
Opening: Mike Hogewood welcomed us to "The Ring of Honor" on HDNet. Who does he think he is, Ric Flair? Hog and Dave Prazak said there could be a title change with an ROH tag title match on the show tonight.
In-ring: First match was the Fight Without Honor featuring Jimmy Jacobs vs. Delirious. Ring announcer Bobby Cruise put it pretty simply: "there are no rules." Delirious sent Brodie Lee and MsChif to the back, not wanting them part of this. Delirious then came out for the fight.
1 -- DELIRIOUS vs. JIMMY JACOBS -- Fight Without Honor
Hog wanted to know why a referee was there. Prazak said he's just there to count a pin or verify a submission. Match moved to the floor in the opening minute where Jacobs sent Delirious head-first into the guardrail. Delirious came back with a toehold into the guardrail, though, and followed with a running smash. They went to a long shot to cover for Delirious catching 95 percent guardrail and 5 percent Jacobs's head. Jacobs came up busted open as a result. Jacobs recovered, KO'ed Delirious, and chucked a chair into the ring. Back in the ring, Jacobs began a chair attack on Delirious. He slapped on the End Times choke submission, but Delirious didn't give up. Jacobs then pulled out his spike, but Delirious moved and the top turnbuckle ate the spike. Poor buckle. Delirious went up top, but Jacobs grabbed the chair and tossed it onto Delirious's head.
Fight continued with a battle on the ring apron as they teetered near a table on the floor. Jacobs then tried a dive, but Delirious moved and Jacobs flew through the ropes into the table. It didn't break, though, so Delirious went up top and nailed the Shadows over Hell splash through the table. Thankfully, that was the finish, as Delirious dragged Jacobs into the ring to score a pin for the win. Afterward, Jacobs grabbed the spike and the fans chanted "Dis-a-pointment." He then stabbed himself with the spike as he began his self-destruction.
WINNER: Delirious in 10:00. Good gimmick match with a decisive finish. Well done. Delirious looked strong in victory while ROH played up a storyline of Jacobs having to regroup to find his next direction. Good blow-off to the feud. (**1/4)
Backstage: Kyle Durden brought in Bryan Danielson and Tyler Black to talk about going after the tag titles on the show. BD said they don't have t be best friends to win tag titles. He said they already pushed the American Wolves to the limit in a 45-minute draw, but tonight they win the titles. Black said they have the same goal tonight of winning. He vowed to take the gold and their heads. Bold prediction.
Video: Dark City Fight Club highlighted. ... Promo: Young Bucks were shown on camera for their ROH TV debut. Nick and Matt talked about bringing a shot of adrenaline to ROH tonight. After all, they deliver more bang for your buck. Sweetness. YB debut.
Sal's team tried to jump the Young Bucks before the bell, but YB knocked them to the floor and landed a double team combo splash on the floor. Back in the ring, Sal & Day cut off Matt and began working him over. Chris Day tagged in and kept working over Matt before Nick took a tag. Nick came in hot with aerial moves before landing a face jam on Day. Rinauro took a kneebuster into a neckbreaker/backbreaker combo. Nick then blasted Day with a superkick followed by a 450 splash and moonsault combo. Nick with the cover on Day for the win.
WINNERS: Young Bucks in 3:00. Nice to see the California tag team with a good showing after getting through the mandatory portion of the match with the heels working over the Bucks. Nick and Matt were awesome at the end with the double-team combos. (*1/4)
Backstage: Kyle Durden brought in Claudio Castagnoli. Claudio said he's already beaten Brent Albright twice, but now he wants to embarrass something Albright stands for. He has a great idea for a Flag match. (This match was supposed to air on the Fourth of July, but was skipped due to preemption.)
Bret Hart promo: They plugged Bret Hart coming to Toronto on July 24.
[Commercial Break]
June 13 NYC promo: They aired a clip from backstage of the June 13 live show in NYC when Austin Aries won the ROH Title. Aries said nobody likes a bragger, but he's going to keep on toot, tooting his horn. A Double says things are about to change.
Backstage: An abrupt cut to a backstage pre-tape with Durden talking to the American Wolves about their tag title match against Danielson and Black on this week's show. Danielson said he's a God-fearing man, but he doesn't fear DB. Eddie Edwards said he respects all their athleticism and wrestling ability, but tonight, it's not about respect, but the World tag titles. He said neither one of them are 100 percent focused on taking the belts from the Wolves. He said there's a food chain in ROH with them at the top. More hunt/hunter/prey/food analogies.
In-ring: Ernie Osiris was practically dragged out to the ring by Prince Nana. Brent Albright came out as the opposition for this squash match. Albright sporting a trucker hat trying to look more "good ol' boy" to add some depth to his character.
Osiris tried to subdue Albright with a whiff of his armpit, but Albright blasted him with a clothesline. Albright just started toying around with Osiris before giving him a half-nelson suplex. Albright took Dirty Ernie out of his misery with the pin for the win. Post-match: Durden entered the ring and asked Albright if he accepts the flag match on the next show. Albright said he's proud to be an American. He cut a "founding fathers" promo about Philadelphia. Albright told Claudio to bring the Swiss flag and he'll bring the stars and stripes.
WINNER: Albright in 2:00. Just a squash for Albright to set up the flag match. Not sure how much "patriotism" goes over with jaded, insider wrestling fans, but Albright has a purpose on TV right now, and that's a good thing. (n/a)
Programming note: They said there's no show on July 4. ROH resumes in two weeks with a six-man tag with Jerry Lynn & Erick Stevens & Kenny Omega vs. Austin Aries & Kenny King & Rhett Titus, plus the flag match.
In-ring: Tyler Black came out first for the TV main event. Bryan Danielson came out second as his partner, then Nigel McGuinness interrupted in a suit. Nigel played the "too cool for school" heel and took the mic. He said he couldn't sit in the back without wishing them good luck. Nigel looked at them and said they need to trust each other, but he looks at them and sees no trust right now. Nigel wished them luck. American Wolves then came out to defend the tag titles. With both teams in the ring, fans did the BD chant of "You're going to get your f'n head kicked in." Teams went face-to-face and Black pointed out he could see right over the top of Richards, who stands about six inches shorter in the comparison.
4 -- ROH tag team champions AMERICAN WOLVES (DAVEY RICHARDS & EDDIE EDWARDS w/Shane Hagadorn and Sara Del Rey) vs. BRYAN DANIELSON & TYLER BLACK -- ROH tag title match
After the initial feeling-out process, Danielson and Black took turns working over the heel Richards. Black with a series of right hand chops, then Danielson slapped on a Mexican surfboard in center ring. Crowd did the "whoa...whOA...WHOA" cheer along with Danielson rocking Richards back and forth. Danielson followed with an elbow strike before settling into a knee vice on the mat. Danielson tried to force a submission, but Edwards broke it up. Wolves ended up on the floor and Danielson landed a suicide dive through the ropes, sending the champs into the guardrail.
Back in the ring at 10:00, Richards blocked a top rope splash with a mid-air dropkick. Heels then began working over Danielson in center ring. Danielson tried to fire up a comeback, but Richards kicked him in the back from the apron. He then countered a double-team attempt with a double-foot dropkick to the chest. Black took a hot tag and the action broke down into a four-way battle. Danielson came off the top with a double foot dropkick on the champs, then Danielson hit a running kick for Black to make a cover for a two count. Black attempted a top rope Phoenix Splash, but Richards moved. Action broke down again with Richards kick-striking Black leading to a sick double team powerbomb and backstabber combo. Hagadorn was sweating on the outside at this point. All four men were then knocked down on the mat to set up the finish.
All four men to their feet at 17:00 with Edwards on Danielson and Richards on Black. Danielson applied a triangle choke and Black had a pin on Richards, but Richards reached the ropes for a break. Black went back up top for the Phoenix Splash, but he slipped on the top rope when Danielson appeared to shake the ropes accidentally working on Edwards. Black argued with Danielson, then Richards rolled up Black from behind and hooked the tights for the pin and the win.
Post-match: Black and Danielson were set to blow up on each other in an argument, but Black settled down and asked for a handshake. Danielson paused, then slapped Black across the ring and left the ring. Black kicked the ropes in disgust as Danielson vowed to get Black one-on-one. End show.
WINNERS: American Wolves in 18:00. Very good tag match. Featured the usual ROH tag spots where the action breaks down, all four men are in the ring Texas Tornado-style, and there's no sense of order or rule application, but the action was very impressive. Nice storyline development with Black vs. Danielson after trying to put aside their differences. Nice conclusion to this set of ROH TVs leading to the next series. (***1/2)
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
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