TV REPORTS CALDWELL'S WWE SUPERSTARS REPORT 5/21: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of Jericho vs. Punk, Christian vs. Dreamer
May 21, 2009 - 8:20:44 PM
By James Caldwell, Torch assistant editor
WWE Superstars TV Report
May 21, 2009 - Week 6
Taped the Week of May 18
After the WWE Superstars video montage started the broadcast, ECW announcers Josh Mathews and Matt Striker introduced this week's Superstars. Out came ECW champion Christian to defend his title in the opening match. After they recapped Christian's match against Paul Burchill on ECW TV two nights ago, Tommy Dreamer came out to challenge Christian for the title. "Thanks," Dreamer mouthed to Christian for the title shot. Tony Chimel handled the formal ring intros prior to the match starting.
Slow, but good opening with the wrestlers feeling each other out. Dreamer went after the injured knee from his ECW TV match, then Christian knocked Dreamer to the outside. Christian missed a dive, though, and gripped the knee. Dreamer took advantage with a cannonball dive off the apron leading to a commercial.
[Commercial Break]
Back from break, Dreamer had Christian in a knee bar on the mat. Christian tried to counter with an inside cradle, but Dreamer escaped. Very quiet match call from Striker and Mathews again. Annoyingly quiet. Like I keep hearing the humming of the arena's fan insulation in the background during restholds. Dreamer wanted a bulldog at 9:00, but Christian ducked and slammed Dreamer for a two count. They went into a pinning exchange at 10:00 with Dreamer nearly scoring a three count that even got a reaction from Mathews. Christian then gingerly went up top, but Dreamer cut him off and landed a superplex.
Both men exchanged control, then Christian landed the pendulum kick out of the corner before going up top again. He wanted a diving headbutt, but Dreamer rolled out of the way in time. Jack Swagger then came down to ringside dressed to wrestle. Dreamer stared down Swagger, then Christian attacked Dreamer from behind. Christian turned his attention to Swagger, who jumped to the apron. Christian yanked him inside the ring and the ref called for the bell. No Contest was the official ruling, which pleased Swagger after he ruined the match. Christian and Dreamer shook, but Dreamer pulled the title belt back to show Christian he still wants the title.
WINNER: No Contest in 12:00. Looks like the set-up for a three-way title match at Extreme Rules. This was a very frustrating match on TV. Live, it was probably better. Announcers were asleep for most of the match, they acted like they didn't even care about the finish, and it was just like, "oh, well, Dreamer didn't win the match, no worries he only has three weeks left in WWE in the storyline." Announcers came across like they didn't care and they didn't build up the significance of the moment. (*1/2)
[Commercial Break]
Superstars video: They gave us a word on Jack Swagger with quick highlight footage of Swagger in action and talking about being bigger, stronger, and faster than everyone else.
Backstage: Josh Mathews woke up and brought in Chris Jericho backstage. Jericho guaranteed victory over Rey Mysterio at J-Day, which Mathews wanted to talk about, but Jericho said everyone has his words twisted like a typical media drone. He wants to talk about C.M. Punk tonight. Jericho said Punk believes his MITB briefcase is his ticket to greatness, but it's a lie. He said greatness is defined by being the best in the world at what you do. Therefore, greatness is defined by Chris Jericho. Punk will have his brush with greatness tonight. He sneered at Mathews before leaving.
[Commercial Break]
In-ring: Kofi Kingston came out first for Raw's feature match with Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler ringside. Cole said it was nice to see Lawler back ringside after the "incident" on Monday. Funny listening to them talk in general terms since they taped this match before Raw when the "incident" with The Miz took place that KO'ed Lawler. William Regal then came out to face Kofi.
Kofi had a big smile, which Regal tried to wipe off his face. Announcers talked about Kofi trying to move up the ladder on Raw past Regal, which Regal has taken umbrage to. Apparently that's the only purpose to the match other than the basic idea of putting two stars on TV to give them in-ring exposure and focus for five-to-ten minutes. Would be nice to see an actual storyline "pecking order" rankings that WWE could point to on a weekly basis where a wrestler wins a feature TV match and moves up the storyline rankings to earn more title match or main event opportunities. Something tangible to give a basic singles match like this a purpose. Back to the action where Regal played to the crowd after a nice move, but he allowed Kofi to wake up. Regal then walked right into the Buzzsaw Kick and Kingston made the cover for the win.
WINNER: Kingston in 5:00. Fine singles match. Regal was aggressive and Kofi showed off his high-flying arsenal. Good mid-card showcase, but, like I said, no real purpose other than getting two guys on TV. (*1/4)
Backstage: They showed C.M. Punk walking around with the briefcase in hand. Main event up next.
[Commercial Break]
Special video package: WWE aired mainstream clips from the "Denver Debacle," including Jonathan Coachman on ESPN. Lots of use of the ESPN coverage and Vince McMahon appearing on ESPN. Anti-Stan Kroenke rhetoric. Lots of newspaper clipping headlines were shown. They showed a tale of the tape for Vince McMahon vs. Kroenke. David Stern was shown talking from the NBA Draft Lottery. McMahon said they're going to have a lot of fun with Mr. McMahon vs. Kroenke.
Announcers: Jim Ross talked about the Five on Five tag match on Raw. Graphic, as I wrote yesterday, had the Lakers as the babyfaces and Nuggets as the heels. Ross also talked about Vince McMahon calling out Kroenke next week. ... In-ring: Chris Jericho came to the ring for the Superstars main event, then C.M. Punk.
Loud chant for Punk after the opening bell. Punk fired off an elbow smash early on, then Jericho tried to roll to the floor, but Punk brought him back into the ring and kicked him square in the chest. Crowd from Louisville on Monday night was hot for the action. Jericho then hid behind the ref and he used the momentary distraction to thumb Punk in the eye to gain an advantage. Crowd hot trying to rally Punk, who came back with a modified tarantula in the corner. Paging Tajiri. Punk then landed a springboard clothesline for a two count. He teased the G2S, but Jericho elbowed out and kicked Punk in the leg to cut off Mr. MITB. Punk rolled to the apron to recover, then Jericho landed a springboard dropkick to clear Punk to the floor. Jericho smirked to the crowd leading to break.
[Commercial Break]
Back from break, Jericho wrapped up Punk in the abdominal stretch. Almost miss the old ab stretch spot where the heel grabs the ropes once, ref doesn't see it, grabs it a second time, ref doesn't see it, then grabs it a third time, and the ref sees it. Always a great spot. I think D.H. Smith tried that on Tuesday, but he wasn't close enough to the ropes. Jericho then missed with a corner charge and Punk fired back with kick strikes all over the body. Punk landed a leaping leg whip, then a high knee in the corner, and running bulldog, but Jericho kicked out at two. Great sequence.
Punk then went up top in a hurry and nailed a crossbody block, but Jericho kicked out again. Punk went back to kick strikes, but Jericho landed a running enziguiri. Nice. He made a cover, but Punk kicked out. Punk came back with another G2S attempt, but Jericho slipped out. Jericho then tried to nail the Lionsault, but Punk had it scouted with the electric chair. He tried to transfer into G2S, but Jericho slipped down into a Walls of Jericho attempt. Punk countered it right into a small package for the three count and the win. Awesome.
Post-match: Punk celebrated, then turned around and took a codebreaker from Jericho. "A colossal cheap shot," Ross said. Punk was out cold as Jericho glared down at Punk and was greeted with a "you suck" chant. Jericho then walked out of the ring as the ref checked on Punk. Ross narrated a clip of the finish, where he broke down Jericho feeding his head that allowed Punk to score the small package for the win. That simple addition to the call is why Ross is so valuable to WWE's presentation.
WINNER: Punk in 14:00. What a match. Excellent work from both men and some great nearfalls, counters, and reversals that the audience was totally sold out for. Jericho has been a star in the ring his last two matches despite taking losses. Lesson in there about how to stand out as a top worker even if you're booked to lose. (***1/2)
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PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
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