TV REPORTS PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 1/23: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of the show, including Triple H vs. Kozlov
Jan 23, 2009 - 9:00:35 PM
by Greg Parks, PWTorch Contributor
WWE Smackdown review
January 23, 2009
Taped 1/13/09 in Omaha, Neb.
Aired on MyNetwork TV
Report by Greg Parks, Torch Team Contributor
-WWE Open.
-The show opened with a recap of Jeff’s missteps over the past few weeks, including Edge’s comments during his Cutting Edge segment last week and the fireworks getting the better of Jeff.
-The show opened with the camera on Jim Ross and Tazz at the announce table. JR said Hardy was “battered, bruised and burned” but he’s doing OK. Tazz said someone tampered with the fireworks. JR plugged an exclusive interview he conducted with Hardy earlier in the week that will air later tonight.
-Edge came to the ring. He looked a bit distraught. The first thing he said was that he had nothing to do with what happened to Jeff Hardy last week. Edge said he, in fact, admires Jeff in that he’s still willing to face Edge at the Rumble. Edge did say that he made the biggest mistake of his life and will pay with the WWE Championship. He said he didn’t want Hardy to have any excuses come Rumble time, because a true champion never makes excuses. Edge said he didn’t need to stoop to being behind the things that have happened to Jeff, because he can beat Jeff on his own. In the middle of his speech, Matt Hardy ran out to the ring and commenced a beat-down on Edge. Edge escaped through the crowd and Matt chased after him.
[Commercial Break]
-They showed highlights of MVP beating Big Show last week, with the help of Triple H. Tonight, as punishment, he gets to face Vladimir Kozlov.
Man, the U.S Champion didn’t even get an entrance. I miss JR calling him “athletically annoying” or whatever he used to say. This is a re-match from I believe two weeks ago. Undertaker hit with some strikes early on. Benjamin fired back with rights of his own. Taker caught Shelton with a big boot for two. Taker’s barrage was halted when Shelton prevented Taker from getting to the top rope for old school. Soon after that, more offense ensued from Taker. Shelton avoided a big boot in the corner, and that miss propelled the Dead Man over the top rope and to the outside. Shelton broke the referee’s ten-count and went back outside to do more damage. Back in the ring, it took an all-out effort from Shelton to suplex Taker over. Shelton grabbed a sleeper hold in the middle of the ring. Taker was able to back-suplex out of it. Both got back to a vertical base and traded soup-bones with Undertaker not surprisingly winning that battle. Taker hit a couple corner clotheslines, then snake eyes and a big boot. Leg-drop garnered him a two-count. This time, Taker got to the top rope for Old School, but Benjamin kicked his leg out from under his leg and Taker fell crotch-first onto the buckle. Benjamin suplexed Taker off the top rope and got a near-fall. Shelton went off the ropes and got caught in a chokeslam. Benjamin countered with a DDT for two. Taker shrugged off Paydirt, but a spin-kick by Benjamin found the mark and he got another near-fall. Nice to have a long match not interrupted by a commercial break. Shelton was on top of Taker pounding away. He turned his attention to referee Chad Patton for a second, which allowed Taker to look in Hell’s Gate. Shelton immediately submitted.
WINNER: Undertaker, at 9:19. Another solid match between these two. Would’ve liked to have seen a Shelton win, even if it was by nefarious circumstances as I don’t see them having Taker lose cleanly on Smackdown.
-Great Khali is in action next, then later on, an exclusive interview with Jeff Hardy.
[Commercial Break]
-An Umaga video package aired, promoting his return. Perhaps as a Rumble participant?
-Chavo Guerrero was in the ring with a mic. He said he hears what Triple H says about him, about how he’s a go-fer. That’s begging for a chant. He said he’s a go-getter, a Guerrero, a Mexican Warrior. He said he handles Vickie’s problems and he has nothing but love and appreciation for her. He said Khali is trying to embarrass his family and his family name. Khali then came out for the match.
Oh man, I can’t wait to get WWE’s latest entrance theme CD for Khali’s music! Actually, it does have a good beat to it. Chavo tried kicking at Khali’s legs, but Khali caught a punch and went to work on Chavo. JR and Tazz talked about Khali being in the Rumble though according to, he hasn’t officially entered. Chavo did get some more offense in, but a Khali chop put an end to that. Punjabi Plunge ended things (though fans were chanting “One More Time”).
WINNER: Khali, at 1:50.
-Edge complained about Matt Hardy attacking him and said he needs more security for tonight, but Vickie stopped him and said he’s facing Matt tonight in a no-DQ match. Edge accused Vickie of thinking he was behind what happened to Jeff. Vickie simply told Edge to “man up.”
-“Shocking footage” about what happened to Vince McMahon on Raw will be shown later tonight.
[Commercial Break]
-Maryse came to the ring, making her first appearance on Smackdown since her injury several weeks ago. They showed highlights of Maryse defeating Michelle McCool for the Divas Title last month. I guess she’s doing some guest commentary for the next match. This should be interesting.
One of the Bellas got the better of Michelle, until Michelle pulled her leg out from under her as she was standing on the middle rope. All of a sudden, Maria came out and attacked Michelle, causing a DQ.
WINNERS: McCool & Natalya, at :48. Hate to see Natalya used as background fodder like this, but it’s necessary to advance the Michelle vs. Maria feud.
Michelle and Maria continued brawling as Michelle kicked Maria right in the head to end things. Maryse was decent enough on commentary, saying she couldn’t wait to fight Michelle again.
-The Jeff Hardy interview is airing next.
[Commercial Break]
-They showed the sit-down interview JR (in blue jeans!) conducted with Jeff Hardy. They again showed what happened to Hardy last week. Apparently, Jeff has requested this interview. He said what happened last week was no accident and that he knows who’s involved. JR said an investigation showed that someone tampered with the fireworks. Jeff said the run-in with a car and his being attacked in the stairwell were both assault, someone trying to stop him from living his dream. Jeff addressed Edge through the camera and said Edge can’t stop him. Jeff said mistakes are his sanctuary, where he learns and grows. Jeff said he’s been an outcast his whole life and Edge won’t stop what drives him. Hardy said he wasn’t afraid, then asked Edge if he was. Good interview from Hardy....he’s still not great, but he’s getting better. I think he’s suited better for these types of interviews, too.
-Edge came out for his match with Matt Hardy, which will be next.
[Commercial Break]
-Another Vladimir Kozlov training video aired. Sadly, he did not belly-to-belly suplex any punching bags this week. He did headbutt through a piece of wood though.
Edge was chased around the ring by Matt and the violence started on the outside. Matt clotheslined Edge twice in the corner, but Edge threw Matt out of the ring. He missed a baseball slide and Matt pulled up the ringside mat. Matt didn’t get to use that to his advantage though, as Edge got some offense in. Matt then tossed Edge back in the ring and went fishing for a weapon under the ring. A slight “ECW” chant started up as he got a garbage can and brought it into the ring. Drop-toe hold from Edge, who greeted Matt with a trash can to the head. Edge then took the top of the trash can and wailed Matt in the face with it. He got on top of Matt and punched him in the head. Edge eventually went to the outside and got a kendo stick. Matt avoided a shot, took it from Edge and used it on him. On the outside, Matt tried to clothesline Edge against the ring post but Edge moved and Hardy ran into it. Edge missed a chairshot on Matt against the post and Matt whipped Edge into the steel ring steps. For all the complaints about Matt’s gut growing, he is wrestling with his shirt on here. Mark Henry tried to interfere by beating up Matt, but Hardy dodged him. Back in the ring, Matt hit the Twist of Fate on Edge but Hardy only got a two count thanks to interference from Jack Swagger. Henry then came in the ring and hit the World’s Strongest Slam on Hardy. They picked Hardy up and held him while Edge speared him for the win.
WINNER: Edge, at 6:23. Good enough six-minute garbage brawl. The ending made sense too, to build up Swagger vs. Hardy for the title. Don’t know how Henry fits in, other than Matt beat him for the title.
-JR threw it to a preview of “The Wrestler,” with highlights and comments from Darren Aronofsky and Mickey Rourke. It only lasted about 30-45 seconds, but still, weird seeing it on the show. The movie is also up on’s front page, with WWE personnel giving their thoughts on the movie. Perhaps Vince has softened his stance on the film (if the rumors that he hated it are true), or he’s agreed to some sort of partnership with the makers of the movie.
-Triple H vs. Vlad Kozlov is still to come.
[Commercial Break]
Tag champs vs. tag champs? That should be a big deal, yet this is the first we’re hearing of it (unless you went to Perhaps it’s WWE’s ambivalence toward the tag division that prevented this match from getting notoriety. Miz and Carlito started the match off. Carlito and Primo did some double-teaming on Miz, but after Primo tagged in, Miz got a kneelift in. Morrison tagged in and Primo caught him with a hurricanrana. More double-teaming from the Colons. Carlito ended up crotch-first in the middle buckle after a charge, leaving me to wonder what that move would’ve been if Morrison HADN’T gotten out of the way. Carlito used his athleticism to avoid Miz and tag Primo. JR called Carlito “Carly” at one point in commentary before correcting himself. Miz was kicking away at Primo in the middle of the ring as the show went to break.
[Commercial Break]
Primo got a near-fall as the show returned. Morrison worked at trying to keep Primo away from his corner. Suplex by Miz, then a neck vice for Primo. Primo got a jaw-breaker to break out, but Miz still prevented Primo from making a tag. Miz attempted a corner clothesline, but Primo exploded out and the two ended up double clotheslining each other. Both men made tags and Carlito hit his usual array of offense on Morrison, including the springboard back-elbow and a monkey flip where Morrison landed on his face. Primo and Miz both got involved and primo dove through the ropes and onto Miz on the outside. Carlito ran into an elbow and Morrison hit a springboard kick to the head (and a beauty), for two as Primo interrupted. Miz came in and tossed Primo out of the ring and Carlito threw Miz out. Morrison and Carlito traded roll-ups, then Morrison hit a knee to the seated Carlito’s head. Carlito avoided a Moonlight Drive and whipped Morrison into the buckle. Miz tagged him there and Carlito, who didn’t see the tag, hit the Backstabber on Morrison and made the cover. Miz snuck in and rolled Carlito up for three.
WINNERS: Miz & Morrison, at 12:46. They made the Colons look better than I thought they would, including giving them a visual pinfall on Morrison. A good traditional tag-match with two traditional WWE tag teams, which is rare in and of itself.
-Coming up next, footage of what happened to Mr. McMahon on Raw.
[Commercial Break]
-What amounted to a Raw Rebound aired, with highlights of the main event segment.
-JR and Tazz previewed the Royal Rumble PPV.
-Vladimir Kozlov came out for his match against HHH. That’s coming up next.
[Commercial Break]
Kozlov ran into a boot and The Game immediately tried to Pedigree him to no avail. Kozlov backed Trips into the corner and laid in some shoulders to the gut. Triple H came back with a clothesline over the top rope. Kozlov put some more shoulders into HHH’s gut on the outside. He then tried to ram Triple H’s shoulder into the ring post, but HHH avoided it and sent Kozlov into it. Vickie Guerrero came out to interrupt. She said something slipped her mind for this match. She said this is in fact a handicap match, and the other opponent for HHH is the Big Show. Triple H looked on with anger as Show made his way to the ring.
[Commercial Break]
We’ll call this a continuation of the original match. Back from break, Show and Triple H faced off. HHH took Show off his feet, but not for long. Show speared HHH as he came off the rope. Kozlov tagged in and was summarily taken down with a high knee. Kozlov did catch The Game with a powerslam for two. Big Show came back in and hammered away with right hands to the gut of Triple H. Show continued the offensive onslaught. After Kozlov came in, he and HHH traded fisticuffs in the middle of the ring, then Kozlov hit a fall-away slam. Show went to the middle rope, but missed a Vader Bomb. Triple H went to the middle rope and jumped into a chokeslam. Show hit it but HHH kicked out at two. Kozlov came in but HHH DDT’d him. Spinebuster by The Cerebral Assassin. He fought off Show and tried to get a Pedigree set up, but Show hit him in the back of the head. Uranage by Kozlov, who got the pin.
WINNERS: Show & Kozlov, at 13:48. Good victory for Kozlov, for I think he’s gotten cold after the Survivor Series. And props to HHH for taking the loss in the Last Man Standing Match against Show and then getting pinned by Kozlov this week.
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Greg Parks has been covering Smackdown for since January of 2007. You can also hear him every-other-week in the post-Raw audio show Monday nights in the Torch VIP audio section. Check out his column each week in the PDF-exclusive version of the Torch Newsletter. Comments, questions and feedback is welcome, and can be sent to
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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