TV REPORTS CALDWELL'S TNA IMPACT REPORT 10/9: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of Spike TV broadcast
Oct 9, 2008 - 10:00:43 PM
By James Caldwell, PWTorch columnist
TNA Impact on Spike TV
October 9, 2008
Taped Sept. 30 in Orlando, Florida
Report by James Caldwell, Torch columnist
The show started with Jeremy Borash sitting across the table from Jeff Jarrett in his office to get his thoughts on facing Kurt Angle at Bound for Glory in three days. Jarrett stacked the deck against himself pointing out that he hasn't been in the ring in two years, while Angle wrestles around the world. He's not having seconds thoughts, though. But, of course, it's personal now. Yes, everything is personal. Borash then spotted Kurt Angle's Olympic gold medal sitting on the desk. Jarrett grabbed it and said he has big plans for it tonight. ... It's Three Days to Glory tonight.
Impact Zone: After Tenay and West broke down the Bound for Glory card, Christian Cage came to the ring. Tenay said Christian might decide his allegiance tonight between the old guys vs. the young guys. Funny how history re-writes itself with Samoa Joe called a TNA original when he wasn't in TNA until well after the Wednesday night PPVs. In any event, Christian started his promo by saying he doesn't need to pick a side in old vs. young. Booker T's music interrupted, then Booker walked out with Sharmell for word.
Booker used his African accent this week to talk to Christian about taking A.J. Styles to another level, making him who he is today. And now only ting (that's how he said it) he wants is to push Christian out of the spotlight. A.J. Styles interrupted, then out walked Styles to confront Christian and Booker. Styles said Booker is manipulating him and pulling his strings like a little puppet. He asked Booker if it's about respect or spotlight. Styles cut off Booker from responding because he's tired of Booker's ridiculous accent. Booker told Christian that he doesn't respect them. He called Booker a washed-up has been who better step out of his face. They argued back and forth and back and forth to dead silence, then Jim Cornette interrupted.
Tenay interjected some canned line about this getting interesting, then Cornette stepped in the ring. He said he's listening to all of them throwing out insults and such, but no one is backing them up. Cornette went with Booker vs. Styles, and Booker shouted that he did not show up to wrestle tonight. Cornette said too bad. He then booked Christian as special referee to find out what side he's on. Booker tried to get one last plea in with Christian, who slowly slipped out of the ring.
Earlier today: Borash caught up with Sting/Steve Borden somewhere in the building. Borden said this match against Samoa Joe at Bound for Glory will be his biggest match ever. Biggest of his life. Wow. Over-selling just a bit? Sting said it's not just the TNA Title on the line, but he's representing people all over the world and the U.S. who have been disrespected. He said he's taking a stand. Borash asked Sting what happens if he doesn't win. Sting said that's not an option.
[Commercial Break]
1 -- RHINO vs. CUTE KIP JAMES (w/Angelina Love and Velvet Sky) -- No DQ match
Kip stalled on the outside, so Rhino took the fight to him to start things off. Rhino wanted to use a table early on, but Kip cut him off and went on the offensive. Beautiful Peeps became involved by choking Rhino on the bottom rope while Kip had the ref distracted. Announcers were so into the action that they just went on plugging the PPV instead of being outraged by the blatant interference creating an unfair playing field for Rhino. Kip then accepted the brown paper bag, but Rhino fought off Kip and started his comeback on Kip. Rhino with an inside-out clothesline, then he went to the floor and retrieved a table. Rhino landed a belly-to-belly suplex in center ring, then he wanted the Gore through the table, but Kip moved and Rhino stopped short. Angelina then hooked Rhino's legs and Velvet sprayed stuff in his eyes for a temporary blinding. Kip then speared Rhino through the table for the pin and the win.
Afterward, Velvet and Angelina tried to inflict more damage on Rhino, but ODB and Rhaka Khan made the save wielding chairs. Ladies bailed, leaving Kip to smile and duck out of the ring to fight another day.
WINNER: Kip in 5:00. Fine. Not memorable, but it advanced the storyline with the Beautiful Peeps in the knockouts main event picture. Just not the same intrigue as when Gail Kim is involved, but it's fine. (1/2*)
[Commercial Break]
Backstage: Borash caught up to Kurt Angle and told him about Jarrett's big plans with the gold medal. Angle said Jarrett is just like his old man using his brain like he uses his anklelock. He said he's going to sit back tonight and let Jeff make the first move.
Impact Zone: Petey Williams came out first for a four-way #1 contender match to the X Division Title. Tenay then blatantly just recapped exactly what we just watched, as if we're oblivious. Sonjay Dutt then came out with So Cal Val, who was in a stunning lavender dress. Jay Lethal came out next, not exactly happy with Dutt and Val making out in the ring. Creed rounded out the field.
2 -- PETEY WILLIAMS vs. SONJAY DUTT (w/So Cal Val) vs. JAY LETHAL vs. CONSEQUENCES CREED -- #1 contender match to the X Division Title
Winner gets Bashir for the belt at the PPV. Glad to see such great build-up to an X Division Title match. Dutt wanted a kiss from Val early on, ya know, since they're still in the honeymoon phase, so Lethal dropkicked him in the face. Back in the ring, Dutt and Lethal battled until Petey gave Lethal the codebreaker. Lots of posing for the hard camera here. West jumped on that and said you can't delay in a four-way match with so much going on. Dutt and Petey decided to work together, but Dutt turned on Petey. Unfortunately, Petey had it scouted and he tossed Dutt to the outside. Lethal then clotheslined Petey and gave him an enziguiri for a nearfall at 3:00. It's worth noting that Dutt is awesome. Back to the action where Petey teased the Destroyer on several folks, but rapid-fire action ensued with men flying everywhere. Creed finally secured Dutt with a backslide for the pin and the win.
WINNER: Creed in 5:00. Really could have stretched that out to ten minutes, as they packed in a ton of moves into a little amount of time. Good action, though. (*1/2)
Backstage: Lauren brought in Sheik Abdul Bashir for his thoughts on facing Consequences Creed at the PPV. Bashir said he's looking forward to taking out someone who bathes himself in the red, white, and blue. He said "he" took my wife, kids, and American dream. Bashir said Lady America tortures him with her promises, and now he will torture Creed in a much, much, much more physical way at the PPV.
[Commercial Break]
Karen's Angle: Karen brought in Mock Foley to talk about whatever he wants to talk about. Foley said his nerves were really in effect last week, and he feels like this is a place where he can make a difference where he couldn't in WWE. Foley said being part of a group of older guys in the locker room inspires him. He talked about Angle vs. Jarrett for his special enforcer role. Foley talked about the emotionally-charged action between Angle and Jarrett, then offered advice for Jarrett to not let his emotions get the best of him. He said he hopes to be a mentor of sorts for Jarrett so he can learn from his own mistakes.
Impact Zone: Tenay and West broke down the PPV card for the "biggest PPV ever"... until next month. More hyperbole with Tenay saying Angle vs. Jarrett is the most personal feud ever in TNA history.
Backstage: Borash brought in Rhino for a word. Rhino shoved Borash away and took the mic. He said Kip will just be the appetizer at the PPV before he sets up tables in the corner to play a vicious game of Gore the Whore. Well, that's uplifting from the...babyface?
[Commercial Break]
Video package: They showed clips of Mongo McMichael announcing himself as special referee for the Monster's Ball match. He said the deal is going to be the most barbaric, hardcore match ever. McMichael said four teams, weapons, and himself means complete chaos.
Impact Zone: Beer Money, Inc. came to the ring for a non-title duel. Matt Morgan, then Abyss came out as the opposition. Before the match, Team 3D came out dressed in street clothes with weapons in hand. They scared off the teams in the ring, then joined commentary with Tenay and West.
3 -- TNA tag team champions BEER MONEY, INC. (ROBERT ROODE & JAMES STORM w/Miss Jackie) vs. MATT MORGAN & ABYSS -- non-title match
West was great with a dry response that he's so excited to have Ray and Devon on commentary. Tenay asked Ray about Mongo being in the Monster's Ball match. He said he doesn't quite understand why Mongo is needed when there really is no order to be restored in the MB match. To the action where Roode and Storm cut the legs out from under Morgan to begin working on Morgan. Abyss then took a tag, but they did the ole spot where the ref didn't see the tag. They ran through the motions on that one, so it didn't build much heat for the eventual hot tag to Abyss at 4:00. Abyss did the Umaga running rear end splash on the opponents, before giving Storm the Torture Rack slam for a nearfall. Action broke down, then Morgan came flying off the top rope with a splash before landing a big boot on Roode. Abyss then grappled Storm and gave him the Black Hole Slam for the win. Ray went off to talk trash, then Devon vowed to pick up tag title reign no. 21 at the PPV.
WINNERS: Morgan & Abyss in 5:00. Morgan was impressive with the offense at the end. Pretty good build-up for Monster's Ball on Sunday. (*)
Earlier tonight: Lauren caught up with LAX to talk about MB at the PPV. Homicide said they don't give a damn about the four gringos, but just want the TNA tag titles back from Beer Money. Homicide said they are going to elevate their hate at the PPV to make sure Beer Money gets hurt and bleeds in Chicago. Hernandez nodded approvingly.
[Commercial Break]
Video package: They focused on the Jarrett vs. Angle feud. "The Battle Lines Have Been Drawn" the screen read. More clips of Jarrett reading the newspaper last week with Angle's anti-TNA comments. Fortunately, no recap of Mick Foley putting over everything in WWE.
[Q5 -- second hour]
Impact Zone: Mick Foley came to the ring and surveyed the crowd. He's calling out Angle and Jarrett tonight for some words before the PPV. Foley, sporting a random brown corduroy sport jacket, said he's trying to come up with an entire new wardrobe after Brother Ray ruined the flannel shirt look. He said it's time to get serious. Well, serious about talking about himself. Foley said for something to be great, there has to be a certain magic in the air. More talking about himself before setting the stage for Jarrett vs. Angle. He brought out the contestants for a word.
Kurt Angle came out first while Tenay recapped as much as possible in case people haven't been paying attention. Or got lost. Jarrett then came out with guitar in hand. First words were from Jarrett, who said TNA made a huge mistake in hiring Angle. He said that's his bad and he'll chalk it up to bad management. Jarrett said things could have been different, but this is what Kurt wanted, not him. He then pulled out Angle's gold medal and handed it over to Angle. Foley asked Angle for his last words. Angle simply shook his head no. He fixed his gaze on Jarrett, then Foley asked for a handshake. Angle's eyes never left Jarrett, who extended his hand. Angle then reached in and shook. They kept their eyes locked as Tenay went into super-hype mode.
Before the segment was done, Angle took the mic and thanked Jarrett for doing the right thing by giving him back his Olympic gold medal. He then asked Jarrett to do one more thing and that's tell his three little girls that he apologizes. Crowd applauded the apparent nice gesture from an apparently sincere Angle, but Angle slipped in the catch. He told Jarrett to apologize to his girls because he won't be coming home after Bound for Glory. Angle smirked, then walked out of the ring while Jarrett showed irritation with Angle. Good segment. Nice tension without needing to have physical activity.
[Commercial Break]
Announcers: Tenay and West plugged some sort of X Division gimmick match involving monkey bars at the PPV, then they added Rhino & ODB & Khan vs. Beautiful People & Kip to the line-up.
Video package: They focused on Booker T propelling himself "across the line" from being just a regular wrestler to immortality. ... Backstage: Borash joined Booker and Sharmell in Booker's plush locker room for his thoughts on facing Styles tonight. Booker said he knows everything, and he knows Christian will call things on his side because Christian is a champion. Booker said Styles is good for two things in his country: feeding the chickens and picking up the crowd poop. Borash wasn't paying attention, so he asked Sharmell what's in the briefcase. Sharmell said the contents will be revealed when the time is right. Booker said the time is approaching.
[Commercial Break]
Rough Cut: Back to Roxxi talking about trying to prove herself to the TNA fans that she is championship material. Taylor Wilde said Awesome Kong is a frightening figure in a hardcore match, then Roxxi said it's her time to show everyone what she can do.
Impact Zone: Awesome Kong and Raisha Saeed came to the ring for a tag match. As the opposition, Taylor Wilde and Roxxi came out. Roxxi's hair is growing in about as well as it can.
Action broke down without any sense of rule or order, then Taylor and Roxxi knocked Kong to the outside. Saeed was left in the ring, but Wilde accidentally gave Roxxi an enziguiri kick when Saeed ducked. Kong then yanked Taylor to the outside. In the ring, Saeed slammed Roxxi and went up top, but Roxxi moved out of the way of a moonsault. Roxxi then kicked Saeed in the gut and wanted the Voodoo Drop, but Kong smashed her from behind. Kong then grappled Roxxi and smashed her with the implant buster for the easy pin and the win.
WINNERS: Kong & Saeed in 3:00. Fine to set up the three-way Knockouts Title match at the PPV, but not exactly reinforcing Roxxi as a viable threat here. (1/2*)
[Commercial Break]
Impact Zone: Christian Cage came out as special referee for the grudge match between Styles and Booker. Booker out with Sharmell, then Styles with his enhanced chest hair.
5 -- A.J. STYLES vs. BOOKER T -- Christian Cage as special referee
After a few moments of action, they went to a commercial break.
[Commercial Break]
Back from break, Booker went to work on Styles. He kept working on Styles as Christian called things right down the middle. Styles then came back with the Pele soccer kick out of nowhere to begin his comeback. Styles with several clotheslines before landing a snap suplex for a two count. He then rolled into an armbar, but Booker got his feet on the ropes for a rope break. After a pause, they went to the finish and both men were secured in a small package pin. Christian called for the bell after the three count, but there was no clear winner. Booker thought he won, but Christian put his arm down and raised Styles's hand in victory.
After the decision, Booker tried to jump Christian, but he fought him and clotheslined Booker to the outside. Styles then tried to shake Christian's hand, but Christian clotheslined him hard to the mat. Cornette came storming out and screamed about nothing being resolved. "I wanted to settle everything tonight, but we didn't settle anything," he said. Welcome to TNA. Cornette then booked the inevitable: a three-way match at the PPV to settle it.
WINNER: Styles in 10:00. Just a TV match to fill some time and set up the PPV match. Definitely not memorable, but it was fine. (*1/2)
[Commercial Break]
Video package: They played a video on R-E-S-P-E-C-T dividing Sting and Samoa Joe before their TNA Title match at the PPV.
Impact Zone: Cornette, set up for the official contract signing, went right for the jugular hyping Joe vs. Sting as the greatest World Title match in recent memory. He then brought out Sting as the first participant. Samoa Joe then entered the ring through the crowd to hammer home the idea that he's the people's champion. Cornette brought them in for the official contract signing, but added the one specific clause that they both asked to be placed in the contract. He said that win, lose, or draw, there will be no re-match. That should have been hyped weeks ago. In any event, Sting signed the contract first and slammed the pen down on the podium. Cornette asked Joe for his signature, then Joe signed. Cornette announced that it's executed and official. He asked for any last questions, comments, or concerns.
Sting said it didn't have to be this way, but it is what is. Ugh. He said he'll see him at Bound for Glory. Joe responded by telling Sting to do what he needs to do because he's going to do what he needs to do. He said the reason why he hasn't jumped across this line to strangle Sting is because Kevin (Nash) told him about professional. He said that speaking professionally, Sting is wrong because he does respect Sting. Joe then extended his hand for a shake and Sting took his time for the shake. Suddenly, Joe landed a headbutt and Sting went back to a neutral corner to collect his thoughts. Sting then charged Joe and a brawl broke out until security intervened to separate them. Tenay said this Sunday will change the face of TNA forever. They closed in the ring with the camera focused on Joe's crazy face as he was itching for a piece of Sting.
Hype video: They ended the last three minutes of the show with a music video hyping Bound for Glory on Sunday.
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PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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