TV REPORTS 10/5 WWE Smackdown review by Rivers: Rey Mysterio vs. Great Khali, Noble vs. Wang Yang
Oct 6, 2007 - 6:33:43 PM
WWE Smackdown review
October 2, 2007
Aired on The CW
Report by Chris Rivers, contributor
Recap of Vince's announcement on ECW regarding the injury to John Cena on Raw
Batista makes his way to the ring to cut a promo on Khali and to try and convince people that they really want to see the Punjabi Prison Match. Batista explains how the match works and lets us know that Khali has the advantage. Khali appears on the tron and supposedly says that Batista will not only lose his mind, but also his title at No Mercy. Batista then says, for what seems like the millionth time, that Khali has no idea what it's like being locked in a cage with an animal.
Hype for Rey Mysterio vs. Khali later tonight.
Hype for the WWE Tag Team Championship match featuring Matt Hardy and MVP vs. Deuce and Domino
(1) Chuck Palumbo (w/ Michelle McCool) defeats Ace Steel via pinfall. Palumbo picks up Steel and slams him into the corner. Palumbo then drags him out and delivers a short clothesline followed by a slam and a two-count. Steel slides out of another slam attempt and begins delivering a flurry of punches to Palumbo. Palumbo catches Steel coming off the ropes and slams him to the mat. Belly-to-belly by Palumbo. Palumbo with the big boot followed by the Full Throttle for the win.
Post-match, Chris Masters locks Palumbo in the Masterlock and leaves him laying in the ring.
Hype for Rey vs. Khali
(2) Jamie Noble defeats Jimmy Wang Yang via pinfall. Early back and forth grappling between the two. Noble with a front facelock into a go-behind waistlock. Yang reverses. Noble counters with a drop toehold. Front facelock by Noble followed by a wristlock. Yang uses the ropes to flip out of the wristlock, takes Noble down, and grabs a wristlock of his own. Noble rolls through the wristlock and executes a snapmare into a chinlock. Yang fights back with chops and an insiguri. Yang sends Noble to the corner and follows him in with a kick to Noble's face. Yang trips up Noble coming out of the corner and gets a two-count. Yang works Noble's arm over. Noble slams Yang to the mat and delivers a neckbreaker for a two-count. Noble hits a standing legdrop and then chokes Yang using the ring ropes. Noble slams Yang and applies a European headlock. Yang fights out and rolls Noble up for a one-count. Noble knocks Yang down and works over his neck. Yang with a crossbody for a two-count. Noble delivers some elbows to Yang for a one-count. Noble goes back to working on Yang's neck. Yang drives Noble into the turnbuckle and delivers another kick to Noble. Yang hits a missile dropkick. Yang with a couple of kicks to Noble's head followed by a crossbody from the top for a two-count. Yang goes for a moonsault but misses. Noble hits a gutbuster for the pin.
Diva Search segment
Hype for Matt Hardy and MVP vs. Deuce and Domino
Matt Hardy and MVP head to the ring. MVP says that he wants to challenge Matt to a push-up contest. Oh Boy! MVP stalls a little and the two finally get to the contest. At thirty-three push-ups MVP pushes Matt's hand out from under him and "wins."
(3) WWE Tag Team Championship Match: Matt Hardy & MVP defeat Deuce & Domino (w/ Cherry) via pinfall. Matt Hardy and Domino start things off and Domino takes the early advantage with a side headlock. Hardy takes Domino down. Hardy then moves Domino to the corner and tags in MVP. Hardy clotheslines Domino and MVP gets a one-count. Front facelock by MVP on Domino. Domino backs MVP into the ropes and hits a cheapshot at the break. MVP hits a series of armdrags on Domino and then locks in an armbar. Another front facelock by MVP who then backs Domino into the corner where Hardy tags himself in, but Domino forces Hardy to the other corner and tags in Deuce. Deuce sends Hardy to the corner and follows him in with a clothesline for a two-count. Deuce sends Hardy to the corner again, but Hardy gets his foot up as Deuce charges. Hardy hits an elbow to the back of Deuce's head from the second turnbuckle. hardy tries for the Twist of Fate, but Domino runs in, Hardy ducks his attack, MVP pulls down the top rope and Domino falls to the outside. Hardy then throws Deuce to the outside. MVP elbows Domino on the back of the head from the apron. Hardy hits a crossbody from the top turnbuckle to the floor on Deuce and Domino.
Back from the break, Deuce has Hardy in a front facelock. Deuce takes Hardy to the corner and tags in Domino. Domino with a clothesline in the corner then tags in Deuce. Deuce slams Hardy and drops a knee to his throat for a two-count. Deuce follows Hardy into the ropes, but Hardy catches him with an elbow and tags MVP. MVP with punches and a clothesline on Deuce. MVP misses another clothesline and Deuce connects with a knee to the gut. MVP with a belly-to-belly on Deuce followed by a drop toehold. As MVP goes into the ropes, Domino pulls them down causing MVP to spill to the outside. MVP rolls back in and Deuce gets a one-count. Front facelock by Deuce who then tags in Domino. Domino starts working over MVP's back. Slam by Domino followed by a tag to Deuce. Deuce goes for a kneedrop on MVP, but MVP moves. Deuce quickly tags Domino who gets a two-count. Domino works over MVP's back a little more, but MVP hits a jawbreaker to escape. Domino tags Deuce who throws MVP into the corner. MVP tries to fight out, but Deuce dumps MVP to the outside where Domino drives MVP backfirst into the ring apron. Deuce brings MVP back in and gets a two-count. Deuce works over MVP's arm and back and gets another two-count. Deuce locks in a Boston Crab. MVP tries to make his way to the corner, but Deuce releases the hold and punches Hardy off the apron. Tag to Domino. Domino with a couple of shots to MVP's back, tags in Deuce again. Deuce is about to go for a suplex when MVP rolls him up for a two-count. MVP tags in Hardy and Deuce tags in Domino. Domino sends Hardy to the ropes, but misses a clothesline. Hardy hits a crossbody and sends Domino to the corner and follows him in with a clothesline. Hardy with a bulldog on Domino for a two-count. Hardy goes for the Side Effect, but Domino elbows out. Hardy rolls up Domino for a two-count, but lets go to stop Deuce who just entered the ring. Side Effect on Deuce. Domino takes off his belt, but MVP catches him with a low-blow from behind. Hardy hits the Twist of Fate on Domino for the win.
As Hardy and MVP are heading to the back, Kane's pyro hits and he makes his way to the ring.
(4) Kane defeats Kenny Dykstra (w/ Victoria) via pinfall. The match is joined in progress. Kane is working over Dykstra. Short clothesline by Kane followed by a back bodydrop. Kane charges Dykstra in the corner, but is met with an elbow. Dykstra runs into a boot by Kane. Victoria walks by and places Dykstra's foot on the ropes. Kane glares at Victoria, but Dykstra takes Kane's knee out. Dykstra with a flurry of punches on Kane who takes Dykstra down with a big uppercut. Dykstra goes for a suplex, but Kane blocks it and tries one of his own. Dykstra slips out and takes Kane's knee out again. Dykstra with another flurry of punches, but Kane kicks Dykstra in the mouth. Kane with an uppercut and a clothesline followed by a low dropkick on Dykstra for a two-count. Dykstra with a couple of dropkicks. Kane lifts Dykstra, but Dykstra slips out and takes Kane's knee out again. Dykstra with a dropkick for a two-count. Front facelock by Dykstra, but Kane throws him off. Dykstra to the corner and two clotheslines by Kane followed by a sideslam. Flying clothesline by Kane from the top turnbuckle followed by the chokeslam for the win.
Recap of Takers return last week on Smackdown.
Recap of Teddy's heart attack at the wedding.
Vickie Guerrero is backstage as MVP and Matt Hardy enter. MVP wants Hardy to face Taker since he had to face Kane last week. Vickie shoots it down and says she has a better idea. Matt and MVP will face Taker and Kane next week on Smackdown.
Recap of Cena's injury at Raw
Tale of the tape on Rey and Khali
(5) Jesse & Festus defeat Tollar & Collyer via pinfall. Festus and Tollar start it off. Clothesline by Festus followed by a chop. Festus pulls Collyer into the ring and delivers a double clothesline. Headbutt by Festus on Tollar. Tag to Jesse. Kick to the gut by Festus and a bulldog by Jesse. Monkeyflip by Jesse on Tollar followed by a back bodydrop and a slam. Mule kick by Jesse who then slides to the outside and trips up Tollar. Shoulder to Tollar followed by a sunset flip for a two-count. Jesse to the corner catches Tollar with a boot. Jesse up to the second turnbuckle when Collyer knocks him off. Kicks by Tollar for a two-count. Tag to Collyer. Back and forth between Jesse and Collyer. Gut wrench suplex by Collyer for the two-count. Slam by Collyer who misses two elbows. Tag to Festus. Slam by Festus followed by punches in the corner. Tollar jumps on his back, but is thrown to the outside for his troubles. Festus throws Collyer across the ring while Jesse takes out Tollar on the outside. Big boot by Festus followed by a gutbuster on the shoulder by Festus for the win.
Hype for Rey vs. Khali
Rundown of the No Mercy card
Recap of Rey and Khali's interactions leading up to tonight.
Rey makes his way to the ring.
The Great Khali [art by Neal Obermeyer (c) PWTorch]
(6) Rey Mysterio wrestled Great Khali to a no contest. Rey is playing keepaway with Khali. He moves in repeatedly and delivers kicks to Khali's leg. Clothesline by Khali. Khali throws Rey into the corner, steps on Rey's head, and throws him into the corner again. Big chop by Khali. Nerve hold by Khali, but Rey makes the ropes forcing the break. Khali locks on the nerve hold again. Rey fights out, but Khali kicks him out of the ring. Khali to the outside. Rey moves out of the way when Khali tries to deliver a chop to Rey's head, causing Khali to hit the steps instead. Rey rolls back in the ring and hits a dropkick through the ropes and follows that up with a 619 on Khali using the ringpost. Rey is up top, but Finlay runs in. Rey hits the sitting senton on Finlay and the ref calls for the bell. Rey goes for the 619 on Finlay, but Khali hits Rey from the outside. Finlay clotheslines Rey on the top rope and Khali locks in the vice grip. Batista runs down, hits Finlay with a spinebuster and Khali with a spear. Batista then brings in a chair, striking Khali, and chasing him from the ring to end the show.
Score (5.0): This show was watchable. The Tag Team Championship match was the highlight of the night, but that's not saying a whole lot. They could have scrapped one of the matches, preferably Rey vs. Khali to air a "taped" message from Vince McMahon detailing how the WWE Title situation will be resolved at No Mercy. They then could have made the tag title match the main event of the show.
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