TV REPORTS 5/14 WWE Raw Review: Penick's ongoing "virtual time" alt perspective coverage
May 14, 2007 - 10:08:00 PM
By Jamie Penick, PWTorch Contributor
-John Cena's music hit to start the show and he walked to the ring with a stern look on his face. Cena was without his title, as Khali stole it from him last week. Cena said he was just announced as the Champion, but as we can see he doesn't have it. Cena was looking like he was about to cry here. John said he felt helpless last week, and he was left embarrassed and humiliated. Cena acknowledged the people who say he sucks, but said that doesn't matter. He said the thing about Khali that separates him from previous opponents is that it's like he's not human, he can take his best shot and it doesn't matter. He talked up Khali as going through everyone, and his friends are telling him Judgment Day is going to be his execution. Cena said he's here to tell them that they're wrong. Cena said in the right frame of mind, he can be a one man wrecking crew. He said Khali signed up for the fight of his life. He said Khali has something of his and he wants it back. Khali came up on the big screen, and he has a translator now. He told Cena that no one has done as much damage as Khali has in the last three weeks, and then they went to a video package of said destruction. Khali continued his jibberish after the video which translated to "this Sunday, [Khali] would become the new WWE Champion" and then Khali told Cena, "If you want some, come get some." Cena looked around to the crowd, left the ring and walked up the ramp. He attacked Khali backstage, but Khali knocked him down. He then threw a garbage can at Cena's head, threw him around some more before giving him a double chokeslam and then choking him out. Good opening segment, with Cena at his best as far as delivery goes, as he stayed away from his normal corny antics with his promo and stuck with the serious stuff. They did a very good job building up Khali in this segment, and did what they could to make it seem like this is not going to be just a groan worthy program.
[Commercial Break]
-They showed what Khali did to Cena before the break.
1—JEFF HARDY (w/Matt) vs. TREVOR MURDOCH (w/Lance Cade)
Murdoch ran Hardy into the corner and separated for the clean break, which surprised Hardy. They exchanged some moves with neither man getting an advantage. Jeff knocked Murdoch to the outside and then leaped onto him from in the ring. Back in the ring, Jeff landed a mule kick. Murdoch avoided a dropkick to the bottom turnbuckle and got himself a couple of near falls. Murdoch put Jeff in a headlock, but Jeff got out of it with a jawbreaker. Hardy went for the whisper in the wind which ended up looking like a reverse ddt with how far up Murdoch came. Hardy went for the Swanton but Murdoch got his knees up for a near fall. Murdoch went to pick Jeff up, but Jeff caught him in a small package for the win. After the match, Murdoch held out his hand and helped Hardy to his feet before shaking his hand and leaving the ring.
WINNER: Jeff Hardy in 4:00. Not a bad match, but not great. The sportsmanship angle for Cade and Murdoch continues, and while it's a little puzzling as to what they're doing, it's still intriguing enough to want to see more.
-Ross and Lawler hyped Edge's farewell address later in the show, as he's headed to Smackdown, as well as the Coach vs. Bobby Lashley match scheduled for later.
[Commercial Break]
-They played a Snitsky video package that they played last week, and Lawler wondered if that meant he was coming to Raw. They showed a clip from last week where Bobby Lashley took out Coach.
-Coach was about to cry in his locker room area, but Shane tried to cheer him up by telling him that himself, Umaga, and Vince would be out there to watch his back. Coach got some courage and then said he's gonna give Lashley the beating he deserves. Umaga looked really intense and pissed off and then walked out. Vince, in his lavender suit and matching doo rag nodded and said he was down.
[Commercial Break]
Santino went to shoot on Masters like he was in an MMA fight but Masters overpowered him. Masters used some clubbing blows and a couple of backbreakers for a near fall. Masters continued to work the back until Marella attempted to fight out with some kicks. He took a massive clothesline for his trouble. Marella blocked the Master lock and then took over. Masters finally landed a spine buster and then signaled for the Master Lock. Masters went for a powerbomb but Santino countered it into a modified sunset flip to score the pin. After the bell rang, Masters locked in the Master Lock and threw Marella down.
WINNER: Santino Marella in 3:00. It was just there. Masters probably isn't the best ring hand to be breaking in the young Marella.
[Commercial Break]
-They had a new video for the Condemned, asking Superstars who they'd send to the island. Triple H had a great one talking about Miz needing to be there and the other people strapping the ankle bracelet bombs on him and letting the other people pull the pins.
-Melina came out to the ring for commentary.
Before the match started Ross brought up Candice scoring pinfalls over Victoria and Melina the last two weeks. Melina said Candice cheated, saying she didn't beat her fair. Candice immediately started beating on Victoria and scored a roll up near fall before Victoria landed a clothesline. Candice landed a kick to Victoria's head and then some fore arms and kicks, taking Victoria down. Candice landed a nice headscissor take down. Candice hit her running heel kick for a pin fall.
WINNER: Candice in 2:30. She signaled around her waist while looking at Melina. This was the best Candice has looked yet. Melina was pointless on commentary, as she just talked about how she was prettier than Candice and all Candice could do was take her clothes off.
[Commercial Break]
-Edge came out with a whole load of pyro for his entrance. The crowd booed when his music finally stopped. Edge said last week they saw him right there on Raw, and then he went on to have the greatest week of any superstar in this industry. They showed him beating Kennedy last week, and then he said as Mr. Money in the Bank, he could've cashed in his opportunity on anyone. He said he could have done it on Cena, but he's already done that, so he decided to cash it in against the Undertaker. They then showed the video of him winning the Title on Smackdown last week. Edge held up his Title in the ring. Edge said he thought about leaving Raw with one last great Edge match. He said he didn't think the people deserved it, and number two, Khali already left the building. He said he had to face Batista at Judgment Day, but he said he did in three seconds what Batista couldn't do in three months. He said instead of one last Edge match, he's just going to leave. His music hit, but was interrupted by HBK's music. Shawn came out to the stage. He said if Edge wants to leave Raw with a lasting impression, why doesn't he just do all of them a favor and just leave. Edge told him to just leave. Edge asked if Shawn wanted a match, even though Shawn said nothing, and he said tonight it should be Edge vs. Shawn. That was weird. I'm not sure if Shawn was supposed to have a line there or not.
-Todd Grisham was joined by Bobby Lashley backstage. Lashley started to talk, but Shane interrupted. Shane reminded Lashley about the stipulation about not touching them. Shane wanted to wish Lashley luck tonight against Coach. He feigned touching him several times, and faked a kiss at him before walking out. Pointless.
[Commercial Break]
-Vince came out with Shane and Umaga. Vince danced in the ring with his belt. Coach then came out.
Vince held the ECW Title up as Lashley walked to the ring. Shane, Vince and Umaga tried to goad Lashley into hitting them. Coach kept looking back at McMahon after the bell before slapping Lashley. Lashley weakly slapped him back and started clubbing him on the second rope. He then landed a clothesline. Lashley hit what looked like Abyss's shock treatment except he went to his knees. Then he hit a spear for the pinfall. Shane and Umaga immediately started beating on Lashley, but he fought out. Umaga then got a hold of Lashley and beat him into the corner. Umaga went for his slam in the corner, but Lashley moved and landed a spear on Umaga. Lashley ran after Vince outside of the ring, but Shane landed a flying clothesline on Lashley. They both got to their feet and Shane tried to run. Lashley chased Shane to the back. Shane ran and jumped onto the roof of a limo and dove in and it drove off. Vince then laid out Lashley with the belt out of nowhere.
WINNER: Lashley in 1:00. This was all about the after curricular activity in this match. Good use of the no touch stipulation and they kept this story going, but I don't know how many people care about that story in the first place.
[Commercial Break]
Lawler said that Carlito vs. Ric Flair has been added to Judgment Day. Val landed multiple blows on Carlito but only got a one count out of it. Carlito raked the eyes and then dumped Val to the outside. He rammed Val's back into the side of the ring twice before throwing him back in. Carlito landed multiple blows to the back of Venis. Venis tried to fight back but to no avail, and then Carlito hit a half assed missile dropkick. Venis got a roll up for a nearfall. He then landed a neck breaker for another near fall. Venis countered Carlito and landed a full nelson slam, and then went up for the money shot, but Carlito moved away. Val came after him, but Carlito knocked him away and hit the back cracker for the win.
WINNER: Carlito in 5:00. Ric Flair's music hit and he ran to the ring but Carlito ducked out and went into the crowd.
-HBK was stretching back stage when Randy Orton came up to him. Orton said he hoped Shawn beats Edge. Shawn wanted to know where Orton was going with it, and Orton said he knows he can beat Shawn. Shawn said he's going to go beat Edge, but he's not doing anything Sunday. Orton accepted that challenge. Nothing like last second additions to a pay per view card. That should be a good match, though.
[Commercial Break]
-They aired a video package on Timbaland's music video starring some WWE Divas. The world premiere will be on Raw next Monday.
-They recapped what happened to Cena at the top of the show. They then went down the card for Judgment Day.
[Commercial Break]
Shawn locked in the headlock from the opening, Edge tossed him off but Shawn landed a shoulder block and reapplied the headlock. Edge pushed Shawn into the corner, Shawn turned it around and broke it clean. They went back in the corner and Edge didn't break the hold clean. Edge started taking over before getting hit with a swinging neck breaker. Ross and Lawler played up the Shawn was concussed last week at the hands of Khali. Michaels lowered his head and took a kick to it. Edge tried to get more offense in but Shawn sent him to the outside. Shawn landed a Thesz press to the floor and returned to the ring as they went to break.
[Commercial Break]
Shawn was laid out as they came back from break. They showed that Edge slammed Shawn's head across the ropes during the break. Edge kept landing blows to the head as the ref asked Shawn if he wanted to continue. Shawn tried to fight out of the corner, but Edge knocked him down with another head shot. Shawn fought out of a head vice, but Edge landed a blow to the head and then a boot to the head for a near fall. Edge continued to land punches to Shawn's head. Edge hit a neck breaker on HBK for another near fall. Edge had Shawn in a modified sleeper, but Shawn fought back. Edge landed yet another punch to the head to knock Shawn down. Edge went to the top rope, but Shawn knocked his feet down. Michaels climbed up, but Edge headbutted him down. Edge went for a cross body but Shawn moved out of the way. Both men got to their feet and Shawn held his own as they exchanged blows. Shawn hit the flying forearm and nipped up. Shawn hit his spots and went up top and landed the elbow. The corwd was going nuts here. Shawn tuned up the band. Shawn landed Sweet Chin Music for the 1-2-3. Randy Orton then came out and attacked HBK. He landed a low blow and a vicious kick to the head. Orton just stared down on Shawn's fallen body as they replayed his attack. The ref checked on Shawn as they went off the air.
WINNER: Shawn in 16:00. Very good story told with a really good ending, and it plants seeds for Shawn to go to Smackdown and take that title from Edge later on down the road. That said, the match really dragged due to the concussion story they were using, but it was still brought up by the end.
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