TV REPORTS CALDWELL'S ECW ON SCI-FI REPORT 11/28: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of show
Nov 28, 2006 - 10:07:00 PM
By James Caldwell, PWTorch columnist
ECW TV on Sci-Fi Alternative Report
November 28 in Buffalo, N.Y.
Week 25 on Sci-Fi
- We begin with Paul Heyman in center ring. He introduced himself. Boos. Heyman talked about the Extreme Elimination Chamber this Sunday and men sacrificing themselves for the holy grail of the ECW Title. He explained the rules. Heyman then said they were going to reveal the weapons inside the match. One security guard held up a folding metal chair. Apathetic reaction from the audience. A crowbar was the second weapon. The third weapon was a table. Naturally. The table then fell down. Heyman was briefly thrown off. He then introduced a barbed wire baseball bat as the fourth weapon. One of the guards smashed it on the announce table. Heyman said the only way to eliminate an opponent is by pinfall or submission. A 30-second segment took five minutes.
- The usual ECW intro aired, then Joey Styles and Tazz discussed the three big matches on the show. Test-Punk, RVD-Sabu, and Show-Lashley. RVD then came out for his match. They aired an inset video promo from RVD earlier in the day. He said he understands he might not even walk out of the Chamber match, but the risks are worth the prize of becoming champion. After Sabu walked to the ring, they aired an inset video from Sabu earlier in the day. He said his scars are his story.
They came to a stand-off twice in the opening minute. Sabu then landed a straight right hand blow. RVD came back with a monkey flip out of the corner for a nearfall. He then love tapped Sabu in the face with a kick to escape a toehold. They fought in the corner with errant blows. Sabu went for a huricanrana, but RVD maintained his position on the top turnbuckle and Sabu crashed to the mat. RVD then waited or Sabu to try a springboard move and he flew off the top with a mid-air spear. They mercifully cut to a break.
[Commercial Break]
RVD and Sabu were tied up on the mat out of the break. They fought to the apron. Sabu tried to do a sunset flip powerbomb, but he over-shot RVD and crashed to the floor. The ringside fans groaned. RVD then grazed Sabu with a moonsault. Back in the ring, RVD caught Sabu with a German Suplex with bridge for a nearfall. Sabu caught RVD with a kick to the gut, then he ran off RVD's back into a turnaround leg drop to the back of RVD's head. RVD quickly recovered and hit Rolling Thunder for a nearfall.
RVD landed a right hand blow, then Sabu kicked him in the face and landed a springboard leg lariat. He then executed a turnaround clothesline off the ropes. Just a bunch of awkwardly thrown together spots right here. RVD blocked a Tornado DDT and went up top for the Five Star frogsplash. He rolled Sabu over and made the cover for the win.
WINNER: RVD in 11:00. This was a poorly poorly executed match. The spots were just thrown together with no rhyme or reason. There were about five spots during the match that worked, but when you put together 50 spots, even a blind squirrel finds a nut.
- They aired a video package on Big Show vs. Lashley. Styles said the Hardys are in action next.
[Commercial Break]
The Hardys exchanged tags working on Burke early on. They prevented Terkay from taking a tag until Burke caught Jeff with a kick. Terkay came in and dominated Jeff before eating the ringpost when Jeff moved out of the way of corner splash. The action broke down, then Jeff dumped Elijah to the outside. The Hardys beat down Terkay to the mat, then Jeff flew off Matt's back with a leg whip. Matt hit the Twist of Fate, then Jeff hit the Swanton Bomb. Matt made the cover on Terkay for the win.
WINNERS: Hardys in 4:00. Shocking, newsworthy booking of Terkay with him taking such a decisive loss.
- After the match, Melina led MNM into the ring for a sneak attack on the Hardys. They tossed Matt over the top rope, then Nitro caught Jeff in the face with an enziguiri kick to the head. Mercury did snapshots of Jeff's fallen body. Styles plugged Punk vs. Test up next.
[Commercial Break]
- They aired footage from the PPV press conference in Augusta, Ga. on Monday. They showed footage of everyone except Sabu and Lashley guaranteeing a title victory. Test called himself God's gift to ECW.
3 -- C.M. PUNK vs. TEST
They locked up and Test drove Punk into the corner. He landed elbow blows to the forehead, then Punk came flying out with forearm blows of his own. The "steroids" chants started up again. Test threw Punk through the ropes to the floor, but Punk rammed Test into the ringpost on the outside. Back in the ring, Test caught Punk with a tilt-a-whirl slam for a nearfall. He then applied a neck vice on the mat. Punk escaped and caught Test with a leg lariat taking him to the outside. Punk hit a slow-motion suicide dive. They exchanged forearm blows while the referee applied a count. The camera focused on the referee, so you knew a count-out was coming. Punk rammed Test into the ring steps, then Punk jumped Test instead of getting back in the ring. He mounted Test and landed blows as both men were counted out. Test stumbled to the back while vowing revenge on Punk at the PPV.
WINNER: Double count-out in 4:00. Logical non-finish. It didn't make sense for either man to take a loss. They also created an issue for the PPV and the next few weeks of TV between two of the top wrestlers on the brand.
- They did the low camera shot as Big Show was shown walking backstage. Paul Heyman tried to convince him not to wrestle Lashley. Show stopped and stared down at Heyman. Heyman then said he should at least be ringside to protect him.
[Commercial Break]
- They aired a recap video on the Hardys beating Terkay & Burke before MNM jumped them.
- From earlier tonight, cameras caught up with MNM walking backstage. Mercury said they would prove their dominance at the ECW PPV. Melina said they would prove they are the best team in the modern era.
- Styles and Tazz discussed the PPV line up. They aired a repeat video package on the Elimination Chamber. Rules for the Chamber match flashed on the screen and Styles and Tazz discussed the rules. OK, we get it. At this point in the final TV show before the PPV, two matches have been announced. That Chamber match is going to have to go over an hour.
- Big Show walked out for his match. They aired an inset video from earlier in the day when Show talked about using the Chamber to end the careers of his opponents.
[Commercial Break]
4 -- ECW champion BIG SHOW (w/Paul Heyman) vs. LASHLEY
They stared each other down as soon as Lashley entered the ring. Lashley ducked a clothesline and landed right hand blows. He tried to knock down Show with clotheslines, but Show ran him over with a big clothesline. Show slapped Lashley hard across the chest in the corner. He then went on the offensive as Lashley tried to recover on the mat. Lashley fought back with right hands, but he ran into the side of Show's boot. Show stood on Lashley's back as Heyman screamed at Lashley. He set up for a Vader Bomb, but Lashley hopped to his feet and took Show over with a suplex.
Lashley made his comeback with hard clotheslines. He then speared Show after Show stumbled out of the corner. Heyman called for his security guards. They jumped Lashley from behind as he had a cover on Show, causing a DQ. Test then ran in and gave Lashley a big boot to the face. They beat down Lashley before Show cleared everyone away. He then gave Lashley a chokeslam in center ring. Show picked up Lashley and gave him a fallaway clothesline to the throat. Heyman slapped Lashley repeatedly across the face, then Show knocked him down with a belt shot to the head. Show covered Lashley and Heyman counted a mock three count. Show celebrated with his title belt as they aired a replay of the finish. Heyman and Show stood over Lashley to close the show. Heyman told Lashley that's what he gets for showing up on ECW.
WINNER: Lashley via DQ in 5:00. Obviously, Lashley hasn't made any friends since moving to ECW. I'm not a fan of a DQ ending to the main event on the show before a PPV. It sends the wrong message to potential customers who want decisive winners and losers when paying $40 for a show.
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PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
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