TV REPORTS 11/30 TNA Impact Review: Caldwell's Review of TNA vs. WWE, Hall vs. Styles
Dec 1, 2004 - 3:06:00 AM
James Caldwell, Torch Contributor
TNA Impact Review
November 30, 2004
Taped November 23, 2004 in Orlando, FL at Universal Studios
Aired on Fox Sports Net
Report by James Caldwell, Torch Team Contributor Afternoon Take: In TNA�s first edition of Impact with Dusty Rhodes as lead visionary, we saw a renewed emphasis on...what else?...wrestling. The show accentuated solid wrestling without all the Kings of Wrestling segments. Solid wrestling show with some good segments mixed in. And don�t forget, A.J. Styles vs. Scott Hall in the main event. Let�s get to the show.
- We saw a video clip from last week when the Kings of Wrestling tried to take out the TNA roster ala nWo vs. WCW. We also saw Dusty Rhodes give the entire TNA roster permission to issue a preemptive strike in the KOW as they wish. We went to the end of last Friday�s Impact where the KOW took out Shark Boy and Sonjay Dutt which led to A.J. Styles, Jeff Hardy, and Randy Savage issuing a challenge to the KOW at Turning Point.
- We went to live action where a group of TNA wrestlers including A.J. Styles, D Ray 3000, Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt, Amazing Red, and Shark Boy quietly approached the Kings of Wrestling locker room. D Ray knocked on the door then slid back. Scott Hall opened the door, in a somewhat �are you that dumb?� moment, and found a right hand from A.J. Styles. Hall was sent reeling backwards into Kevin Nash�s, who was sitting on a couch, clothed in a robe only. Hall fell into Nash�s lap as Nash paused on the cell phone, apparently on the line with his wardrobe wondering his clothes were. The six babyfaces scampered out the nearest exit like a group of doorbell ditchers.
(1) AMW (James Storm & Chris Harris) defeated NYC (Glen Gilberti & Johnny Swinger) (w/Trinity) at 4:03. Harris and Gilberti started things off with Harris taking left hands to Gilberti�s head. Swinger dropped Harris across the top rope from the apron, giving Gilberti an early advantage. Gilberti with a clothesline and a tag in to Swinger. Swinger sent Harris head first into a corner turnbuckle then tagged in Gilberti. Gilberti and Swinger scored double team stomps in the corner. Gilberti with a Swinging Neck breaker and a two count, only. The fans rallied behind...not AMW...but NYC with chants of �NYC, NYC.� Interesting. Swinger drove a boot to Harris�s throat, driving him away from a possible hot tag to Harris. Gilberti entered the ring and scored a Russian Leg sweep with Swinger as Storm pleaded for a tag from his corner. Swinger received yet another tag and drove clubbing forearms to Harris� back. Swinger made another tag into Gilberti, continuing to work on Harris with quick in-and-out tags. Gilberti took a spine buster after going off the ropes. Harris dropped to the mat and reached over to make the tag on Storm. Storm sent Gilberti to the ring. Inexplicably, Swinger went flying through the ropes on his own accord. Storm with a sling shot splash on Swinger on the outside. Back in the ring, Harris scored a power slam on Gilberti. Swinger grabbed Harris from the outside and dropped him to the mat. Storm clotheslined Swinger to the floor then hopped up to the top rope. Harris held Gilberti across his knee then dropped him as Storm delivered a leg drop, finishing off the Death Sentence. Storm with the academic cover for the win.
Match View: Real nice tag team battle that was four solid minutes of wrestling. There wasn�t any true storyline behind this match as NYC doesn�t seem to have any role in TNA. Good showcase of AMW, which allowed Tenay and West to comment on AMW�s match vs. Triple X at Turning Point. Good to see some solid wrestling on Impact.
- Dusty Rhodes was in the back with Dusty Rhodes. Douglas asked Rhodes about being an Impact player in TNA. Rhodes said that tonight, A.J. Styles and Scott Hall will do battle tonight in the main event. Rhodes said that next week, Jeff Jarrett will defend the TNA Title against Monty Brown next week. Rhodes took off and Shane Douglas stared into space like a man who has taken on too many chair shots to the head.
- The video screen showed a message indicating that TNA representatives went to a WWE photo shoot in Orlando two weeks ago and were shunned by those big bad bullies.
* Two Weeks Ago, WWE came to the home of TNA Wrestling, Universal Studios in Orlando, to shoot a television commercial.
* As an act of goodwill, TNA wrestlers attempted to present them with cookies and balloons during their visit.
* TNA Wrestling had planned to air footage of our wrestlers extending the olive branch today on iMPACT!
* WWE to TNA: �Air this footage, and we will sue your ---- ---------�
* The WWE Legal Department has given TNA Wrestling 7 days to relinquish this footage.
* We have two choices: Hand over the footage to WWE, or air the footage Sunday, December 5th at TNA�s Turning Point Pay Per View
* We�d rather let you decide.
* Log onto to vote now.
- A video montage highlighting the feud between AMW and Triple X aired. AMW told Triple X to enjoy their last days together as a tag team. The video promo concluded with a reminder that the loser of the match at Turning Point will be dismantled forever in TNA.
- We saw a video promo highlighting the feud between Petey Williams and Chris Sabin. We saw Sabin counter the Canadian Destroyer the last two weeks.
- Mike Tenay let us know that TNA wanted to air footage from the WWE photo shoot, but FSN told TNA not to do it. Don West wanted to know what was on the footage that WWE didn�t want viewers to see.
(2) Chris Sabin defeated Petey Williams (w/Coach Scott D�Amore) and Michael Shane (w/Traci) at 3:57 in a Non-Title Match. This essentially handicap match began with Chris Sabin being double teamed by Shane and Petey. Petey smacked Shane on accident leading to an argument between the two heels. Sabin rolled up Shane and scored a two count. Sabin knocked Petey to the outside then went to work on Shane. Sabin slammed Shane head first into a corner turnbuckle, then took a jaw breaker across the top rope apron after Traci interfered on Shane�s behalf. Shane picked up Sabin and scoop slammed him. Shane took a kiss from Traci then delivered a knee to the chest of Sabin. Shane delivered a right hand which Sabin countered. The two exchanged right hands then Sabin scored a sweet side kick to the head. Petey entered the ring and scored a Russian Leg sweep and a two count. Sabin blocked right hands and delivered hard forearms. Sabin knocked both heels down with forearms then sent Shane and Petey into a sandwich position in the corner. That led to Sabin scoring an amazing head scissors take down on Petey from the corner followed by an immediate German Suplex on Shane. Awesome spot. Shane picked up Sabin and scored a Shoulder Breaker after countering the Cradle Shock. Petey threw Shane to the outside then turned around to find a kick from Petey. Petey set up for the Canadian Destroyer, but Sabin countered it into the Cradle Shock for the third week in a row. Sabin covered Petey and scored the victory.
Match View: Really nice wrestling action. Solid triple threat match that had some really unique spots like Chris Sabin�s combination Stratusfaction and German Suplex. Sabin is slowly becoming one of the best wrestlers in TNA. Real nice focus on the X Division that I hope continues with Dusty Rhodes at the helm.
- Shane Douglas was in the back with Raven. Douglas asked Raven about his feud with Diamond Dallas Page. Raven said the history was in the past and Turning Point would be new history.
(3) Raven wrestled Vordell Walker to a No Contest at no official time. Raven came to the ring in his ridiculous eagle mask head gear. Raven stomped on Walker, sending him to the outside. DDP�s music hit and out from the stands came DDP. DDP ran Raven out of the ring then entered the ring. DDP said, �what about me, what about D-D-P?� DDP said when he retired two years ago, Raven started flapping his gums about making DDP retire. DDP said they used to be the best of buddies, then Raven turned on him when DDP became Heavyweight Champion. DDP recounted when he won the WCW Title over Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, and Sting, proving all the doubters that he could be Champion. DDP said he couldn�t go anywhere without people asking him about Raven�s backstabbing. DDP said there�s a knife in his back with Raven�s hands on it. Raven told DDP that so many people have stuck knifes in his back that DDP shouldn�t be able to tell whose knife is whose. Raven said he should have been World Champion, not DDP. Raven told DDP that he needs to be saved. Raven dropped the mic and two hooded figures entered the ring behind DDP. DDP took a few punches then dropped both hooded figures with Diamond Cutters. Raven said, �this isn�t over, Page.�
Match View: No match ensued, but a real nice promo. The only problem is that current fans don�t understand the basis for the feud because there�s no WCW footage available to TNA for them to build this feud on. They needed to base this feud on something tangible that all fans can understand. Bringing up the past for a feud doesn�t work because today�s fans don�t recall every detail. TNA should have come up with something original for them to feud over.
(4) Hector Garza defeated Kid Kash at 2:55. Kash went nose to nose with Kash, taunting him and trash talking. Garza with a take down and a pin attempt. The two exchanged a nice series of mat holds and pin attempts. Garza finished the sequence with an arm drag. The fans applauded Garza�s work. Kash delivered a right hand then Garza fought back with a powerslam. Garza right into a knee in the corner then Kash attempted a moonsault. Kash missed and Garza threw Kash head first into the top turnbuckle. Michael Shane, Traci, and Kazarian entered the Impact Zone. Garza went for a suplex, but Kash slipped out and threw Garza to the ropes. Garza went flying into Shane & Kazarian, sending them flying off the ropes. Kash tried to roll up Garza from behind, but Garza rolled through and scored a �suspend your belief� three count on a blown finishing spot.
- After the match, Kazarian and Shane beat down on Garza. Kash picked up his coconut and went for a blow on Garza, but Shark Boy, D Ray 3000, Amazing Red, and Sonjay Dutt ran into the ring for the save.
Match View: Too short to amount to much. The action was good for what little time it was given. However, the finishing spot was ridiculously unbelievable. Ending sequence was a good set up for the six man tag match at Turning Point.
- We saw clips highlighting 3 Live Kru�s battles with Team Canada including Team Canada beating down the Kru with hockey sticks. Konan issued a warning to Kings of Wrestling that they will pay for separating his shoulder last week. Konan said that Ron Killings will take his place in defending the Tag Titles against Team Canada at Turning Point.
(5) Ron Killings defeated Bobby Roode (w/Coach Scott D�Amore) at 3:08. Killings and Roode went toe to toe at the opening bell. Killings with a head scissors take down. Roode responded with a high spine buster sending Killings crashing to the mat. Roode delivered right hands to the side of the head. Killings shook it...or rather, danced it off, and then took a shoulder block to the chest. Roode with a power slam then a cover for a two count only. Roode stomped on Killings chest then played to the crowd. Killings leaped up off the mat and hopped up to the top rope. Killings with a sweet missile drop kick to Roode�s chest. Killings went on a right hand spree then dropped Roode with a spinning forearm off the ropes. Killings with a Booker T. axe kick. Coach D�Amore hopped up on the apron and distracted the ref. Eric Young ran in from behind and tried to attack Killings. BG James ran to the ringside area and pulled Young out from the ring. Killings went over to D�Amore and went for a punch on D�Amore, but Bobby Roode ran over to the apron. Killings ducked and Roode almost laid out D�Amore. Roode checked that D�Amore was alright then Killings kicked Roode in the back, sending him flying into D�Amore. D�Amore flew off the apron. Killings grabbed Roode and delivered his version of the Pedigree. Killings with the pin and the win.
- After the match, BG James took the mic and said he and Killings were going to give Team Canada a dose of their Socialist medicine. James also issued a warning to the Kings of Wrestling that the 3 Live Kru wasn�t going to forget what they did to Konan last week on Impact.
Match View: Real nice wrestling match. Roode has so much potential that I don�t even think TNA realizes how big of a draw he could be. Killings was solid in the ring as well. Good story told through this match.
- We saw a clip from earlier in the show when A.J. Styles dropped Scott Hall with a right hand.
(6) Scott Hall defeated A.J. Styles at 3:36. Scott Hall entered the ring in his WCW red and black outfit to a modified version of his Razor Ramon entrance music. Although not in particularly good shape, he did look fit to wrestle. Hall and Styles locked up to begin the match as we took our last commercial break of the show.
Back from commercial, Kevin Nash, who apparently found some clothes, sauntered to the ringside area. Hall took control of the match as Nash tried to extend a helping hand. Nash clotheslined Styles with the referee distracted leading to a two count only for Hall. Nash was given a warning from the referee to hit the showers. This allowed Jeff Hardy to enter the Impact Zone. Hardy distracted the referee in an attempt to equalize Nash, giving Jeff Jarrett the opportunity to enter the Impact Zone and drop Styles with a guitar. Hall made a �cover� on Styles for the pin and the win.
- After the match, the Kings of Wrestling went to work on Styles only to be stopped by Randy Savage, who led the entire TNA locker room out for a post-match stand off. Savage went off on the KOW as we closed the show.
Match View: With a commercial break in the middle of the match, we didn�t get to see too much action in this one. I just hope the barrage of outside interference isn�t going to be a staple of Dusty Rhodes� booking scheme in important, main event level matches. Let�s hope for some extended main event wrestling matches that are filled with quality wrestling and not other wrestlers becoming involved.
Closing Thoughts: Good show. Definitely a step in the right direction for TNA. I liked the commitment to wrestling that we saw for a good four out of six matches today. The X Division was certainly the highlight of the show with two solid matches that delivered quality wrestling. The wrestling was a step up from every edition of Impact, to my recollection. Each match, outside of Raven�s �match� and the main event, was given ample time to tell a solid wrestling story that wasn�t rushed, interrupted by a commercial, or full of blatant run-ins. Of course, there was the usual managerial interference, but that�s understood. I hope TNA continues to build on this new found emphasis on wrestling to develop characters and match styles.
It was good to not see 20 minutes of TV dedicated to the Kings of Wrestling. They were there and served their purpose, but didn�t consume the majority of the show. I hope Dusty continues to emphasize the wrestling and character development of the guys who need without focusing the show on the KOW. Today�s show was a great start to the Rhodes era and certainly made for a watchable product. There...I said something positive.
On to the whole WWE vs. TNA controversy...pleeeease. TNA just wants to sell their PPV by saying they will air �controversial� footage from the WWE commercial filming at Universal Studios. I don�t know why TNA continues to drag this out. Other than that simple point of ridiculousness, real good show today.
As always, feel free to send me feedback on today's show at I'm open to any and all reader comments. I'll be checking in with more TNA coverage...some of it the "Sunday Brunch," on Sunday afternoon, so keep your eyes peeled for that.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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