TNA News 1/17 TNA Impact tapings for Spike TV: Full results from Orlando of next three Spike TV episodes
Jan 18, 2006 - 2:44:00 AM
TNA Impact tapings
January 17, 2006
Orlando, Fla. at Universal Studios
Report by Alan Wojcik (, correspondent
Welcome to the TNA Spike TV Tapings for episodes to air over the following two Saturday's. The crowd is sure to be hot after the return of Sting. Today we will probably find out the top two or three matches for the February 12th Against All Odds PPV. Before Jeremy Borash came out, Jimmy Hart told the fans to watch their fucking language during the cool ass taping. So Cal Val was joined by two girls that looked about as enthused to be here I would be at a Yanni concert. America's Most Wanted watched hour one behind me on the scaffold, guess their not wrestling tonight. Nothing was done tonight regarding the Raven situation, unless they edit it into the TV show. Sean Waltman was backstage but not used. Matt Morgan apparently was also backstage.
TNA Impact to air this Saturday January 21st:
The show opened in the building with no videos.
(1) Sonjay Dutt and "The Future" Chris Sabin defeated Diamonds in the Rough members "Primetime" Elix Skipper and David Young (w/Simon Diamond).
Dutt and Sabin had control of the match until Dutt went for a spingboard move and Diamond punched him the jaw. The Diamonds had fun tossing Dutt around but neither got the pin or submission. Dutt survived and tagged out to Sabin, who took on Skipper and Young. Dutt tagged back in and hit a springobsrd drop kick and ended the match by hitting Young with the Hindu Press.
Shane Douglas spoke to AJ Styles about his street fight match tonight with "the Prince of Punk" Shannon Moore. When Styles went to talk about the Against All Odds bout with NWA World X Division champion Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels came over to argue about Styles interference at Sunday's PPV. Styles claimed he did it for Daniels family. Back from commercial Shane Douglas stood outside Sting's locker room, however Sting was not home so we went back to Mike Tenay and Don West.
(2) Team Canada members Petey Williams, "Showtime" Eric Young and A1 (w/Scott D'amore) defeated Ron "the Truth" Killings, Lance Hoyt and Shark Boy.
Williams and Shark began the bout but Young and A1 got in the mix, so Shark made them pay with bites to the ass. Killings and Young squared off but A1 snuck in behind the referee's back and hit Killings with a backbreaker. Team Canada tagged around trying to beat down Killings but he fought back several times. He hit Young with a suplex into an acecrusher before tagging out to Hoyt. Hoyt got in a workout tossing around Team Canada. Things got mixed up and in the end Williams pinned shark after hitting the Canadian Destroyer.
(3) The James Gang (Kip and BG James) defeated Kenny King and "Iceman" Buck Quartermaine (Kip James and Quartermaine can be seen Saturday working for EWE this Saturday in Brandon, FL, for all information)
Kip and BG came out in black football jerseys with 00 and James Gang on them. Despite that the crowd chanted New Age Outlaws. King looked good in the ring with Kip but didn't have the strength to match up with him. BG and Quartermaine fought on the floor as King was hit what I found out is called "the One and Only." After the match Konnan and Homcide popped up on screen calling them out.
Shane Douglas spoke to Larry Zbyszko about the location of Sting. Larry tried to throw Douglas off the story when Monty Brown came in asking if the rumors were true about the title shot at the PPV. Brown snatched the contract from Zbyszko and walked out of the room. Before the main event Christopher Daniels came out to join Tenay and West for commentary.
(4) In an Impact Zone street fight, "Prince of Punk" Shannon Moore (w/ the Mr.TNA award) defeated AJ Styles.
These two wasted no time brawling around the building as the crowd chanted "you screwed Daniels" at Styles. Alex Shelley and his trusty video camera came to the ringside area. Moore tossed Styles over the rail and into the fans. They fought into the bleachers where Styles tossed Moore back to the floor and then hit a splash. The fight finally came back to the ring where Moore went to work on Styles left knee. Moore set up a chair but Styles used it to drive Moore's head into it, then he put it around Moore's head and rammed him into the ringpost. Styles went for a suplex but his knee gave out. Moore slid the injured knee into the chair but when he came off the top rope, Styles moved it so Moore hit his jaw. Moore locked in a half crab which made Daniels leave the broadcast table and throw a towel in. Styles argued with Daniels long enough that Moore came up and got the rollup pin.
Christian Cage appeared on screen, talking on his cell phone. Shane Douglas spoke to Team 3D. They spoke about how they got screwed when Zbyszko came into his office. 3D talked how they were screwed by Team Canada. They said they wanted Team Canada and NWA World Tag Team champions America's Most Wanted in the ring together.
Christian Cage made his way to the ring to address his peeps. Cage said he just got off the phone with Sting who was at the movies watching the story of Monty Brown and Jeff Jarrett, Brokeback Mountain. Cage claimed Sting had a huge announcement to make next week. This brought out NWA World Heavyweight champion Jeff Jarrett and the contract Monty Brown took from Zbyszko. Jarrett said there were three certainties: if Cage owes you money it's in the mail, if he is on the way he will be there and Sting will be here next week. Jarrett's joke fell flat and then he claimed to have run Sting out of TNA and didn't care who his opponent is at Against All Odds. Even if it was Chris Jericho or Christian Cage. Jarrett told Cage he would be sending him home, to mid card status. The two men brawled long enough to have Monty Brown and Rhino hit the ring. Cage and Rhino ran Jarrett and Brown out of the ring. Rhino went to pick the contract off the floor when Cage stopped him. Abyss and James Mitchell hit the ring. Rhino and Abyss fought away from the ring. Brown stood in the ring alone holding the contract, contemplating whether to sign or not as the TV ended.
TNA Impact to air Saturday January 28th:
(1) Team 3D (Ray and Devon) defeated Kenny King and "Iceman" Buck Quartermaine. Team 3D came to the ring carrying their Tag Team of the Year award. 3D started the match beating down King. Quartermaine tagged in but he didn't fare much better as he was hit with the 3D. After the match they acknowledged the award and thanked the fans. They told Zbyszko they couldn't choose between AMW and Team Canada. They said they were going to let the fans choose the opponents for Against All Odds.
Shane Douglas interrupted Jerry Lynn who was arguing with Roderick Strong, Alex Shelley and Austin Aires. The trio seemed to want Lynn to acknowledge their two recent wins on TV and PPV. Matt Bentley and Traci Brooks came over and told them to stop complaining to Jerry Lynn. Bentley claimed they weren't worthy to sweep the ring. Bentley put over the Pit created, world famous Bentley Bounce. Lynn said Bentley was going to earn a shot up the ladder. Borash put over a car driver being in the front row. Tenay and West spoke to the home audience before the next match.
(2) NWA World X Division champion Samoa Joe defeated Matt Bentley (w/Traci Brooks).
As Joe beat down Bentley, Strong, Aires and Shelley came onto the rampway. Bentley fought back but Joe walked right out of the path of a dropkick and hit a powerslam. Jerry Lynn stood by the announce table. Bentley hit Joe in the head several time and went for a modified school boy but got two. Bentley escaped the Muscle Buster but couldn't avoid being locked in the Kokina Clutch. Bentley tapped out as Shelley, Strong and Aires mocked him. When Joe came up the rampway they ran for the locker room
They filmed the opening of the second hour. Borash announced that match three will be the opening match of the show. This was filmed third since Jarrett needed time to change into his wrestling outfit.
(3) NWA World Heavyweight champion Jeff Jarrett (w/Gail Kim) defeated Jay Lethal.
Jarrett jumped Lethal at the bell and didn't stop beating on him for a few moments. Jackie Gayda (dressed like Shannon Moore's stunt double) came out to face Jarrett. Gayda gave Kim a videotape to watch and both ladies went their separate ways. Lethal actually got in some offense but he fell to the Stroke. After the match Christian Cage came down the rampway. Cage said he didn't have any jokes for Jarrett but a promise that was delivered to him from Larry Zbyszko. Cage said at the PPV he would face Jeff Jarrett for the NWA World title.
(4) In a rematch from Final Resolution, Abyss (w/Father James Mitchell) and Rhino fought to a no contest.
These two picked up where they left off Sunday, sorry last Sunday in the storylines. Rhino hit a devastating belly to belly suplex but Abyss avoided the GORE and slid to the floor. The match went to the floor but quickly came back to the ring. Rhino kept on the offense even escaping an Abyss chokeslam. However Rhino didn't avoid Abyss's huge boot that went into Rhino's face. Abyss and Mitchell tried to choke the life out of Rhino. Abyss almost succeeded with a corner splash. Mitchell signaled for Doomsday and Rhino took that as his time to fight back. Rhino went for another GORE but Abyss tossed Rhino over the top rope. Abyss beat Rhino on the back and head with a chair. Rhino fought back and they brawled to a corner of the rampway by the interview area. Rhino hit abyss with a chair and a garbage can. When Abyss got to his feet Rhino hit the GORE through the wall of the backstage area when Andrew Thomas called for the bell. Both men laid motionless in the backstage area as medics checked on them. They went to commercial and came back showing the replay of the end of the match. AJ Pierzynski and Dale Toborg came from the locker room to see the next segment.
The Impact Zone and Mike Tenay welcomed Sting to the ring for an interview segment. Sting talked about the final WCW Nitro taping. He mentioned his first World title win at Great American Bash 1990, his Clash of the Champions I match with Ric Flair and other great memories. He played up the memories of the fans he loved. Sting felt he was jilted over the last five years that he never got to day goodbye. TNA called him and asked him to sign after the Spike TV deal. Sting put over the locker room and TNA has "his brand." Sting suffered amnesia as he claimed he hadn't wrestled in five years, ignoring the matches he had for WWA overseas and TNA Wrestling in Nashville. Sting went back to his initial point, saying that Sunday's Final Resolution match was his goodbye to the fans and TNA. Big shock the crowd chanted, "Please Don't Go." I think his accountant was also screaming it at the same time. From the babyface entryway appeared AJ Styles, Sonjay Dutt, Chris Sabin and Christian Cage.
Matches to air on TNA Xplosion syndicated programming:
(1) Matt Bentley (w/Traci Brooks) defeated Lex (actually its Lex Lovett w/Alexa)
Lovett is doing a cheerleader gimmick and Alexa his cheer partner. Take that WWE and their Team Spirit gimmick. When Lex did something good in the ring he performed a cheer move. Bentley mocked this when he got on the offense. Lex went to work on Bentley's neck, hitting a legdrop as Bentley laid on the ring apron. Lex hit the LexBuster and asked the fans to help spell his name. Too bad when Lex got to the X in his name, Bentley hit the Superkick to win the match.
(2) New Japan/IWGP U30 champion Hiroshi Tanahashi defeated Roderick Strong.
The fans chanted Tanahashi's name as he came to the ring. Tanahashi hit several deep armdrags but Strong hit some chest chops. Strong hit a suplex and locked in a Jushin Liger style submission but Tanahashi refused to submit. Tanahashi fought back with an elbow drop and a knee drop. The Pit counted Tanahashi's pin attempts in Japanese. Strong stopped a top rope move, crotch first. Strong hit a standing suplex and a backbreaker but missed a second rope legdrop. Both men laid in hard forearms and chest chops but Tanahashi hit a running elbow to Strong to get two. Strong hit a sitout powerbomb for two. Tanahashi locked in the Dragon Sleeper and hit a Death Drop for two. Strong fought off defeat but couldn't avoid a clothesline that Tanahashi used to drive Strong to the mat.
(3) Team Canada (Petey Williams, Bobby Roode, "Showtime" Eric Young and A1) defeated Ron "the Truth" Killings, the Naturals (Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas, happy birthday cheers go to Chase) and Cassidy Riley when Riley escaped the Canadian Destroyer but didn't avoid Roode's Northern Exposure clothesline. Borash acknowledged Stevens' birthday and the fans sang along. Rudy Charles gave Chase a cupcake for his birthday but the Naturals shoved it in his face.
Announced matches for Against All Odds:
**NWA World Heavyweight champion Jeff Jarrett vs. "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage
**NWA World X Division champion Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles
**In a fan's choose the opponents match, Team 3D vs Team Canada or NWA World Tag Team champions America's Most Wanted ("Tennessee Cowboy" James Storm and "Wildcat" Chris Harris)
If you attend an arena event in future, either house shows or TV tapings, we encourage you to send us a report for publication. You can direct your reports to "matchresults" (@pwtorch. com) .
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