Other News Torch Indy Weekend Report: King Kong Bundy, American Dragon retains in ROH, Ryan retains in PWG, Arik Cannon wins tourney
Jun 26, 2006 - 3:19:00 PM
By Chris Vetter, Torch Contributor
Torch Indy Reporter Chris Vetter travels thousands of miles each year to see dozens of indy shows all over the Midwest. His reports covering the entire U.S. Indy Scene are usually published exclusively here at PWTorch.com every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Ring of Honor returned to the Midwest over the weekend, and I have those results below. I also posted my detailed report of the Chicago show on the Torch main site. American Dragon retained his title on Friday by defeating Jimmy Jacobs and B.J Whitmer in a three-way elimination match, then he beat Colt Cabana on Saturday in Chicago. KENTA defeated Austin Aries on Saturday in one of the hardest hitting matches I’ve ever seen!
Arik Cannon won the Chikara Pro “Young Lions Cup” tournament over the weekend. The 24-man tournament is open to wrestlers under the age of 25. Cannon defeated former ROH wrestler Cheech in the finale on Sunday.
In Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, Joey Ryan retained the PWG World Heavyweight title by defending rising star Davey Richards. Also on the show, Kevin Steen & Chris Sabin defeated El Generico & Quicksilver.
In other news…
Tyler Black and Marek Brave have pulled out of the big NIW tournament this weekend, as Black is recovering from a shoulder injury. The tournament, which will be held in Minnesota and Wisconsin, features Austin Aries, Jimmy Jacobs and Delirious. Read about this tournament and this promotion at www.niwwrestling.com.
Dr. Death Steve Williams will wrestle for Pro Wrestling Unplugged on Wednesday, facing Helter Skelter. The Briscoes and Trent Acid also will be in action. Check out www.prowrestlingunplugged.com for more info. I have posted results below of the PWU show Friday that featured Sandman and 2 Cold Scorpio in action.
And you can always reach me with your indy results at chrisjvetter@hotmail.com. I request that you remember to say date, location (including building, city & state!), and full name of the promotion.
Ring of Honor, June 23, Detroit, Mich.: Gutter defeats Bobby Dempsey, CJ Otis defeats Rhett Titus, Irish Airborne defeat “Venom” Keith Walker & Shane Hagadorn, Nigel McGuinness defeats Conrad Kennedy III, Jay & Mark Briscoe defeat Ace Steel & Colt Cabana, Delirious defeats Jimmy Rave and Davey Richards and Samoa Joe in a four-way, Adam Pearce defeats Necro Butcher via DQ, Homicide defeats Claudio Castognoli, Bryan Danielson defeats Jimmy Jacobs and B.J. Whitmer in a three-way to retain the ROH title.
Chikara Pro, June 23, Reading, Penn., “Young Lions Cup:” Lance Steel #1 defeats Shane Valentine, Equinox defeats El Hijo del Ice Cream, Don Paysan defeats Player Uno, Arik Cannon defeats Danny Havoc, Lance Steel #2 defeats Dragon Dragon, Max Boyer defeats Brandon Thomaselli, Sal & Vito Thomaselli defeat Shane Storm & Jigsaw, Fire Ant & Soldier Ant defeat Gran Akuma & Icarus, Arik Cannon defeats Lance Steel #1 and Max Boyer and Lance Steel #2 and Equinox and Don Payson.
Pro Wrestling Unplugged, June 23, Philadelphia, Penn.: Aramis defeats Detox via DQ, Sumie Sakai defeats Mercedes Martinez, Devon Moore defeats Drew Blood, Ian rotten defeats Corp. Robinson and Hellaware Assassin, Johnny Hotbody & Pete Hunter & Gary Wolfe defeat Kwami & Gemini & Ron Star and Johnny Candido & Nick Berk & Z-Barr, the SAT defeat All Money is Legal, 2 Cold Scorpio defeats Trent Acid to win the PWU title, Sandman defeats Johnny Kashmere in a steel cage grudge match.
New England Championship Wrestling, June 23, Quincy, Mass.: Jose Perez defeats TJ Richter and Kristian Frost and Pat Masters, John Walters defeats Kellan Thomas, Eddie Edwards defeats DC Dillinger, Antonio Thomas defeats Jose Perez, Jason Blade defeats Xavier, Evan Siks & Frankie Arion & Nikki Roxx defeat J Busta & Dave Cole & Ariel in a mixed-tag match, Eddie Edwards defeats John Walters and Jason Blade and Antonio Thomas to win the NECW “Iron 8” trophy.
Gateway Championship Wrestling, June 23, Overland, Mo.: Jackal defeats K.C. Karrington, SWAT Team defeats Cabal & Gary Jay, Dingo defeats Melvin Talent, Jimmy Charisma defeats Kevin X, Kory Twist defeats Bryan Monterro, Pierre Abernathy & Evan Petrie defeats Shorty Biggs & OuTtKaSt, Cameron Cage defeats Sean Vincent.
AWA Pinnacle, June 23, Everett, Wash.: Nelson Creed defeats Aaron Bolo, Rollin’ 2 Deep & the Wrestlers of Mass Destruction defeat Breakneck & Larkin O’Shea & Jimmy Flame & JD Mason in an 8-man tag, Veronika vs. Nikki ended in a double countout, Tony Kozin defeats Twist, Sumito defeats Seth Knight, Dash Venture & Laramie Lexow & Christopher Ryseck defeat Nick Sully & Azul Angel & Caden Mathews, Davey Richards defeats Lyle Montgomery, TJ Wilson defeats Davey Richards.
Independent Wrestling Federation, June 23, West Paterson, N.J.: Tony Torres & Antonio Rivera defeat Eddie Latham & Steve Phillips, Chris Steeler & Nick Sabre vs. Jana & Rick Cataldo went to a draw, Shawn Donovan & Dan McGuire defeat Jasin Karloff & Steve Off, Justin Corino & Tommy Trouble defeat Mike Durnin & Steve Camacho, Fred Sampson & Franciz defeat Bryan Harley & Frank Scoleri.
Ring of Honor, June 24, Chicago Ridge, Ill.: Josh Abercrombie defeats Rhett Titus, Boz defeats Alex “Sugarfoot” Payne, “Venom” Keith Walker defeats Bobby Dempsey and CJ Otis in a three-way, Jake & Dave Crist defeat Trik Davis & Shane Hagadorn, Roderick Strong defeats Jimmy Jacobs, Mark & Jay Briscoe defeat Jimmy Rave & Conrad Kennedy III, Samoa Joe defeats Delirious, Claudio Castognoli & Necro Butcher & Nate Webb defeat B.J. Whitmer & Adam Pearce & Ace Steel, Nigel McGuinness defeats Homicide via countout, KENTA defeats Austin Aries, American Dragon defeats Colt Cabana to retain the ROH world heavyweight title.
Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, June 24, Los Angeles, Calif.: TJ Perkins defeats Disco Machine, Havana Pitbulls defeat Alex Koslov & Ronin, Chris Bosh defeats Frankie Kazarian, B-Boy defeats Scott Lost, Kevin Steen & Chris Sabin defeat El Generico & Quicksilver, Joey Ryan defeats Davey Richards.
Chikara Pro, June 24, Hellertown, Penn., “Young Lions Cup:” Cheech defeats Fire Ant, Jon Moxley defeats Hydra, Chuck Taylor defeats Ricochet, Andy Sumner defeats Excalibur, Ice Cream Jr. defeats Retail Dragon, Cloudy defeats Matt Turner, Dragon Dragon & Player Uno & Equinox defeat Darkness Crabtree & Max Boyer & Don Paysan, Shane Storm & Jigsaw defeat Gran Akuma & Icarus via refs decision, Cheech defeats Cloudy and Ice Cream Jr. and Andy Sumner and Jon Moxley and Chuck Taylor.
Eastern Wrestling Alliance, June 24, Glen Burnie, Md.(afternoon show): Dr. X defeats Chris Nightmare, Tyler Hilton defeats Warpig, King Kong Bundy vs. the Patriot went to a no contest, Buster Maccabi defeats Stevie Riggs, Champ Champagne vs. Eagle vs. Core vs. DJ Hyde went to a draw.
Eastern Wrestling Alliance, June 24, Essex, Md. (night show): The Bruiser defeats Stevie Desire, DJ Hyde defeats Champ Champagne, Dr. X defeats Jimmy Starz and Robbie Marino, Eagle defeats Core, Ruckus defeats Drew Gulak, Bruce Chan & Zach Matthews defeat Gregory Excellence, Derek Frazier defeats Tyler Hilton, Eagle defeats DJ Hyde, Kylie Pierce defeats Candie, King Kong Bundy & the Patriot defeat Marcus Jordan & Stevie Riggs.
Gateway Championship Wrestling, June 24, Cape Girardeau, Mo.: Jackal defeats K.C. Karrington, Bryan Monterro defeats Super Castaldi, Dingo defeats Steven Kennedy, Michael Strider defeats Shorty Biggs, Cameron Cage defeats Kory Twist, Sean Vincent & Rebecca Raze defeat D.N.S., Cameron Cage defeats Dingo and Michael Strider in a TLC match.
Pro Wrestling Mid-Atlantic, June 24, Hayes, Va.: Thrills & Chills defeat Rex Sterling & Quickstyle, both Marc Anthony vs. Mike Slaughter and Grail & Robert Royal vs. Logan Knight & John Kermon went to a no contest when Bane beat up everyone in the ring, Bane defeats Iraqi Assassin, Damien Wayne & Mike Booth defeat Prince Malik & CA Elliot, Jason Jones defeats Phil Brown, Tully Blanchard defeats Mark Fleming.
CWF Mid-Atlantic, June 24, Burlington, N.C.: Brass Munkey defeats Michael McAllister, Jake Manning defeats Julius Augustus and K.C. McKnight, Otto Schwanz defeats Matty Dee, Tank Lawson & Rob McBride defeat United Nations of Devastation & Asaad Khalif, Mikael Yamaha & Donnie Dollars defeat the $outh$ide Playas, Brad Attitude & Xsiris defeat the StreetSweepers, Gemini Kid defeats Corey Edsel, Kamakazi Kid & Ultra Dragon & Roy Wilkins defeat Steve Greene & Joey Silvia & Trent Wylde, new AWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Converse relinquished his CWF Mid-Atlantic Title.
Independent Wrestling Federation, June 24, West Paterson, N.J.: Shane O’Brien & Aaron Stride defeat Jana & Rick Cataldo, Mike Durnin defeats Steve Camacho, Chris Steeler & Nick Sabre defeat Justin Corino & Tommy Trouble, Tony Torres & Antonio Rivera defeat Shawn Donovan & Dan McGuire, Fred Sampson & Franciz defeat Kevin Knight & Travis Blake.
Chikara Pro, June 25, Philadelphia, Penn., “Young Lions Cup”: Equinox & Angel de Fuego & the Colony defeat Crossbones & Rorschach & Los Ice Creams, Daizee Haze defeats Mickie Knuckles, Max Boyer defeats Dan Paysan, Chuck Taylor & Cloudy defeat Ricochet & Player Uno, Eddie Kingston defeats Larry Sweeney via DQ, Chris Hero defeats Brandon Thomaselli, The Iron Saints defeat Hallowicked & Delirious, Mike Quackenbush & Jigsaw & Shane Storm defeat Claudio Castognoli & Icarus & Gran Akuma via DQ, Arik Cannon defeats Cheech to win the Young Lions Cup.
AWA Pinnacle Wrestling, June 25, Auburn, Wash.: Laramie Lexow & Christopher Ryseck & Dash Venture defeat Volcano and JD Mason and Larkin O’Shea, Rollin’ 2 Deep defeat Azul Angel & Breakneck, Skag Rollins defeats Nicky Sully, Caden Mathews & Aaron Bolo defeat Seth Knight & Nelson Creed, TJ Wilson defeats Twist.
Vanguard Championship Wrestling, June 25, Hampton, Va.: Damien Wayne defeats Rex Sterling, Tonic defeats Mike Booth, Preston Quinn defeats Brandon Day, Sean Denny defeats Horrorshow by DQ, Horrowshow & KROTCH & Unnamed masked wrestler defeat Sean Denny & the Hall Brothers, Phil Brown vs. Dirty Money ended when the Greek Mafia ordered the match to be stopped.
Independent Wrestling Federation, June 25, West Paterson, N.J.: Fred Sampson & Franciz defeat Tony Torres & Antonio Rivera, Shane O’Brien & Aaron Stride defeat Chris Steeler & Nick Sabre, Kevin Knight defeats Shawn Moore, Tommy Trouble defeats Steve Camacho, Travis Blake defeats Frank Scoleri, Justin Corino defeats Steve Off, Dan McGuire defeats Bryan Harley, Fred Sampson & Franciz defeat Shane O’Brien & Aaron Stride to win the tag tournament.
Midwest Pro Wrestling, June 28, Minneapolis, Minn., First Avenue.
Pro Wrestling Unplugged, June 28, Philadelphia, Penn., Cavanaughs Riverdeck, with Dr. Death Steve Williams vs. Helter Skelter, Trent Acid vs. Devon Moore, Johnny Kashmer vs. KJ Hellfire, Drew Blood vs. Teddy Fine, Aramis vs. Detox.
CREW, June 29, Williamston, NC, National Guard Armory, Damien Wayne vs. Shane Falco in a dog collar cage match.
Mercury 1 Wrestling, June 29, Green Bay, Wis., the Neng Yee Center, with Delirious, Jigsaw and Larry Sweeney.
Northern Impact Wrestling, June 30, West St. Paul, the Community Center, with Delirious vs. Horace the Psychopath, Austin Aries vs. Ben Sailer, Punisher & Al B.C. vs. Jimmy Jacobs & Kid Krazy, and matches with Larry Sweeney, Jigsaw, The Prophet, Marek Brave, Tyler Black, Ryan Cruz, Darin Corbin.
Gateway Championship Wrestling, June 30, Mehlville, Mo., Dingo vs. Michael Strider in a dog collar match, Shorty Biggs & OutTtKaSt vs. Nick Tyson & Michael Serious, Rebecca Raze vs. MsChif, Jackal vs. Steve Kennedy, Cameron Cage vs. Kevin X.
Northern Impact Wrestling, July 1, Amery, Wis., “The Impact Tournament, with 8 first-round matches: Arik Cannon vs. Ash, Delirious vs. Punisher, Jimmy Jacobs vs. Al B.C., Cody O’Neill vs. Jigsaw, Larry Sweeney vs. Darin Corbin, Kid Krazy vs. TBA, The Prophet vs. TBA, Ryan Cruz vs. Austin Aries..
Ultimate Pro Wrestling, July 1, San Clemente, Calif., the OC Dojo, 8 p.m.
Hybrid Pro Wrestling, July 1, Schoolcraft, Mich., CJ Otis vs. Harker Dirge, plus matches with Jimmy Shalwin, “Gameboy” Max Morrison, Josh Abercrombie, Johnny Dynamo, Josh Movado, Keith Crème, “Old School” Jeff King, Magnum Conroy.
River City Wrestling, July 1, San Antonio, Texas, Hope of Glory Church, 7 p.m.
Championship Wrestling, July 1, Kingsport, Tenn., Boys & Girls Club, 8 p.m., with Tony Givens & Robbie Cassidy vs. Nick Hammonds & Moe Jenkins, Dr. Tom Prichard vs. Beau James, Ray Idol vs. Thorn, Chris Richards & Steve Fury vs. Cody Ices & a mystery partner, Wayne Adkins vs. Allen King, Matt Scott vs. Jamie Gibson.
Ring Wars Carolina, July 1, Fayetteville, NC, 1905 Pamalee Drive, Hangtime vs. Tito Rainz, United Nations of Devastation vs. Brokeback Express. Also, matches involving Doink the Clown, The Stro.
Northern Impact Wrestling, July 2, Cottage Grove, Minn., the armory, the finals of the 16-man, three day “Impact Invitational.”
Ring Wars Carolina, July 4, Hope Mills, NC, Hope Mills Athletic Field #2.
Atlantic Coast Pro Wrestling, July 4, Clinton, NC, at the Pawn Shop, "King of Clinton" tournament.
International Wrestling Cartel, July 7, Elizabeth, Penn., Courttime Sports Center, “Summer Sizzler,” with Dennis Gregory & Bolen & Radford & a mystery partner vs. Hentai & Sebastian Dark & Shirley Doe & Abyss in an 8-man “caged fury war games rules” match, Low Ki vs. John McChesney, Delirious vs. Christopher Daniels, Chris Hero & Claudio Castognoli vs. Jason Gory & Shiima Xion, Ricky Reyes vs. Larry Sweeney, Glenn Spectre vs. Vendetta.
Full Impact Pro, July 7, Inverness, Fla., Citrus County Auditorium, with Bryan Danielson vs. Colt Cabana, Heartbreak Express vs. Black Market, Steve Madison vs. Erick Stevens, and matches with Homicide, Shingo Takagi, Davey Richards, B.J. Whitmer, Kory Chavis Sal Rinauro, Chasyn Rance and Kenny King.
NWA Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling, July 7, Galax, Va., County Fairgrounds. Matches with Lex Luger, Buff Bagwell, Russian Assassin, Tommy Gunn, Rikki Nelson, the Patriot.
Carolina Wrestling Association, July 7, Statesville, NC, Bentley Community Center, Heidenreich & Barry Houston vs. Jake Manning & Total Protection, Chris Guerrero & Jesse Ortega vs. Homies with Attitudes. Plus, Ric Converse, George South, Streetsweepers.
Combat Zone Wrestling, July 8, Philadelphia, Penn., New Alhambra/former ECW Arena, 8 p.m., with Ruckus vs. Zandig, B-Boy vs. Luke, Cheech vs. Cloudy, Andy Sumner & Drew Gulak vs. Lucky & JC Ryder.
Full Impact Pro, July 8, Arcadia, Fla., Sumter County Fairgrounds, 8 p.m., with Bryan Danielson, B.J. Whitmer, Colt Cabana, Homicide, Davey Richards, Shingo Takagi, Erick Stevens, Black Market, Steve Madison, Sal Rinauro and Chasyn Rance in action.
NWA Midwest, July 8, Streamwood, Ill., the Park District Rec Center, with Abyss vs. a mystery opponent, Team Canada vs. Corp. Robinson & Hardcore Craig, Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin, Danny Daniels vs. Ryan Boz, Jaysin Strife vs. Jason Dukes.
EWF, July 8, Marion, Ind., “the Krazy Eight Tag Team Tournament,” with Dave & Jake Crist, Fallen Dragon & Hypnosis, Hillbilly Jed & Indiana Kidd Jr., Billy Roc & Shawn Cook, Skip Raddison & Rob Kincaid, Caden Ames & Cristen Able, Hank Calhoun & Wildman Rogers.
IAW Wrestling, July 8, South Bend, Ind., the Coveleski Stadium, with Brian Costello vs. Paul Roma, Andy Chene vs. Tito Santana, Damage Inc. vs. Jay Peterson & Justin Dean, Mr. Smiley vs. Dr. Love, Brian Anthony vs. Chris Battle.
Minnesota Championship Wrestling, July 8, St. Paul, Minn., with the debut of Samoa Joe!
United Wrestling Entertainment, July 8, Lansing, Mich., with Shark Boy, Jimmy Jacobs, M-Dogg 20, Jason Silver, Cassidy Riley, Bobby Roode, Raymond Rowe.
Buddah show, July 8, south Minneapolis, Minn., the National Guard armory, with Ian Xavier vs. Buddah, the Lumberjack vs. 2-Lo, Johnny Goldengate vs. 2-Lo, The German Enforcers vs. Josh Calisto & Jezrial, plus Ann Thraxx, Joessiah, Schoolboy and Spiderbaby.
Carolina Wrestling Association, July 8, Charlotte, NC, Sugar Creek Recreation Center, Jason Jones & Heidenreich vs. The Streetsweepers, Tracy Smothers vs. Jake Manning, Chris Guerrero & Jesse Ortega vs. Homies with Attitudes.
NWA Virginia, July 8, Chesterfield Courthouse, Va., Chesterfield County Fairgrounds, Damien Wayne vs. Chris Dramin in a ladder match, Preston Quinn & Mike Booth vs. Phil Brown & Dirty Money, Thrills & Chills vs. Attitude Inc. Matches with Sean Denny, Grail, Horrorshow, Big Tony & Tommy Smallz.
Maryland Championship Wrestling, July 9, Dundalk, Md., “The Shane Shamrock Memorial Cup,” with Sonjay Dutt vs. Ruckus, Chris Sabin vs. Alex Shelley, Petey Williams vs. Josh Daniels, and matches with Jerry Lynn, Derek Frazier, Ramblin’ Rich, Qenann Creed and Steve Anthony. In non-tournament matches will be Corp. Punishment vs. Adam Flash.
NWA Virginia, July 9, Roanoke, Va., Star City Fun Zone, Scotty Blaze, Damien Wayne, Frank Parker, United Nations of Devastation, Grail, PHARAOH, Sean Denny, Big Tony.
Big Time Wrestling, July 9, Ayden, NC, Ayden Recreation Center, Jimmy Jack Funk Jr. vs. George South, Chris Guerrero vs. Styxx. Plus, matches with Mike Lee, New Age Freebirds, Cowboy Houston.
IWA-Mid South, July 14, Plainfield, Ind., Capitol Sports Center.
MWA, July 14, Carter Lake, Iowa, the Chez Paree Social Hall, with Arik Cannon in action.
Insane Wrestling Federation, July 14, Detroit, Mich., the American Serbian Hall.
Southern Atlantic Wrestling, July 14, Roanoke Rapids, N.C., Kirkwood Adams Community Center, Gluteus Maximus vs. Timber, and matches with Rex Sterling, Attitude Inc., Diego DeLarosa, Lord Everett DeVore, Chris Dramin.
Ring of Honor, July 15, Philadelphia, Penn., the armory.
Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, July 15, Los Angeles, Calif., “Three Year Anniversary,” Night 1.
Jersey All Pro, July 15, Seaside Heights, N.J., the Funtown Pier, 8 p.m.
IWA-Mid South, July 15, Midlothian, Ill., the Don Preston Rec Center.
New England Championship Wrestling, July 15, Framingham, Mass., the Civic League.
AAW, July 15, Berwyn, Ill., the Eagles Club.
World 1 Wrestling, July 15, Philadelphia, Penn., New Foundation Charter School.
NWA Central States Wrestling, July 15, Lawrence, Kan.
2CW, July 15, Syracuse, N.Y., the Oncenter Convention Center, with Matt “Brother Runt” Hyson, the James Gang, 2 Cold Scorpio, Tony Atlas, Slyck Wagner Brown, Zachary Springate III, Isys Ephex, Gordy, JD Love, Johnny Law, Violet Flame, Strangler Steve King.
3XW, July 15, Des Moines, Iowa, the $1 Fitness Center.
NIW, July 15, New Hope, Minn., free outdoor show, 2 p.m.
Xero Underground, July 15, Washington, DC, Thurgood Marshall Center, Osirus vs. Chris Nightmare, Jason Pharo vs. White Lotus, Tommy Force vs. Chance Prophet, S1 vs. Shane Falco, Alex Lunar vs. DJ Greene. Also, RAGE promotion six way with Crazii Shea, The Fan, Iron Cross, Kid Styles and two TBA wrestlers.
NWA Virginia, July 15, Mathews, Va., Pianktiank Ruritan Club, Preston Quinn & Mike Booth vs. Phil Brown & Dirty Money. Also matches with Sean Denny, Grail, Scotty Blaze, Chris Dramin, Hall Brothers, United Nations of Devastation, Attitude Inc., Thrills & Chills.
Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, July 16, Los Angeles, Calif., “Three Year Anniversary,” Night 2.
World-1 Wrestling, July 16, Pottstown, Penn.
Unnamed promotion, July 16, Tilleda, Wis., the community hall.
AWA Summer Clash, July 17, Rochester, Minn., with Krazy K, Ricky Landell, Aaron Aguilera, Baron Von Raschke and Sheik Adnon Al-Kassie.
Dragon Gate IMPACT, July 21, Philadelphia, Penn., New Alhambra/former ECW Arena.
Pro Wrestling Unplugged, July 21, Reading, Penn., the Riverside Beneficial Association Building.
ECWA, July 21, Newark, Del., the Greater Newark Boys’ & Girls’ Club.
High Velocity Wrestling, July 21, Hendersonville, N.C., with an appearance by Jeff Hardy.
Maryland Championship Wrestling, July 22, Odenton, Md., with Christian Cage, Monty Brown and Sonjay Dutt in action.
International Wrestling Cartel, July 22, Uniontown, Penn.
NWA Cyberspace/Shockwave, July 22.
Pro Wrestling Unplugged, July 22, Philadelphia, Penn., New Alhambra/ECW Arena, 2:30 belltime.
ECWA, July 22, Newark, Del., the Greater Newark Boys’ & Girls’ Club.
Pro Wrestling World 1, July 23, Gainesville, Fla.
Ring of Honor, July 28, Dayton, Ohio, the Montgomery County Fairgrounds.
Jersey All Pro, July 29, Aberdeen, N.J., the Tab Ramos Sports Complex, 8 p.m., with Human Tornado vs. B-Boy.
Ground Zero Wrestling, July 29, Lodi, Calif., the American Legion Hall.
River City Wrestling, July 29, San Antonio, Texas, Hope of Glory Church, 7 p.m.
Eastern Wrestling Alliance, July 29, Essex, Md., with Eagle vs. Mr. E Machine, Goldthumb vs. Chris Nightmare, Buster Maccabi vs. Apollo Cruz.
World 1 Wrestling July 30, Boyertown, Penn., the Pheasantland Rollerdome.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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