DVDs - VGames - Books Tape Review: IWA-MS "No Blood, No Guts, No Glory," July 2, 2005, with Wargames
Aug 10, 2005 - 3:13:00 PM
By Chris Vetter, Torch Contributor
IWA-Mid South spent a half of a year building up to “No Blood, No Guts, No Glory,” which featured a three-team double-cage “Wargames” match. The winner of Wargames would determine who has control over IWA-Mid South. The team captains are Ian Rotten (IWA-Mid South faces), Jim Fannin (heels in IWA-Mid South), and Ed Chuman (NWA-Midwest, also heels).
The tape opened with a video of the 15 wrestlers who are participating in Wargames (three teams, five members per team.) The video is a nu-metal band covering Seal’s “Crazy.” A promo airs with heel manager Jim Fannin sitting in a limousine with the members of his team, plus heel champion Jimmy Jacobs. Fannin went over strategy, of which guys to focus on in the ring, and which guys to avoid (like the monster, Tank). Entertaining promo, but a bit long.
Brandon Thomaselli is talking to fans in front of the building, when Fannin’s team jumps him from behind and beat him up, taking him out of Wargames. This was an entertaining segment.
The show opens with a long Ian Rotten promo. Dave Prazak is play-by-play announcer tonight, and he is joined for most of the show by wrestler Trik Davis on color commentary. Trik speculates that if Jim Fannin wins control of the company, Fannin will fire Trik. Two rings are set up side-by-side, and Prazak & Trik talk about how the ring ropes look dangerously limp in both rings. This event was taped with four cameras, to capture all the action in both rings. The crowd tops 200 people tonight.
(1) Claudio Castognoli defeats TJ Dalton at 5:02. A basic squash. Claudio is really starting to catch on nationwide right now, and he’s great. Dalton is perhaps best known for an appearance in Ring of Honor on the “Joe vs. Punk 2” show. He’s got a good physique, but he hasn’t improved much in the past 10 months.
Claudio applied a cravat. Dalton hit some chops. Castognoli nailed a shoulderbreaker over his knee, worked on Dalton’s left arm, and he hit some European Uppercuts. Dalton came back with a dropkick and a hurricanrana, then a crossbody block for a nearfall. Castognoli put Dalton in a hammerlock hold, picked him up to put pressure on the hold, and Dalton submitted.
(2) Mickie Knuckles defeats Rain and Daizee Haze at 8:56 in a three-way. Haze and Knuckles, the faces, are acting goofy early, while Rain sat in the crowd. Knuckles and Haze got serious and traded rollup attempts, and the crowd applauded. Knuckles put Haze in a Muta Lock at 4:00, but Rain jumped in the ring and interfered. Rain and Haze traded some nice mat wrestling holds, then some hard chops.
Haze hit a Victory Roll on Rain for a nearfall, then she hit a Raindrop/inverted DDT (Rain’s move!) on Rain. The faces beat up on Rain, until Haze accidentally hit Knuckles with a clothesline at 7:30. Haze hit Rain with a Heartpunch. However, Haze again accidentally hit Knuckles, this time with a Yakuza Kick. Rain flipped Haze to the floor. However, Mickie came up behind Rain, and when Rain turned around, Mickie nailed her with a Shining Kawada Kick to the face for the pin. Good women’s action.
(3) Danny Daniels defeats Conrad Kennedy III (w/Alexander Cain) at 7:16. So-so match. I’ve seen CK3 before, and I’m largely uninterested. Daniels was good as usual. The crowd is hot immediately, chanting for Daniels. CK3 opened with basic punches and chops. Daniels came back with a neckbreaker and a jumping Mafia Kick for a nearfall. They brawled into the second ring.
Daniels hit a crossbody block at 3:00 and a knee drop to the back of CK3’s head. CK3 came back with a slingshot suplex, a Japanese Stranglehold over his knee, and a spinebuster. Daniels hit a reverse bulldog for a nearfall. CK3 picked Daniels up and put him in a drop-down Torture Rack. Daniels hit a piledriver out of nowhere for the pin.
(4) Tank defeats Eddie Kingston and Chris Hero in a three-way at 7:09. The winner of this match determines which team will have the advantage in Wargames. Hero is the lone face here. Kingston and Hero work together early to take on the 400-pound Tank, hitting a double-elbow shot, sending the big man to the floor. Kingston immediately hit Hero with a back suplex for a nearfall. Hero hit a nice standing dropkick on Kingston.
Tank re-entered the ring and nailed Hero with a decapitating clothesline and some stiff kicks to the spine. Tank nailed a Tumbleweed into the corner on Kingston, then a backbreaker on Eddie. Hero put Tank in a cravat, and turned it into a Russian Legsweep. Cool. Hero and Kingston traded some stiff forearms and chops. Hero hit Kingston with a powerbomb, then doublestomps on Eddie’s chest. However, Fannin broke up a pin attempt.
Hero hit Kingston with the Hero’s Welcome/spinning faceplant, but rather than making the cover, Hero chased Fannin! This allowed Tank to nail a Senton Splash on Kingston and pin him. This was a very good match for the time given.
(5) Josh Abercrombie defeats Marek Brave and Tyler Black in a three-way at 7:17. Wow, that was another really good, albeit short, match. Danny Daniels sits in on commentary; he trained Brave and Black. The three wrestlers trade armdrags and rollup attempts, then brawl to the floor. Black dove onto Marek and Josh. Abercrombie hit a Corkscrew Asai Moonsault onto his opponents on the floor, and they all tumbled onto chairs. Abercrombie hit a running knee and a dropkick to the face of Marek.
Black hit a moonsault from the top turnbuckle to the floor on his opponents. Back in the ring, Black hit a Reverse Rana on Abercrombie, dropping Josh on his head at 5:00. Black hit a Bronco Driver/modified power slam on Brave for a nearfall. Abercrombie hit his Taliban BackPack/second-rope Lungblower on Black for a nearfall. Abercrombie hit a Phoenix Splash/corkscrew moonsault onto both of his opponents to score the pin. Abercrombie’s knee nailed Brave, who was bleeding from the mouth after the match. The crowd chanted “IWA” at the three wrestlers, who all shook hands. Wow, that was fun, non-stop action.
(6) Delirious vs. CM Punk went to a one-hour draw. This is Punk’s final IWA-Mid South match, and he hugged most of the girls at ringside, and even went over to hug Prazak. Loud “CM Punk” chant to start. They open with a stare-off, and Delirious unloads a hilarious, long promo on Punk in his gibberish. They flex muscles, and Prazak said Punk is now on IcoPro, because he’s signed with WWE. Hilarious.
This is the third match between these two wrestlers this year, and the matches have built on what has happened in the prior matches. For instance, Delirious put his hand in his mouth to slobber on it, and wipe it in Punk’s face; this time, Punk was prepared for it, and he had a wetnap tucked in his boots to dry off Delirious’ hand. Hilarious, and the crowd loved the silliness. They each complain to the ref that the other is pulling hair.
Punk lands some hard kicks to Delirious’ thighs at 9:30. Delirious bit Punk’s hand. Punk applied a headscissorslock, but Delirious bit Punk’s thigh! Delirious cranked on Punk’s left arm, and Punk couldn’t escape, even as they went to the floor at 17:30. They got back in the ring, and Punk hit some heavy crossface punches, then he flipped Delirious over the top rope, from one ring into the other. Delirious rolled to the floor, and Punk dove through the ropes on him. They went to the other ring, and Punk again dove through the ropes on Delirious.
They traded chops on the floor, until Delirious hit a backbody drop on Punk on the floor. Back in the ring, Punk somehow fell between the two rings and was momentarily stuck. Delirious hit a dropkick to Punk’s face, then some doublestomps. Punk got up and he hit 32 short-arm clotheslines (Delirious’ move!). Punk got tied up in the loose ropes, allowing Delirious to slobber up his hand and wipe it on Punk’s face. Hilarious; as Delirious tried to get the move in early in the match. Delirious dove under the ring at 30:00.
Punk saw a Delirious mask lying on the floor. He put the mask on referee Bryce Remsburg. Delirious was mesmerized by seeing Remsburg in a mask. Suddenly, at 33:30, “Shelirious” Daizee Haze (wearing a Delirious-style outfit) hit the ring! She attacked Punk and put him in an armbar. Punk just looked annoyed by the armbar; he eventually punches Shelirious in the face, and the crowd booed! Delirious re-entered the ring and hit a flying clothesline.
Delirious and Shelirious both gave Punk slobbery facewashes. Suddenly, a Golden Vampire appears at 37:00! GV hit a double clothesline on the Deliriouses, and we suddenly have a tag elimination match. Okay… Punk rolled under the ring, put a Delirious mask on… and it is now 3-on-1 beatdown on Golden Vampire! All three Delireei (as Prazak called them), cover Vampire and pin him at 41:39. Punk then immediately pinned Shelirious, unmasks, and the one-on-one match is back on!
Delirious hit a sunset flip at 45:00, yanking down Punk’s trunks, again exposing his bare butt. Delirious hit a forward roll flip from the top turnbuckle to the floor, a crossbody block, and a German Suplex for a nearfall. Delirious went for a Shadows over Hell backsplash, but Punk reversed it into a Gutbuster. Punk hit a Panic Attack/running knee (Delirious’ move!) Punk stayed on offense with a brainbuster and a top-rope guillotine legdrop. They hit simultaneous enziguris, and both men are down.
Punk hit a Shining Wizard/running knee, then he applied an Anaconda Vice/arm & neck submission hold, but Delirious escaped. Delirious then applied an Anaconda Vice. Delirious applied a Crippler Crossface, but Punk reached the ropes. Delirious nailed the Shadows over Hell for a nearfall at 53:30. Loud “CM Punk” chant is underway. Punk hit a second-rope superplex for a nearfall. Delirious hit 24 short-arm clotheslines in the corner.
They traded hard chops, then headbutts. Punk hit a Michinoku Driver for a nearfall at 58:00. They brawled on the top rope, as Punk tried to get a Pepsi Plunge, but they both tumbled into the ring, and the one-hour time limit expired. The crowd gave both men a standing ovation. WOW. Ian Rotten came out and gave a speech, praising Punk. Chris Hero came out for more accolades. Punk brought a female friend into the ring and thanked her for sticking by him all these years that he’s been dedicated to wrestling. This match may not have had the feel of a legit brawl, like Punk-Samoa Joe or Benoit-Angle, but this was one hour of pure fun, that was never dull or slow. Wow, that was just flat-out fun.
(7) Brad Bradley & Trik Davis defeat Ace Rockwell & Shaun Tempers (Pomp & Circumstance) at 7:46. Rockwell & Tempers come from NWA Wildside/Anarchy, and they wear some really ugly blue & yellow singlets. Tempers is heavier and larger, but Bradley is the tallest, most muscular here. Bradley hit a hard chop on Ace to start the match. The heels try to shouldertackle Bradley, but he won’t budge.
Bradley flipped Trik over the top rope onto the heels. Bradley then dove over the top rope onto the heels! Back in the ring, the heels worked over Trik, until he made the hot tag to Bradley. Bradley hit a running bodyslam on Ace for a nearfall. Tempers tried a move, but it was really sloppy, and he dropped Trik on his head. The heels put Trik in a Gory Special, and hit a bulldog out of it. Trik hit a doublestomp on Rockwell’s head. Bradley tried a move, but it was off. Bradley covered Ace for the pin. Sloppy match with an ugly finish; they had a tough match to follow, too.
(8) Jimmy Jacobs defeats Matt Sydal at 9:05 to retain the IWA-Mid South Heavyweight Title. Really good, but short. Jacobs came out dressed in a suit, and he cut a heel promo. He tried to buy off Sydal, giving him $100 to not wrestle. But Sydal took the money, and hit a Japanese Armdrag, and the match is underway. Sydal hit a German Suplex with a bridge for a nearfall.
Jacobs peeled off his jacket, then his button-down shirt, and he choked Sydal with his clothing. Jacobs hit some hard chops. Sydal hit a Victory Roll for a nearfall, as Jacobs’ pants had fallen to his ankles. Sydal stayed on offense with an awesome standing moonsault for a nearfall, then a twisting plancha to the floor. They brawled on the floor. Back in the ring, Sydal hit a dropkick on Jacobs as Jacobs was flying off the top turnbuckle.
In a cool spot, Sydal climbed to the top rope in one ring, and did a moonsault onto Jacobs in the other ring. They brawled on the top turnbuckles, between the two rings, and Jacobs hit a hurricanrana. Jacobs then took off his shoe, nailed Sydal in the head with it, then hit the Contra Code/flipping overhead bulldog for the pin. Really good while it lasted.
A promo aired in the back with Team IWA: Ian Rotten, Axl Rotten, Bull Pain, Corporal Robinson and Chris Hero. Hero talked about his losing streak in the past year. Ian said he won’t let Jim Fannin or Ed Chuman take away what he has built over nine years.
Another promo airs, with Ed Chuman and his five wrestlers: Tank, Chandler McClure, Eric Priest, Vito Thomaselli, and Sal Thomaselli. These guys are all dressed in identical white T-shirts.
(Team Fannin is comprised of BJ Whitmer, Eddie Kingston, JC Bailey, Steve Stone, Mark Wolf).
(9) Team Ian Rotten defeats Team Fannin and Team Chuman at 24:52 to gain total control of IWA-Mid South. Three wrestlers start (one from each team). After five minutes, wrestlers enter at one-minute intervals. The match starts with Sal vs. Hero vs. Whitmer. Sal and Whitmer beat up Hero early. Hero hit a snap suplex, dropping Sal on Whitmer. The heels soon took over, dropping elbows on Hero’s lower back. Tank entered at 5:00. Sal and Tank immediately began working together to beat up Whitmer.
Ian entered at 6:00, and he attacked Tank. Kingston is in at 7:00, and he brawled with Hero, while Ian brawled with Whitmer. Vito entered at 8:00, and Corporal Robinson entered at 9:00. Robinson went after Tank and the Thomasellis. Prazak said Robinson has been a part of IWA-Mid South since 1998! Tank is bleeding hard. Stone entered at 10:00, followed by Priest (11:00), Bull Pain (12:00), JC Bailey (13:00) and Chandler McClure (14:00).
Axl Rotten is in at 15:00, then Mark Wolf is the final man in at 16:00. (Now that all competitors are in, submissions are allowed). This is an all out brawl, as most guys in the ring are bleeding, and offense is prettymuch closed fists, or whipping opponents into the cage. I really didn’t think the cage was going to hold up, but it did. Stone took off his belt and whipped someone with it.
Hero & Ian worked together on Tank, putting him in a double leglock, and Tank submitted at 20:04, eliminating Team Chuman. Whitmer and Robinson traded a hot exchange of punches, while Kingston and Ian traded headbutts. Bailey picked up a chair… but he turned and nailed Kingston (his partner!) with the chair. Bailey bailed from the cage. This left the faces up 5 to 4, and they took control. Hero plastered Kingston with stiff forearms. Hero applied a Hangman’s Clutch/modified crossface, and Kingston tapped.
This was a good brawl. After the match, Ian cut a legit 20-minute promo, thanking Bailey for turning on Fannin, and thanking just about everyone in the course of his speech. Good way to wrap up a long, ongoing storyline.
Final thoughts: Tape runs four hours, 16 minutes. The top two matches – Delirous-Punk and Wargames – were good. A couple other matches – Jacobs-Sydal and the three-way dances – were all really good but short. However, the undercard was weaker than a usual IWA-MS show. Dalton, Kennedy, and Pomp & Circumstance did not look good.
This show gets a thumbs up, as the major matches all delivered, and this was an entertaining show. Purchase this tape for $15 at www.smartmarkvideo.com.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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