Arena Reports SHOW RESULTS - 9/26 WWC Anniversario & 9/27 "Super Estrellas De Lucha Libre" TV Report: Carlito, Tommy Dreamer, more
Sep 30, 2015 - 12:00:00 AM
SEPTEMBER 27, 2015
The following are the results from the Anniversario show that took place on September 26 before the weekend TV show.
(1) Tommy Diablo regained the WWC Jr. Hvt. Championship for a record-breaking tenth time over Peter “The Bad” Romance. After this match, Peter attacked Diablo, so this feud will continue.
(2) Angel Fashion beat Mike Mendoza in a Lumberjack match after Mike's valet, Vanilla Vargas, got involved in the action.
(3) Joe Bravo beat the returning Samson Walker.
(4) Ray Gonzalez, Jr. defeated one of the members of La Revolucion to win the WWC Puerto Rican Championship. He celebrated afterwards with his father, Ray Gonzalez, Sr.
(5) Mighty Ursus beat Tommy Dreamer in a Hardcore match.
There was a ceremony honoring Miguel Perez, Sr. that included his son, former Los Boricuas member Miguel Perez, Jr.
(6) Chicano vs. Apollo went to a double disqualification when Doris Cotto and Havana went at it and ultimately beat on the referee.
(7) La Revolucion beat Sons of Samoa to retain the WWC Tag Team Titles.
(8) “Mr. 450” Hammett beat Carlito in a Cage of Death match to retain the WWC Universal Championship. Ray Gonzalez, Sr. blinded Carlito, which led to Hammett hitting his 450 splash for the win. The show ended with Gonzalez trying to attack Carlito in the cage, continuing their long history. However, La Revolucion attacked Gonzalez, who was saved by his son, Chicano, and Mike Mendoza.
-WWC Open.
-Willie Urbina opens the show telling viewers that Anniversario weekend continues, providing pretty much no information on the previous night’s Anniverario (hence my recap).
1 - MELINA PEREZ VS. VELVET SKY (Anniversario 2012 Flashback - June 30, 2012)
The show opens with this match in progress. Melina was the heel although there were times when I was confused as she made sort of a babyface-style comeback on Sky. With her also being of Spanish descent I would’ve expected Sky to work heel, but Melina was definitely the heel in the match. Not really much to say. Their match was better than a typical Divas match with Melina getting a clean win with the Primal Scream.
WINNER: Melina Perez. I didn’t really understand why this match was shown. Neither of these women are competing in WWC and this time could have been better served showing current wrestlers. Basically it was just WWC’s way of saying we get stars for the big show. Although it was not mentioned by the announcers Anniversario 2012 weekend was the last time Melina has wrestled, as she would lose a mixed tag with Davey Richards against Sky and Xiv Xavant for her last match the following night. So for those who are big fans of hers, this was in fact her last televised match unless they show the tag.
[Commercial Break]
2 - RAY GONZALEZ, SR. VS. DAVEY RICHARDS (w/Orlando Toledo) (Anniversario 2012 Flashback - June 29, 2012)
The match began in progress. I believe WWC may be the only promotion in the past five years where Davey Richards has worked as a heel. Davey dominated majority of this match with his Dynamite Kid impersonation as he hit the snap suplex and diving headbutt on Gonzalez. Even Orlando Toledo got some shots of his own. Eventually, Gonzalez rallied back with shots on both Richards and Toledo. The finish was Richards accidentally nailing Toledo and then getting caught in the Fenix Landing for the Ray Gonzalez win.
WINNER: Ray Gonzalez, Sr. The right guy won, but these two never really clicked, I really would like to see Davey Richards's other singles match from that weekend against Chris Angel, but I’m not sure it was that much better.
-Wizard Analyza tells the viewers that when the show returns from commercial they will see Carlito Carribean Cool vs. John Morrison from June 29, 2012.
[Commercial Break]
-They returned with the Carlito vs. John Morrison match from June 29, 2012. I’m not going to waste much time recapping it since WWC didn't bother showing who won (Carlito won this match by disqualification for those who are curious). Carlito worked as babyface for probably the first time I can recall against Morrison. They split the match in-half with a commercial break, which was infuriating since they didn't show the finish.
[Commercial Break]
-Sons of Samoa video played. The Sons of Samoa have the worst ring music ever as it’s just a robot voice saying “SOS” over some bongos and elephant trumpet sounds.
-Wizard Analyza segment begins with a video package that played on Saturday's show honoring Miguel Perez, Sr., who Anniversario was dedicated to.
-Next are promos for the remainder of "Anniversaro" weekend, starting with Joe Bravo, who is taking on Tommy Dreamer. Bravo is shown talking about how it’s been a big weekend, they honored Miguel Perez, Sr., and now it’s the final night of Anniversario weekend. He calls his match with Dreamer a dream match and puts over Dreamer wrestling all over the world, but then says while he respects Dreamer, Dreamer has shown him no respect. This was followed by Tommy Dreamer's WWE Titantron video and nothing else.
-Willie Urbina says the main event of the afternoon live event will be a four-way match for the WWC Universal Championship between Carlito, Apollo, Chicano, and defending champion “Mr. 450” Hammett. This is followed by comments from all four men.
-Apollo and Havana are in the park and Apollo mentions how he can’t wait to show he is the best in this four-way match. He says he will be the best because this is the Lion's house.
-Chicano responds. He mentions how four of the very best are in the ring for this match. He says unlike the triple threat where Apollo screwed him, Apollo will be part of this match and he will go down just like everyone else as he plans to win the match.
-Carlito is behind the arena and mentions how even though it’s supposed to be every man for himself, it’s actually every man against him because they all hate him. He blows it off by saying he doesn’t care because he feels the title is his and he is the best.
-The final words are from the reigning, defending WWC Universal Champion “Mr. 450” Hammett, who looks like he probably cut this promo right after Anniversario the night before. He says how this should be the last chance for these guys to try to take him out, says he is the best, he is the champion, and will remain that way.
-Wizard Analyza signs off for this week: “We are WWC, we are wrestling.”
Contact reporter Jose Marrero at, and be on the lookout for his new blog debuting later on in the week at
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