Arena Reports SHOW RESULTS - 3/13 ROH in Milwaukee, Wis.: Samoa Joe vs. A.C.H. big-time match, ROH Champ & TV Champ vs. Tag Champs main event, RPG Vice debuts, more
Mar 14, 2015 - 2:10:20 AM
ROH Conquest Tour Night 1
March 13, 2015
Milwaukee, Wis. at Turner Hall Ballroom
Report by PWTorch VIP member Blake Reilly
Before the show, Samoa Joe, Rocky Romero, and Matt Sydal were at the Meet & Greet. Joe had by far the longest line.
Scarlett Bordeaux did ring announcing and Steve Corino got a standing ovation when he was announced on commentary. There was a dark match with six Brew City Wrestling guys whose names they never announced.
(1) Roderick Strong beat Ariya Daivari via Strong Hold at 10:15. Davari did an awful dance with his hands that got massive heat. There was a huge "Kick his ass, Roddy, Kick his ass" chant all match.
(2) Will Ferrera beat Milwaukee's own Silas Young via DQ at 11:30 when he kicked Silas in the crotch. Milwaukee loves Young to the point where I think he's given up fighting it. Personal note: can we please phase out the "You F----- Up" chants? This might be the only time a mid-match chinlock gets an "All Day" chant when it's done by Silas. The crowd at one point chanted "You're a cream puff" at Ferrera. Only in Wis.
Post-match, the crowd was upset and Young cut an amazing heartfelt hometown promo.
(3) Mark Briscoe beat Milwaukee's own Beer City Bruiser at 9:21. Both men got a huge reaction. A big "Let's Drink Beer" chant for Bruiser. Despite the hometown reaction, Bruiser played heel. The crowd was more into chanting for beer and calling Bruiser huggy bear than the match itself. Everyone got distracted by someone standing up and yelling at Bruiser randomly. None of it made sense to me, maybe it's a BCW thing.
Post-match, instead of shaking hands they drank beer together.
(4) RPG Vice (Rocky Romero & Trent Baretta) beat The Decade (B.J. Whitmer & Jimmy Jacobs) at 17:55. Jacobs got the biggest pop out of all four guys. It didn't help that no one knew RPG Vice's theme music. It's interesting because the crowd just was not into the match except for Trent. Things picked up around the 15-minute mark, but it was so long. Trent pinned Jacobs after he was holding him up for a powerbomb DDT and Rocky kicked him in the head.
Post-match, Jacobs shook both men's hands despite Whitmer not wanting to. They are certainly teasing The Decade breaking up!
(5) Matt Taven beat Cheeseburger at 6:41. This crowd loved Cheeseburger! Taven kept the match going refusing to pin Burger. Taven has an unhealthy obsession with his crotch. Just saying. This match was really just for the crowd.
(6) Michael Elgin beat Josh Alexander at 14:20. Most of the crowd didn't know who Alexander is and Elgin got a mixed reaction. Alexander wore an amateur wrestling headpiece. The two of them wrestled in the opening moments, and the crowd went nuts. This was a good match, though it was almost a comedown match to calm the crowd before the main events. It also didn't help that Elgin played heel and the crowd did not know about Alexander. The crowd woke up near the end as the match picked up and the ending was insane and impressive by both men. Elgin eventually won with a vicious clothesline.
Post-match, Elgin raised Josh's hand up after the match and led the crowd in chanting his name.
(7) Samoa Joe beat A.C.H. at 19:08. Yeah, Joe is home and the crowd loved it! I'm just going to be blunt. I have no notes. This was incredible and the crowd was white hot. Watch this match when it becomes available. Nothing can do it justice.
Post-match, a huge "Thank You, Joe" chant went up and Joe bowed to the crowd, then hugged A.C.H. afterwards.
(8) ROH tag champions ReDragon (Kyle O'Reilly & Bobby Fish) beat ROH World champion Jay Briscoe & ROH TV champion Jay Lethal (w/Jay Diesel and Truth Martini) in the Champions Challenge main event tag match. At one time, Bobby Fish was the most hated man in this building. But, no more as the crowd loved ReDRagon. Lethal was by far the most hated, but O'Reilly was the most cheered. The crowd was so tired after Joe's match, though, that it's hard to judge whether they enjoyed it despite the match being good. ReDRagon won when O'Reilly made Lethal tap after Briscoe hit Lethal with the Book of Truth after hitting it out of Truth Martini's hands.
Post-match, both Jays posed with their belts while screaming at each other. Todd Sinclair and Truth separated them from fighting. Briscoe then grabbed the mic and sent the crowd home happy.
Overall, another great show by ROH and worth watching on VOD. Look out for a new episode of the Blake and Sal Show on the ROH show Monday morning at
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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