Arena Reports 9/2 PWG in Reseda, Calif.: Results from Night two of BOLA tournament including Dragon-Necro
Sep 3, 2006 - 5:21:00 AM
By James Caldwell, Torch columnist
PWG Battle of Los Angeles Results Night One
September 2, 2006
Reseda, California
Report by James Caldwell, Torch columnist
Doors opened at 7:15 p.m. PST tonight, a good quarter hour before last night. PWG set up 400 seats for tonight's show and the venue appeared to be completely full by bell time at 8:03. Of course, our first incident of the night was before the opening bell. A fan stepped on the bottom rung of the entrance stairs and the wooden step caved in. Ironically, while wrestlers were going over spots in the ring before the show, several wrestlers tested the bottom step and noted that it was on the verge of caving in. However, it didn't affect the show.
To coincide with there being a bar inside the building, two representatives from Miller Lite walked around before the show. Ring announcer Travis introduced the Miller Lite girls. They threw objects to the fans in the stands. Unfortunately, they didn't have the arm strength to reach me in the press box.
We start the show at 8:02 p.m. tonight. Disco Machine came out. Referee Bryce held Disco's disco ball over his head while he danced. Coincidentally, there was already a disco ball hanging from above the ring for other events held in the American Legions post. Austin Aries walked out with taped ribs. We know where Disco will be focusing his attack.
They locked up and we already have a "F--- you, Disco" chant. And the Miller Lite girls walked around the ring trying to pass out objects, distracting the fans. They weren't paying attention to what was going on. Aries and Disco went into an early headlock. Disco broke free then dropkicked Aries to the outside. He flew over the top rope with a dive onto Aries, right next to the Miller Lite girls, who then paid attention the rest of the show before leaving at intermission. Aries quickly regained control with a suplex into a modified Muta Lock with a back bridge. Disco reached the ropes to break the hold. He avoided a corner clothesline then kicked Aries in the gut. Disco began his attack on the taped region of Aries's body at 6:00. Disco slammed Aries into the corner repeatedly then dropped him on his back with a side suplex. Disco applied a resthold then Aries broke free and made his full comeback with a stiff left arm lariat. He called for a brainbuster, which popped the crowd. Aries went up top and Disco met him. Disco hit a top rope powerslam that was rather the high-risk move. Aries came back with a brainbuster into a submission hold. Aries wrenched Disco's neck back and pulled his arms back with his legs. Disco eventually tapped out.
WINNER: Aries in 10:00. Standard opening match. Aries looked strong in the ring. A few moments of high-impact action to keep the crowd interested. (**)
Ring announcer Travis said the Lite girls were handing out $1 off coupons for Miller Lite. Well, that covers five percent of mark-up.
T.J. Perkins (Puma) was scheduled for Davey's opponent, but T.J. didn't arrive at the building until moments before the match. Ronin was a last-second replacement here. The fans alternated chants of "We want T.J." and "F--- you, Ronin". Clearly, Ronin was not the fan favorite here. Davey kicked Ronin in the arm right out of the gate. Richards dropped Ronin to the mat and applied a Crossface. Ronin reached the ropes to break the hold. Upon returning to his feet, Ronin spit in Richards's face. Davey wasn't pleased so he showed his displeasure by applying a headlock. Richards continued to work on Ronin with mat holds then he kicked him in the gut. Ronin caught Richards off the ropes with a belly-to-belly suplex. Richards reached for the ropes with the strain of a man climbing a mountain. Ronin kicked Richards square in the back, which popped the crowd. Ronin went up top and Richards caught him. He superplexed Ronin to the mat and Ronin's feet nearly hit the roof. They fought from their knees with open hand slaps to the face. Richards ended the exchange and hit a springboard dropkick from the apron. Richards kicked Ronin repeatedly then hit a German suplex at 10:00 for a nearfall. He came back with a rolling side suplex. Ronin recovered in the corner then Richards ran in with a left arm lariat. Ronin answered a left arm lariat of his own for a close nearfall. He hit a rolling neck breaker for another two count. Richards ducked a clothesline off the ropes and hit a lift-up rolling DDT for the pin and the win.
WINNER: Richards in 13:00. This probably should have been a quick, decisive victory for Richards considering he has been pushed lately and Ronin hasn't. However, Richards wanted to give the fans a good helping of wrestling since he was advertised for a competitive match with T.J. on the show. (*3/4)
Claudio squinted on the way to the ring while wielding his presumed mass riches inside his briefcase. During Claudio's entrance, fans threw green streamers at Claudio, who showed subtle displeasure. Jack, feeling left out, threw streamers over his head. Claudio looked like Great Khali here. Jack, in his ring gear - yes, ring gear - danced before the initial lock up. Claudio danced after landing a hard clothesline in the corner. They went to a standing lock-up with Claudio powering Jack to the mat. Jack flipped out of the leverage disadvantage with skillful acrobatics. They went into a series of counters off the ropes with Claudio hitting a shoulderblock to send Jack to the mat. Claudio landed a patented European uppercut, which popped the crowd. Jack went for a spinning head scissors then connected with a springboard back elbow smash in the corner. He went for a cross body splash, but the strong European mat caught Jack in mid-air then hit an overhead slam. Jack kicked out of a pin attempt then Claudio stared down at Jack with a menacing glare. Claudio missed a running clothesline against the ropes and he fell through the ropes to the outside. At 7:00, they went into a complicated spot of Jack trying to hit a series of high-risk moves, but Claudio blocked all attempts then tossed Jack throat-first across the bottom rope. Back in the ring, Claudio worked on Jack's back. Claudio caught Jack off the ropes then lifted him high into the air. Jack crashed to the mat and Claudio scored a nearfall. He picked up Jack for an elevated vertical suplex. The fans counted to twenty then Claudio shot the finger and suplexed poor Jack to the mat. Claudio applied a neck vice then slapped Jack hard across the chest. He began toying with Jack by playfully kicking him in the head. Jack retaliated with a running Shining Wizard, knocking Claudio to the outside. Jack flew off the ropes with a springboard 450 splash onto Claudio. Perfect form on the move. In the ring, Jack scored a nearfall then Claudio answered with a European uppercut. They went into a corner spot with Jack going for a splash, but Claudio caught him in mid-air then threw him into the air and hit a European Uppercut on the way down. Amazing sequence. Jack kicked out of a pin attempt at 2 9/10, which popped the crowd. The fans chanted, "P-W-G," then Claudio went up top. Jack caught him then snapped off a twisting huricanrana. Claudio rolled to the opposite corner and Jack went up top. The fans rose to their feet as Jack hit the 540 for the win. The fans chanted, "Jack, Jack, Jack!"
WINNER: Jack Evans in 15:00. Amazing finishing sequence. They did a nice job of booking the match to show off Jack's athleticism, but also give him a chance to overcome the Goliath odds with some very close nearfalls following Claudio's power offense. Strong match. (***1/2)
4 -- CHRIS HERO vs. GENKI HORIGUCHI (w/Dragon Kid)
Dragon Kid brought a sign to the ring, which read: "Call him H-A-G-E." When Horiguchi's music stopped, the fans chanted "H-E-R-O". This naturally led to dueling chants of "H-A-G-E" vs. "H-E-R-O". They had the usual respect stand-off in the opening minute following a pre-match handshake. Hero cleared Horiguchi to the outside with a dropkick following a nice series of reversals off the ropes. He teased a splash to the outside, but he opted for a back flip into the ring. Horiguchi came back with a hard kick to the left knee. He continued to work the left as Hero tried to use his size advantage to power out of mat holds. Hero made a comeback with a corner splash then he came back with a hard forearm blow. Horiguchi fell to the mat so Hero naturally went for an oddball submission hold. He tried setting up a submission hold using the first part of the Cop Killer, but Horiguchi fought it. Hero, instead, wrapped up Horiguchi into a ball and pushed Horiguchi's crotch towards his face. Hero eventually released the hold when he couldn't maintain the hold much longer. Horiguchi countered a suplex attempt into a suplex of his own. Horiguchi went up top and missed with a moonsault when Hero got his knees up. Hero dropped Horiguchi on the back of his head with a suplex for a nearfall. Hero spun Horiguchi inside out with a hard lariat off the ropes. They countered pin attempts then Hero caught Horiguchi off the ropes with a sick kick to the head. Hero went for the Hero's Welcome, but Horiguchi countered into a backslide for the pin. They shook hands after the match despite Hero's initial concern over shaking hands with Horiguchi after tasting defeat.
WINNER: Horiguchi in 10:00. Another match where the larger man dominated until the smaller man found a way to win. This was one of the matches that fans were anticipating before the tournament. It was on its way to being a classic, but it didn't have enough time. Still, a treat to see this match-up. (**3/4)
5 -- JOEY RYAN vs. EXCALIBUR vs. PETEY WILLIAMS vs. HUMAN TORNADO (w/Candice) -- PWG Title match
Joey came to the ring to chants of "F--- you, Joey." Excalibur is in the match based on draping his arm over Joey to earn the pin in last night's main event. Petey's in the match based on turning on Joey in last night's main event. Tornado's music hit, but he didn't come out. Joey took the mic. The fans instantly cut him off with a chant of "Shut the f--- up." The chant eventually died down then Joey screamed at the fans with venom in his voice. Joey said Tornado isn't man enough to show up. Eventually, another tune came on and Tornado walked out with his valet. Travis announced this as an elimination match. Tornado sold a shoulder injury before he was introduced. Before two men were selected to start the match, Tornado, Petey, and Excalibur planned a strategic attack on Joey, who backed out of the ring. After the bell rang, Joey nonsensically entered the ring and took a sudden three-man beat down. Tornado and Petey fought in the ring while Joey and Excalibur fought on the outside. Tornado sent Petey to the outside then he ran off the ropes and flew over the top rope. Petey moved and Tornado ate the floor. Fans gasped then PWG officials checked on Tornado. He was dragged to his feet then carried from ringside in a position that would have done more damage than helped him if it were a legit injury.
Petey and Joey talked over things in the ring. Joey tried to reason with Petey, who decided to work with Joey against Excalibur. Joey and Petey exchanged dropkicks on Excalibur. Joey and Petey talked about a double-team plan. They connected with dual elbow smashes off the ropes. Joey spent too much time screaming at the fans so Excalibur threw Joey into Petey. Excalibur snapped off a dual DDT then all three men recovered on the mat. After back and forth action, Petey set up for the Canadian Destroyer on Excalibur, but Joey "turned" on him with a superkick for a nearfall. Petey recovered then went for the Canadian Destroyer, but Excalibur rolled him up from behind and scored a three count for the elimination.
***Petey eliminated in 13:00***
Afterwards, Petey became upset. He went for a Canadian Destroyer, but Excalibur didn't co-operate on his part of the move. Petey couldn't flip him over so he just piledrove him. Joey covered Excalibur for the elimination.
***Excalibur eliminated in 14:00***
Afterwards, Human Tornado ran to the ring dressed in white as Snowflake, from his role in Nacho Libre. He hit a running splash on Joey then Joey rolled out of the ring. Joey ran through the curtain and disappeared backstage. The referee applied a twenty count and he was eliminated via count out. Travis announced that the belt can't change hands via count out so Joey retains the title...yet again.
WINNER: Human Tornado via count out in 15:00. During intermission, one fan commented that the match was like watching a chicken run around with its head cut off. (**1/4)
[Intermission. During the break, the Miller Lite girls handed out phone numbers by the bar before taking off for another gig. I'll give that ****. The lack of verification of the legitimacy of the digits cost them one star.]
6 -- PWG tag champions SCOTT LOST & CHRIS BOSH (w/Jade Chung) vs. B-BOY & HOMICIDE vs. BRISCOES -- PWG Tag Title match
Homicide ran over Jay with a hard shoulderblock early on. The fans chanted, "You're from Delaware." Jay backed into the corner with a look of "all right, what do I say to that?" on his face. All of a sudden, the action completely broke down. Jay paired off with Homicide while Mark paired off with B-Boy on the outside. Lost and Bash just stood on the apron and watched with a happy look on their faces. Mark came up bleeding following a sick chair shot to the head from B-Boy. Eventually, the Briscoes pulled the tag champs down and involved them in the brawl. The action returned to the ring and Bosh took a beating from Jay. On the outside, Homicide grabbed a fork and drove it into the forehead of one of the Briscoes. Back in the ring, Bosh and Lost restored order by working on Homicide. Eventually, Jay tagged in and worked on Homicide. He put Homicide up top, but Homicide played opossum and hit a top rope Ace Crusher. The action broke down once again once hot tags were made. B-Boy crashed onto the Briscoes with a twisting moonsault while Homicide flew onto Lost and Bosh with a cannonball dive to the outside. The Briscoes then grappled Lost and hit a combination bulldog. The action broke down like any good PWG Tag Title match with fresh men running in to execute power moves and hitting big spots. Homicide hit the Cop Killer on Jay then Bosh grabbed Homicide and threw him out of the way. Bosh advantageously covered Jay to score the win.
WINNERS: Bosh & Lost in 15:00 to retain the PWG Tag Titles. The action was intense and non-stop. Heck of a match that kept the crowd on its feet for almost all 15 minutes. The heels continue to win by crafty means to keep the belts. Strong match. (***3/4)
7 -- SCORPIO SKY (w/Jade Chung) vs. KAZARIAN
Scorpio Sky came out with Jade then referee Bryce told Jade to hit the bricks. He said all members of the Dynasty are banned from ringside for BOLA tournament matches. Kazarian's music hit, but he didn't come out through the entrance. Instead, he ran into the ring from behind and attacked Sky. The battle spilled to the outside where Kazarian landed several chops to the chest. Sky made a comeback in the ring then he mocked Kazarian's strut. Kazarian made a sudden comeback with forearm blows to the face. Sky ducked a clothesline attempt then dropped Kazarian onto his back and applied a Dragon Sleeper. Kazarian reached the ropes to break the hold. Sky approached Kazarian from the rear. A random man said, "Break his back and humble him!" The fans chanted obscenities about Sky while he continued to tease an ass grab. Sky slammed Kazarian then Kazarian kicked out at one for an apparent Superman comeback, but Sky kicked him in the head then hit the Pedigree after doing a Triple Hism. Sky took the mic and ripped on Kazarian for being nothing like he says he is. He said that's why he'll never make it in the WWE. Kazarian instantly came to life and ripped off forearm blows. However, Sky took advantage of Kazarian's over aggressiveness and shoved him to the outside. Sky flew over the top rope with a majestic flip dive onto Kazarian. They brawled around the ring then ended up on the stage next to the hard camera press area. Kazarian set up for a powerbomb, but Jade Chung ran to ringside and begged Kazarian not to do a move. Kazarian ignored the plea then powerbombed Sky off the stage onto the back of a chair. Sky's head hit the back of a chair with a thud. "Holy s---" the fans chanted in unison. Kazarian rolled Sky into the ring, but Jade broke up the pin attempt, prompting a DQ. Kazarian grabbed Jade and tried to cut her hair, but Dynasty hit the ring. Kazarian cleared them out of the ring. Travis announced Kazarian as the winner.
WINNER: Kazarian via DQ in 13:00. A crazy match that played off the back story of Kazarian receiving a haircut several months ago. Even though Sky was the heel, his comedy was fine considering he was doing it to get under Kazarian's skin and egging him on to lead to potential mistakes. (**3/4)
Travis told fans to clear the ringside area and grab onto a loved one or cherished possessions. Why?
Necro came out first then Dragon's music hit to a big pop. They started off in the ring for ring introductions. Immediately after intros, Dragon attacked Butcher with forearm blows. Of course, the action spilled to the outside. They cleared the seats then Dragon slammed a chair over Necro's head. This went on for several minutes before they spilled to the stage area. The lights went on and off while they brawled because the producers needed more light on the floor to get better shots ringside. After Necro grabbed a table from under the ring and set it up ringside, Necro took Dragon to the stage. Dragon fought back and went for a powerbomb off the stage, but Necro blocked the move and back body dropped Dragon off the stage. However, Dragon didn't reach the table and he fell knee-first onto the edge of the stage. Dragon grabbed his knee as Necro recovered on the stage. They fought on the floor then Necro placed Dragon on the table. He attempted a piledriver while standing on the table, but it predictably gave way and both men crashed to the floor with table scraps flying everywhere. Necro ripped off a piece of the wooden table then smashed it over Dragon's head before rolling him back into the ring. Necro slammed a chair to Dragon's head. They brawled to the corner then Necro took Dragon to the mat with a huricanrana at 19:00. Dragon made a comeback at 21:00 then went up top and stepped on Necro's face straight in the nose. That was sick. The fans chanted, "You sick f---". They set up a table in the corner, at which point Dragon was exhausted having not wrestled in over a month. Dragon went for a German Suplex onto the table, but Necro's head grazed the edge of the bottom of the table and it didn't budge. Dragon grappled Necro and went for a powerbomb onto the table, but Necro didn't crash the table and rather hit the table with a thud. Dragon set up a chair in the center of the ring then he dropped Necro face-first onto the chair with a Curb Stomp. Necro fought back with chair shots then he took Dragon up top. Dragon fought him off then Dragon grappled Necro and hit a Psycho Driver off the top rope through the seat of the chair, which was folded out. Necro's neck snapped in between the chair seat and backing. Goodness, that was sick. Dragon made the cover for the win then the fans pounded the mat. The fans gave Necro a rousing ovation afterwards. Meanwhile, Dragon took off right after the match ended.
WINNER: Super Dragon in 26:00. The match-ending spot was the sickest I have ever seen live. After the show, everyone was discussing his or her view of Necro's neck snapping in a violent way upon striking the chair. A wild brawl that the fans were into. I'm not a fan of weapons wrestling, but this was a sight to see live. More than enough cringe-inducing moments to last a year of PWG wrestling. (***1/2)
- After the show, Necro sipped on some hot coffee while trying to keep his eyes open. He had a noticeable cut over his left eye. Meanwhile, Dragon spent a while collecting himself backstage. He was definitely shaken after the match and had a faraway look in his eyes.
SHOW RATING: 6.5. A notch below last night. There wasn't a standout killer singles match like Strong-Romero last night, but the last two matches and Claudio-Evans came across well based on crowd reactions and the effort put forth in the ring. Night three should be the best night of the weekend with some dream match-ups, including Aries vs. Richards.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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