Sign up for a PWTorch VIP membership HERE. Then return to this page to sign up for our VIP podcast feed.

•As of January 2021, the PWTorch VIP Podcasts RSS feed is now compatible with the Apple Podcasts app (thus iPhone, iPad, Apple Car Play, Apple Watch, Apple TV, MacBook, iMac), the Google Podcasts app, and many additional popular podcast apps (see list below).

•Under our new set-up, you no longer have to enter your username and password in the Advanced Settings area within the podcast app you use. A custom RSS feed is now generated for each VIP member, tied to their individual ID, that works without needing to validate within the podcast app with a password.

•As of January 2021, the PWTorch VIP Podcasts RSS feed is now compatible with the Apple Podcasts app (thus iPhone, iPad, Apple Car Play, Apple Watch, Apple TV, MacBook, iMac), the Google Podcasts app, and many additional popular podcast apps (see list below).

•Under our new set-up, you no longer have to enter your username and password in the Advanced Settings area within the podcast app you use. A custom RSS feed is now generated for each VIP member, tied to their individual ID, that works without needing to validate within the podcast app with a password.


(Scroll Down for App Recommendations & Instructions)

When you click the VIP RSS Link Generator below, you will see a list of customized podcast feeds created just for your personal account.

(We are still in BETA phase, so don’t delete you previous VIP podcast subscriptions if they are working until this appears to be going smoothly for you!)


  • IMPORTANT: When you click on the above link, you’ll see a list of VIP RSS feeds. If you click on the link, it will open the Apple Podcasts app and fill in the feed for you. If you would rather use an app other than Apple Podcasts, do not actually click on the links, but rather copy and paste the URL in your podcast app of choice following the instructions below. You will be able to download shows as long as your VIP subscription is active.
  • NOTE: You will need to either be logged in or log in when you to click to the link the first time.
  • NOTE: Since these feeds are specific to you, do not share the feeds. Every member’s feed is different, unique to each person. Our system is set up to block you if there is sharing detected on any specific feed and it’s not easy to undo the blocking mechanism once it is activated. Thank you!
  • TIP: The top feed in the list is our VIP catch-all feed, and other options are sub-categories of single shows or groups of shows, including retired or inactive podcasts from our library you might want to catch up on. You can subscribe to as many as you want with your VIP subscription.
  • TIP: The podcast feed will expire and no longer work if your VIP membership expires, but it will work again as soon as you renew, so you won’t ever have to set up your podcast feeds again even if your sub expires for a period of time and you come back. (Note: If you try to download a specific episode and your VIP subscription is expired, that specific podcast episode might not download again if you renew, but all others will. This varies based on the podcast app you use, but you can solve this by deleting the feed and then subscribing to it again on your podcast app to refresh the feed and then download that show once your sub is active again.)
  • TIP: If you change your username and password or email associated with your ongoing VIP membership, that will NOT affect the feeds continuing to work. The feeds should continue to work just as they did prior to changing your email or password. However, if you renew by creating a whole new VIP account with a different email and username than your prior membership, then you will need to regenerate your PWTorch VIP Podcast URLs again.
  • TIP: If you use a grid display for a number of PWTorch VIP podcast series, since the logo for each is the same, you might not be able to distinguish between series depending on the podcast app you use. Simply changing to List View should add the series name to each logo and allow you to choose which feed you want to listen to.
  • SUPPORT: If you run into any issues at all, or want to update our list of apps that do or don’t work, email me at

APPLE IOS APPS: Step-by-step instructions

Follow these steps to add your custom feed in Apple Podcasts app on your iOS device…

Clicking on the link on our VIP Podcast Link Generator page should automatically open Apple Podcasts and fill in the URL for you. However, if that doesn’t work, you can manually copy the podcast feed URL and follow these instructions:

  1. Tap the “Library” button
  2. Tap “Edit” in the upper-right corner
  3. Tap “Add a Show by URL”
  4. Paste the URL (create it HERE – be sure to choose “Copy link text,” not “Copy link address”) into the “Podcast URL field”
  5. Tap “Subscribe” (Important: Download episodes entirely before pushing play, or else the podcast will loop only the downloaded portion at the moment you click play.)

(TIP: To differentiate the VIP podcast feeds, if you subscribe to show-specific feeds instead of just the catch-all main feed, create a “Station,” select one VIP show feed for each station you create, and name it after that show. We suggest “PWT VIP – (Show Name)” as the naming convention.)

Follow these steps to add your custom podcast feed in the Overcast app on your iOS device…

  1. Choose “Add a Podcast” or tap the “+” button in the upper right corner
  2. Tap “Add URL” (upper right corner; do not add URL in the “Search Directory” field)
  3. Paste the URL (create it HERE – be sure to choose “Copy link text,” not “Copy link address”) into the “Podcast URL field”
  4. Tap “Subscribe”

Follow these steps to add your custom podcast feed in the Downcast app on your iOS device…

  1. Tap the “+” (“Add”) button in the middle of the lower menu
  2. Tap “Add Podcast Manually”
  3. Paste the URL (create it HERE – be sure to choose “Copy link text,” not “Copy link address”) into the “Podcast URL field”
  4. Tap “Done”

Follow these steps to add your custom podcast feed in the Castro Podcast Player app on your iOS device…

  1. Click the “Paste URL” link in the upper right corner
  2. Paste the URL (create it HERE – be sure to choose “Copy link text,” not “Copy link address”) into the “Podcast URL field”
  3. Tap the “+” button to subscribe to the feed

These iOS podcast apps also work…

  • Pocket Casts
  • Swoot

Let us know if you recommend another iOS app not listed here (

ANDROID APPS (for Samsung Galaxy, Pixel, etc.): Step-by-step instructions

Follow these steps to add your custom feed in Google Podcasts on your Android device…

  1. Tap the Activity button (lower right corner)
  2. Tap the Menu button in the upper right (three stacked dots)
  3. Select “Add by RSS Feed”
  4. Paste the URL (create it HERE – be sure to choose “Copy link text,” not “Copy link address”) into the “Podcast URL field”
  5. Tap “Subscribe.”

Follow these steps to add your custom feed in Beyond Pod on your Android device…

  1. Click “+ Add Feed” from the bottom of the left pop-up menu that lists current podcast subscriptions
  2. Tape the search magnifying glass icon and paste the URL (create it HERE – be sure to choose “Copy link text,” not “Copy link address”) into the “Search for podcasts” field
  3. Click “save” (no need to go to Advanced Settings to enter your username and password)

Follow these steps to add your custom feed in Dogg Catcher on your Android device…

  1. Tap the upper-left corner menu icon (three stacked lines)
  2. Tap “+ Subscribe”
  3. Slide the menu list (which begins with “Top…” and “Subscribe…”) to the left until you see “Advanced,” then select that option
  4. Tap “Feed RSS URL”
  5. Paste the VIP URL (create it HERE – be sure to choose “Copy link text,” not “Copy link address”) into the “Podcast URL field”
  6. Click “OK”

Follow these steps to add your custom feed in Pocket Casts on your Android device…

  1. Tap the “Discover” option on the bottom menu
  2. Paste the VIP URL (create it HERE – be sure to choose “Copy link text,” not “Copy link address”) into the “Search Podcasts” field
  3. Click “Subscribe”

These Android podcast apps also work…

  • Player FM
  • Podcast Addict
  • Podcast Guru
  • Podcast Republic
  • Podcasts Tracker
  • Podcasty
  • PodKicker
  • Swoot

Let us know if you recommend another Google Play Store app not listed here (


  • PodBean
  • Podcast HD
  • PodcastOne,
  • Spofity
  • TuneInRadio
  • Stitcher
  • Castbox
  • The Podcast App
  • Podomatic
  • Patreon


  • We offer our VIP podcasts through Patreon, but you must subscribe through Patreon instead of through our website. You get all the same VIP-exclusive podcasts for the same monthly price, but you will not have ad-free access to this website nor will you have access to our archives by subscribing through Patreon.
  • If you already subscribed to PWTorch VIP podcasts on Patreon, use the Patreon feeds as usual supplied to you when you signed up.

MACINTOSH COMPUTER PODCAST APP: Step-by-step instructions

Follow these steps to add your custom feed on Apple Podcasts App on your iMac or MacBook computer…

  1. Select File ==> Choose a Show by URL
  2. Paste the VIP URL (create it HERE) into the “Podcast URL field”
  3. Click “Subscriber”

NOTE: You can continue to user our prior feeds (pre-2021) without changing anything. The details on our prior system and list of feeds and recommended apps, which we have no plans to sunset, are still available HERE.