VIP AUDIO 12/13 – WKH – Ask the Editor: Can Cena be repackaged as face? Could wrestler benefit from telling off Triple H? (23 min)

December 13, 2015

SHOW SUMMARY: In this edition of the Wade Keller Hotline, PWTorch editor Wade Keller answers VIP member questions including these topics: Can Cena be repackaged as face? Could wrestler benefit from telling off Triple H about how controlling WWE is about developing talent? Why does the video game get something right that is done wrong on WWE TV? And more. […]

VIP AUDIO 12/04 – 10 YRS AGO Wade Keller Hotline (11-17-05): Christian’s decision to leave WWE, Guerrero tribute (33 min)

December 4, 2015

SUMMARY: In today’s Keller Audio Update, the inside story on whether Christian spoke the truth when he detailed why he left WWE, the type of offer he was given to stay, and why he left. Plus analysis of whether he can be a top tier player for TNA, where Jeff Jarrett fits in, and whether it was smart to have Team Canada with Scott D’Amore get involved right away. Comparisons between Christian and Matt Hardy or Chris Benoit in terms of who’d be most valuable to TNA today… A lot more on Eddie Guerrero including notes on the WWE p.r. machine and in which instances they were on base and off base in their approach. Thoughts on the WWE lifestyle, the way Guerrero’s tribute show was handled, how Hunter and Stephanie handled it, exclusive details on why Stephanie wasn’t at the Supershow on Sunday, and more… […]

VIP AUDIO 12/03 – Wade Keller Hotline – Ask the Editor: Ex-wrestlers as WWE consultants? Off-season? , NXT creating stars? (24 min)

December 3, 2015

SHOW SUMMARY: In this edition of the Wade Keller Hotline, PWTorch editor Wade Keller presents the “Ask the Editor” format covering these topics: Why doesn’t WWE have an off-season? Is Vince McMahon a little happy with Raw ratings dropping? Is NXT really doing a poor job creating potential main roster top stars? Should WWE hire ex-wrestlers with brights minds to consult and fix its problems? […]

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