VIP AUDIO 12/08 – PWTorch Livecast Tuesday: Keller & Powell vent with callers about decline of Raw (116 min)

December 8, 2015

SHOW SUMMARY: In this edition of the PWTorch Livecast, editor Wade Keller and head honcho Jason Powell take calls and vent with callers once again over the decline of Monday Night Raw, the wretched final segment with Sheamus and Roman Reigns, the ridiculous USA Network commercials with Reigns and Wyatt Family, and more with a ton of caller interaction and no shortage of passionate rants.

PWTorch Livecast Tuesday (12/8) – Wade Keller & Jason Powell of

December 8, 2015

The PWTorch Livecast, launched at the end of 2009, is broadcast LIVE five days a week with live callers, emails, and host discussion at (1) <iframe width=”100%” height=”180px” src=”″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe> (2) (3)–wade-keller-jason-powell-of-prowrestlingnet […]

VIP AUDIO 12/02 – The Fix w/Todd Martin, pt. 2: Eva Marie, TNA’s 2016, Jim Ross, Jay Briscoe, title changes (48 min)

December 2, 2015

SHOW SUMMARY: In this week’s episode of The Fix with PWTorch columnist Todd Martin hosted by PWTorch editor Wade Keller (pt. 2 of 2), they discuss what worked and didn’t work on the Monday Night War era and what translates to improving today’s business, how often should titles be defended, Nikki Bella Promo School, dissecting the Eva Marie-Bailey segment, reviewing the Charlotte-Becky Lynch angle, looking at the direction of TNA and the stars they could push as they start on a new network in 2016, who would be more valuable to TNA – Jim Ross or Jay Briscoe, […]

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