VIP AUDIO 12/01 – PWTorch Livecast Tuesday: Keller & Powell vent with callers about decline of Raw (104 min)

December 1, 2015

SHOW SUMMARY: In this edition of the PWTorch Livecast, editor Wade Keller and head honcho Jason Powell take calls and vent with callers over the decline of Monday Night Raw, Sheamus’s second week as champion, the formation of the League of Nations, and more. There are few passionate rants from Keller and calmer words of wisdom fro Powell throughout. […]

VIP AUDIO 11/24 – PWTorch VIP Aftershow w/Wade Keller & Jason Powell: Cena says he’s not the problem, what has gone right and wrong for Reigns this week (29 min)

November 24, 2015

SHOW SUMMARY: In this edition of the Tuesday PWTorch Livecast VIP Aftershow, Wade Keller & Jason Powell discuss these topics: John Cena says he’s not the problem, what has gone right and wrong for Reigns this week, and more related to this week’s WWE happenings including a variety of email contributions. […]

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