TNA on Dest. America Viewership – Final Stats on 2015 run

December 31, 2015

TNA and Destination America’s run lasted one year. Things started off okay on Friday nights when TNA drew 550,000 combined viewers, which was proportional to Spike TV’s available homes. However, when Impact was shifted to Wednesday nights mid-year, […]

VIP AUDIO 12/28 – 10 YRS AGO Mitchell Audio w/Keller, pt 2 of 2 (11-25-05): Joe vs. Kobash, Survivor Series preview, The Dicks (45 min)

December 28, 2015

SUMMARY: PWTorch columnist Bruce Mitchell, with host Wade Keller, discuss the just-released Samoa Joe vs. Kenta Kobashi ROH classic and whether Mitchell believes it’s a five-star match of the year, what the dropping ratings for Raw and TNA Impact should mean to the respective promotions, whether the Survivor Series brand feuding has been effective, a preview of the entire PPV line-up, thoughts on next week’s live Smackdown special, The Dicks’ debut, and more. […]

Pop TV to air TNA shows in 2015

December 17, 2015

Pop TV is getting a head-start on airing TNA programming. The “Best of 2015” programming that was advertised at the end of this week’s Impact episode on Destination America will instead air on Pop TV […]

UPDATE on TNA ending Dest. America run

December 15, 2015

UPDATE: It appears that Wednesday’s TNA Impact will be the final episode on Destination America. The episode is slotted for 11:00 p.m. EST featuring follow-up to last week’s TNA Title tournament quarter-final matches. TNA decided to […]

12/9 TNA Impact Viewership + DVR views

December 14, 2015

TNA Impact Ratings Tracking – December 9: Impact drew 269,000 first-run viewers on Destination America, up from 221,000 last week. The midnight EST replay/West Coast airing then drew 68,000 viewers, down slightly from 73k last week. TNA’s […]

Wednesday Torch Today – Livecast All-Star Panel, Rock’s new movie project, Ross & Kevin Sullivan, HBK visits Santa, ECIII talks TNA emphasiszing “homegrown stars,” TNA Title quarterfinals & final NXT Takeover hype tonight, new “Unfiltered” w/Sasha Banks, Sami Zayn’s in-ring return, Backlund Video Interview

December 9, 2015

TORCH TODAY – Wednesday, December 9 AFTERNOON UPDATE – LIVECAST ALERT: Pat McNeill has an All-Star Panel on today’s PWTorch Livecast at 5:00 p.m. EST. Find out the details at – Jim Ross, who guests […]

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