VIP AUDIO 11/20 – 10 YRS AGO Real Deal with Pat McNeill (11-01-2005): Christian and Torrie depart WWE, Sabu, ECW (43 min)

November 20, 2015

In today’s “Real Deal with Pat McNeill” VIP Audio Update, his Hot Five Stories of the Week include TNA’s Primetime InPact Special on Thursday night, the deaprtures of Christian and Torrie Wilson from WWE, this Saturday’s ROH title rematch in Chicago and, of course, a preview of tonight’s Taboo Tuesday. Plus the Indy Show Lineup of the Week with Team 3-D wrestling Sabu & Terry Funk, news on which former ECW personality is out to break into the MMA business, McNeill Sings The Hits, a new Question of the Week on WWE “legends,” and Listener Mail regarding trademark issues and “fair use.” […]

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