Saturday Torch Today – Ambrose & Reigns headline WWE tours (Reports Wanted), ROH in Florida, huge indies night – Kliq, Chikara finale, Cabana, Chyna at Blizzard Brawl, more; Charlotte quoted on Reid Flair angle, Big E. & Titus O’Neil talk Championship Saturday football, Luther Reigns in new movie

December 5, 2015

TORCH TODAY – Saturday, December 5 Torch Reader Alert: If you attend an event this weekend, we’re looking for reports sent to – WWE has a split crew Saturday night in Fayetteville, N.C. and […]

VIP AUDIO 11/20 – Bruce Mitchell Audio Show with Wade Keller (11-20-2015): The lack of WWE apologizing for Charlotte’s promo on Reid on Monday (42 min)

November 20, 2015

SUMMARY: In today’s new Bruce Mitchell Audio Show, they discuss the WWE reaction to criticism of Charlotte Flair centering her promo around her late brother Reid and WWE’s management not giving Ric Flair the heads up, plus the whole culture within the Vince McMahon-led WWE that led to this being green lighted in the first place.

WWE Statement on Reid Flair Angle (w/Analysis)

November 20, 2015

WWE has officially commented on the Reid Flair angle during the main event segment of Monday’s Raw. WWE’s statement issued to the Wrestling Observer reads: “Subject matter this personal is only approved as a result of the […]

Wed. Torch Today – Livecast Alert, Ric Flair on Reid angle, big TV matches tonight, Taker Week continues, “Soup” gets canned, Ross on Raw & Reid, major co-star set for Rock’s “Baywatch” re-make, former TNA KO training for MMA debut, Cena reflects, more

November 18, 2015

TORCH TODAY – November 18, 2015 – LIVECAST ALERT: Join PWTorch columnist Pat McNeill and PWTorch contributor Jim Valley on Wednesday’s show at 5:00 p.m. EST at taking your calls & emails! – Ric […]