VIP AUDIO 12/29 – WKH – The News: Raw social media vs. NFL ratings as indicators, DVR ratings data, Funk (23 min)

December 29, 2015

SHOW SUMMARY: In this edition of the Wade Keller Hotline, PWTorch editor Wade Keller looks at the latest news including why certain wrestlers weren’t on Raw on Monday, why Punk got chants on Raw and if there was a better choice for the point fans were making, Raw social media up by so were NFL ratings so what will the rating be with two conflicting influences/indicators, DVR viewership updates on Raw and Smackdown, Pop TV’s TNA Impact plug, and more. […]

VIP AUDIO 12/28 – 10 YRS AGO Mitchell Audio w/Keller, pt 2 of 2 (11-25-05): Joe vs. Kobash, Survivor Series preview, The Dicks (45 min)

December 28, 2015

SUMMARY: PWTorch columnist Bruce Mitchell, with host Wade Keller, discuss the just-released Samoa Joe vs. Kenta Kobashi ROH classic and whether Mitchell believes it’s a five-star match of the year, what the dropping ratings for Raw and TNA Impact should mean to the respective promotions, whether the Survivor Series brand feuding has been effective, a preview of the entire PPV line-up, thoughts on next week’s live Smackdown special, The Dicks’ debut, and more. […]

VIP AUDIO 12/15 – PWTorch Livecast Tuesday: Keller & Powell look at WWE’s big rebound week, Reigns, ratings, Triple H (93 min)

December 15, 2015

SHOW SUMMARY: In this edition of the PWTorch Livecast, editor Wade Keller and head honcho Jason Powell take calls and review the rebound week for WWE in terms of ratings, poll responses, and overall good vibes. They talk about Roman Reigns’s great week so far, look ahead to his Rumble and WrestleMania, and much more about TLC and Raw. […]

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