VIP AUDIO 3/17 – Keller interviews Matt McCarthy, ex-WWE writer (3-17-2016): WrestleMania 32 hype, Shane-Taker, Brock-Dean, Roderick Strong’s slur, PWG, Reigns’s Tweet response (81 min)

March 17, 2016

SHOW SUMMARY: In this edition of “Interview Thursday” on the PWTorch Livecast, PWTorch editor Wade Keller welcomes ex-WWE writer Matt McCarthy including these topics: WrestleMania 32 hype, Shane McMahon-Undertaker, Brock Lesnar-Dean Ambrose, Roderick Strong’s slur, PWG, Roman Reigns’s […]

VIP AUDIO 12/31 – MATT MCCARTHY INTERVIEW w/Keller on Thursday Livecast: Steph’s acting, New Day, 2015 review, WM32 spec (100 min)

December 31, 2015

SHOW SUMMARY: In this edition of the PWTorch Livecast “Interview Thursday,” editor Wade Keller interviews ex-WWE Creative Team member and professional standup comedian Matt McCarthy with a look back at some top stories of 2015, a look ahead at some key top names in 2016, evaluating the comedy performances by Stephanie McMahon, Vince McMahon, and The New Day along with email and caller questions. […]

PWG sets big line-up for New Year’s Kick-off

December 13, 2015

Hot on the heels of All-Star Weekend, Pro Wrestling Guerrilla announced Sunday the top matches for their New Year’s kick-off show on January 2 in Reseda, California. PWG Title match: Roderick Strong vs. Chris Hero […]

ROH announces agreement with PWG; New Japan included?

December 13, 2015

For over a decade, Pro Wrestling Guerrilla has been considered the Ring of Honor of the West Coast. Now, the label holds more weight after ROH announced Sunday a working relationship with PWG. ROH said they have “entered into a […]

Friday Torch Today – Livecast Tonight, NXT U.K. Night 2, PWG’s huge weekend, big indies matches tonight, SHINE 31 iPPV with top women’s wrestlers, JCW Rassle Rap Night 2, Shinsuke Nakamura on AXS TV, Superstars, Tickets on-sale for GFW’s first 2016 tour, more

December 11, 2015

TORCH TODAY – Friday, December 11, 2015 – PWTORCH LIVECAST ALERT: Bruce Mitchell and Travis Bryant of the East Coast Cast take your calls and emails at 7:00 p.m. EST tonight at Plus, listen […]

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