VIP AUDIO 12/15 – 10 YRS AGO Wade Keller Hotline (11-21-05): WWE announces drug testing, Kane, Eugene, Orton (23 min)

December 15, 2015

SUMMARY: In this Wade Keller Audio Update, historical perspective and reaction to today’s announcement regarding drug testing in WWE, plus news regarding Nick “Eugene” Dinsmore’s suspension and WWE’s open approach to reporting the details, Kane movie and contract news, the latest on Paul Heyman’s future in WWE and whether TNA is potentially in his future, and the prospects for the Smackdown Title and where Randy Orton fits in, plus other notes. […]

VIP AUDIO 11/26 – Paul Heyman Vintage 1992 Interview w/Keller – PWTorch Livecast Interview Thursday (68 min)

November 27, 2015

SHOW SUMMARY: In this special edition of the PWTorch Livecast “Interview Thursday,” we present PWTorch editor Wade Keller’s interview with Paul Heyman from 1992 that aired live on his KFAN Pro Wrestling Focus radio show. Heyman predicts super-stardom for Steve Austin and explains why he never paid for a wrestling ticket. This show also includes news coverage at the start of the and live callers. […]

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