VIP NEWSLETTER – PRO WRESTLING TORCH #1522 (Aug. 9, 2017) – Keller editorial on Summerslam main event, Radican’s G1 coverage through night 16, Parks on whose ready from NXT, Bryant on WWE division realignment, Mitchell column

August 9, 2017

PWTorch Newsletter #1522 Cover-dated August 9, 2017 LINK: 1522TorchNewsletter –LIST OF ALL LATEST NEWSLETTERS SUMMARY: This week’s PWTorch Newsletter begins with Sean Radican’s cover story on the first 16 weeks of the incredible New Japan G1 Climax Series… Bruce Mitchell’s […]

FREE PODCAST 7/18 – Tuesday Livecast – Best of PWTorch Livecast: Keller interviews ex-WWE creative team member John Piermarini with reaction to Punk-Cena at MITB, Bryan’s MITB win, insight into the life for a writer after TV & PPV events, more (?? min)

July 18, 2017

SHOW SUMMARY: PWTorch editor Wade Keller interviews former WWE Creative Team member (2009-2010) John Piermarini. They discuss the C.M. Punk-John Cena match at Money in the Bank, Daniel Bryan’s surprise Money in the Bank win including who […]

VIP AUDIO 7/18 – Tuesday Livecast – Best of PWTorch Livecast (AD-FREE): Keller interviews ex-WWE creative team member John Piermarini with reaction to Punk-Cena at MITB, Bryan’s MITB win, insight into the life for a writer after TV & PPV events, more (118 min)

July 18, 2017

SHOW SUMMARY: PWTorch editor Wade Keller interviews former WWE Creative Team member (2009-2010) John Piermarini. They discuss the C.M. Punk-John Cena match at Money in the Bank, Daniel Bryan’s surprise Money in the Bank win including who […]

VIP AUDIO 7/18 – Tuesday Livecast – Best of PWTorch Livecast (AD-FREE): Keller interviews ex-WWE creative team member John Piermarini with reaction to Punk-Cena at MITB, Bryan’s MITB win, insight into the life for a writer after TV & PPV events, more (118 min)

July 18, 2017

SHOW SUMMARY: PWTorch editor Wade Keller interviews former WWE Creative Team member (2009-2010) John Piermarini. They discuss the C.M. Punk-John Cena match at Money in the Bank, Daniel Bryan’s surprise Money in the Bank win including who […]