VIP AUDIO 12/05 – Bruce Mitchell Audio Show w/Keller, pt. 3 of 3: Orientation to a half dozen new shows on WWE Network from 70s to 90s (42 min)

December 5, 2015

SUMMARY: In today’s new Bruce Mitchell Audio Show, pt. 3 of 3, Bruce talks with PWTorch editor Wade Keller about other vintage pro wrestling shows on WWE Network including several new additions such as the acclaimed Mid-South Wrestling along with the faltering AWA from the 1980s, the 1990s Global Wrestling Federation and Smoky Mountain Wrestling, and a vintage Stampede Wrestling selection from the late 1970s. Where did these wrestling territories fit into the industry landscape at the time of these featured shows, which big name wrestlers to look for early in their careers, some background on who was booking and running each territory and what the politics were of the day regarding which wrestlers were getting pushed, and more. It’s a fascinating, informative orientation to put in better perspective these recent additions to WWE Network. […]