VIP NEWSLETTER – PRO WRESTLING TORCH #1507 (April 26, 2017) – Keller and Bryant on the forthcoming Vince McMahon biopic, Mitchell on why you should cheer for Roman, Radican on YouTube ad controversy, Parks on WWE Network content

April 26, 2017

PWTorch Newsletter #1507 Cover-dated April 26, 2017 LINK: 1507TorchNewsletter –LIST OF ALL LATEST NEWSLETTERS SUMMARY: This week’s PWTorch Newsletter begins with Wade Keller’s cover story on the Vince McMahon biopic in the works by Tristar and what the reaction has […]

VIP NEWSLETTER – PRO WRESTLING TORCH #1506 (April 19, 2017) – Keller’s Smackdown Roster Depth Chart, Mitchell on Broken Rings and Ambulance Tips, Parks on WM Moments, Bryant on NXT premature call ups, more

April 19, 2017

PWTorch Newsletter #1506 Cover-dated April 19, 2017 LINK: 1506TorchNewsletter –LIST OF ALL LATEST NEWSLETTERS SUMMARY: This week’s PWTorch Newsletter begins with Wade Keller’s cover story on the media coverage and potential fallout of the WWE Bullying Culture and JBL-Mauro controversy… […]

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