VIP AUDIO 12/27 – 10 YRS AGO Real Deal with Pat McNeill (11-22-05): Should Flair’s promo have aired, Hot Five Stories, WWE rips off WCW idea (35 min)

December 28, 2015

SUMMARY: In this “Real Deal with Pat McNeill” VIP Audio Update, he talks about Ric Flair’s promo on Raw Unlimited which should have aired on USA Network, and the latest on Dusty Rhodes and…Bill Alfonso? Plus the Hot Five Stories including matches signed for Ring of Honor’s big Manhattan show, TNA’s plan to deal with sagging Impact ratings, WWE ripping off a WCW idea for use on Smackdown, and WWE’s new steroid testing policy. Also, the Indy Show Lineup of the Week as a former WCW World Champion meets a former ECW Champion in an unusual double shot, his TNA-themed Question of the Week and Listener Mail regarding Bret Hart and Randy Savage. […]

VIP AUDIO 12/26 – Mitchell Audio w/Keller, pt. 2 of 2: 2015 Year-in-Review – Hogan, Authority, ROH, TNA, Lucha, Taker, Lesnar (64 min)

December 26, 2015

SUMMARY: In today’s new Bruce Mitchell Audio Show, pt. 1 of 2, features a long-form discussion on the top stories of 2015 with a look ahead and where those top stories are likely headed in 2016. Topics in part two of this two hour discussion include The Authority, Hulk Hogan, ROH, Jay Lethal, TNA, Lucha Underground, John Cena, Roddy Piper, Dusty Rhodes, GFW, and more. […]

VIP AUDIO 12/04 – 10 YRS AGO Real Deal with Pat McNeill (11-15-05): Eddie Guerrero’s death, Dusty, Daniels (34 min)

December 4, 2015

SUMMARY: In this “Real Deal with Pat McNeill” VIP Audio Update, he talks about the death of Eddie Guerrero and what WWE should do from a public relations standpoint and to help prevent similar deaths from happening in the future. Plus the latest from TNA’s television tapings including the first match announced for Turning Point, a title changes hands on the first day of WWE’s European tour, the Indy Show Lineup of the Week featuring Samoa Joe, A.J. Styles & Frankie Kazarian in California, plus other significant independent events this weekend, Ring of Honor’s tribute show for Eddie Guerrero this weekend, and Listener Mail regarding Dusty Rhodes and Christopher Daniels. […]

VIP AUDIO 11/21 – Bruce Mitchell Audio Show with Wade Keller (pt. 2 of 2): Merits of Reigns, TNA’s new Pop, Triple H on NXT and Hogan, Dusty-Nick-Piper-Verne, Windham (78 min)

November 21, 2015

SUMMARY: In today’s new Bruce Mitchell Audio Show, part 2 of 2, they discuss the reports of terrorist threats for Survivor Series on Sunday, TNA’s new TV deal, Roman Reigns’s chances of winning on Sunday and whether it’s the right or wrong call, Triple H’s local interview about Hulk Hogan and NXT, comparing Dusty Rhodes-Roddy Piper-Nick Bockwinkel-Verne Gagne on impact on industry, why Barry Windham was never NWA World Hvt. Champion during JCP era, and more. […]

10/7 NXT Takeover Report by Justin James

October 7, 2015

WWE NXT Takeover: Respect October 7, 2015 Live at Full Sail University Report by Justin James, PWTorch contributor NXT Takeover: Respect comes on the heels of an illuminating set of comments from Triple H. In […]

9/26 WWE NXT Results – Ft. Pierce, Fla.

September 26, 2015

WWE NXT Results September 26, 2015 Ft. Pierce, Fla. Report by Jim L., PWTorch reader I’m on vacation in Orlando and found out NXT was going to be at the Fenn Center in Ft. Pierce, […]

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