VIP AUDIO 12/28 – 10 YRS AGO Mitchell Audio w/Keller (11-25-05): WWE announces drug testing, Bret DVD review (66 min)

December 28, 2015

SUMMARY: PWTorch columnist Bruce Mitchell, with host Wade Keller, discuss in-depth the WWE announcement of beginning drug testing again, with a look at whether it should be taken seriously, how to tell if it is being done honestly, and the history of WWE drug testing in the ’90s. Also, in-depth discussion of the Bret Hart DVD, what stood out that made Bret look bad, what made Bret shine, and a variety of aspects of the DVD that average viewer might not notice but said a lot about Bret and Vince McMahon. […]

Thursday Torch Today – JIM ROSS on the Livecast, SD final PPV hype, U.K. Tour kicks off, JCW’s “Rassle Rap” kicks off, Bayley interview, Network sched, UFC fighter calls out C.M. Punk, WWNLive’s N.Y. return date, Bret Hart returning to U.K., New Japan releasing theme CD, Videos – Chikara Season Finale clip & Hero vs. Galloway

December 10, 2015

TORCH TODAY – Thursday, December 10, 2015 MORNING UPDATE – PWTORCH LIVECAST ALERT: Jim Ross (now back @JRsBBQ) returns to the Livecast today with PWTorch editor Wade Keller. Ross’s live interview is at 5:00 p.m. EST at […]

Friday Torch Today (PM Update) – Livecast Alert, Eddie 10 years later, Hogan wants WWE return, new Batista movie, MCW launches on-demand service, WWE locker room reax to Rollins injury, Euro Tour, ROH SOTF, huge indies night – Flair & Bret & Rey & HOH, Mickie talks Divas, NJPW on AXS TV, HBK, Shiozaki, more

November 13, 2015

TORCH TODAY – Friday, November 13 AFTERNOON UPDATE – LIVECAST ALERT: PWTorch senior columnist Bruce Mitchell and Travis Bryant of the East Coast Cast wrap up the week in wrestling with your calls & emails […]

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