VIP AUDIO 12/28 – 10 YRS AGO Mitchell Audio w/Keller, pt 2 of 2 (11-25-05): Joe vs. Kobash, Survivor Series preview, The Dicks (45 min)

December 28, 2015

SUMMARY: PWTorch columnist Bruce Mitchell, with host Wade Keller, discuss the just-released Samoa Joe vs. Kenta Kobashi ROH classic and whether Mitchell believes it’s a five-star match of the year, what the dropping ratings for Raw and TNA Impact should mean to the respective promotions, whether the Survivor Series brand feuding has been effective, a preview of the entire PPV line-up, thoughts on next week’s live Smackdown special, The Dicks’ debut, and more. […]

VIP AUDIO 12/28 – 10 YRS AGO Mitchell Audio w/Keller (11-25-05): WWE announces drug testing, Bret DVD review (66 min)

December 28, 2015

SUMMARY: PWTorch columnist Bruce Mitchell, with host Wade Keller, discuss in-depth the WWE announcement of beginning drug testing again, with a look at whether it should be taken seriously, how to tell if it is being done honestly, and the history of WWE drug testing in the ’90s. Also, in-depth discussion of the Bret Hart DVD, what stood out that made Bret look bad, what made Bret shine, and a variety of aspects of the DVD that average viewer might not notice but said a lot about Bret and Vince McMahon. […]

VIP AUDIO 12/10 – 10 YRS AGO Bruce Mitchell Audio Show, pt. 1 of 2 (11-18-05): Evaluating fallout and lessons from Eddie Guerrero’s death (40 min)

December 10, 2015

SUMMARY: PWTorch columnist Bruce Mitchell, with host Wade Keller, discusses the Eddie Guerrero situation for well over an hour from a wide variety of perspectives including friends of his who stepped up to try to help Eddie, what lessons the industry needs to learn from his death and what led to it, evaluating the paternalistic tone WWE management takes with the wrestlers on display during the tribute show, and more.