VIP AUDIO 3/23 – Alan4L’s ProWres Paradise: Special episode focusing on “The Lost Boys” of 2000s Puroresu. Sawa, Hoshikawa, Makai Club, Mammoth Sasaki, Florida Brothers, and New Japan’s 2007 Brand Extension! All that and much more with our special guest Golazo Dan (116 min)

March 23, 2020

SHOW SUMMARY: In our latest episode of Alan4L’s ProWres Paradise, PWTorch columnist Alan4L is joined by Golazo Dan, a fellow veteran of Japanese wrestling fandom! Dan is the perfect guest for a topic we were […]

VIP AUDIO 3/15 – Alan4L’s ProWres Paradise: Digging through the archives again for more classic matches to watch during these Social Distancing times. Tajiri, Doc & Gordy, Hero, Tanahashi, and more of our BattlARTS faves Ishikawa and Ikeda! (92 min)

March 15, 2020

SHOW SUMMARY: In our latest episode of Alan4L’s ProWres Paradise, PWTorch columnist Alan4L continues to combat COVID-19 by delving deep into wrestling’s past and watching a bunch of awesome matches to help with the blues. This […]

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