VIP AUDIO 8/15 – WKH – 10 Yrs Ago Hotlines including post-Summerslam Raw review, Punk’s merch sales, Gail Kim’s attempt to quit WWE, Cody’s comic book inspiration, Booker T’s counter-productive comments, more (151 min)

PWT VIP All Shows
PWT VIP All Shows
VIP AUDIO 8/15 – WKH - 10 Yrs Ago Hotlines including post-Summerslam Raw review, Punk's merch sales, Gail Kim's attempt to quit WWE, Cody's comic book inspiration, Booker T's counter-productive comments, more (151 min)

SHOW SUMMARY: This edition of the Wade Keller Hotline features a week of vintage Wade Keller Hotlines from 10 years ago this month. Details follow:

•The Aug. 9, 2011 episode features a look at the latest news including analysis of the disappointing Raw rating on Monday, speculation on how Summerslam might end, commentary on the lack of full undercard, Miz’s vow to steal the show Sunday, Goldberg takes shot at Crimson, Steve Austin talks about Tough Enough and desire to do comedy movie, Gail Kim’s attempt to quit WWE, and more.

•The Aug. 10, 2011 episode features the “Ask the Editor” format including why Vince McMahon doesn’t like tag teams, do strong t-shirt sales for C.M. Punk make up for lackluster ratings, was Alex Riley turned too soon, will first-run pro wrestling shows end up on Netflix or Hulu, and does WWE take ideas from the Torch.

•The Aug. 11, 2011 episode features a look at the latest news including the death of Scott Ledoux, Heath Slater accused of assault, Jim Ross updates Undertaker’s status for WrestleMania, Steve Austin says he’d like to wrestle C.M. Punk if he makes a comeback, Daniel Bryan tells a funny Pat Patterson story, and more.

•The Aug. 12, 2011 episode features a look at the latest news including the very latest Summerslam developments including the new match and the latest hype, what John Cena said about Alex Riley’s potential, what comic book hero Cody Rhodes borrows lines from, Triple H’s new purchase, and more.

•The Aug. 13, 2011 episode features a look at the latest news including a look at the results of last night’s JCW iPPV event including tons of legends wrestling plus Mick Foley on commentary, ex-lovers speak out against one another including Linda Hogan dishing on Hulk plus New Jack vs. Terri Runnels. Also, ROH TV taping highlights.

•The Aug. 14, 2011 episode features a look at the final TV hype for Summerslam, Friday’s episode of Smackdown, including some strong work from Christian and good solid 101 booking, mixed with some disappointing aspects such as Booker T’s counter-productive announcing. Full rundown and analysis of the show.

•The Aug. 15, 2011 episode features a look at the post-Summerslam episode of WWE Raw featuring Kevin Nash explaining his actions (sort of), the mystery played out with heavy-handed clues and false clues, a great exchange between Ziggler and Vickie, a strong final promo by Cena, and much more.



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