VIP AUDIO 8/14 – Torch Talk w/Ex-WWE Creative Team member Chris DeJoseph: Exclusive backstage details on WWE adjusting to pandemic, Vince McMahon interaction, Bruce Prichard, Cinematic Matches, Creative Process, more (90 min)

PWT VIP All Shows
PWT VIP All Shows
VIP AUDIO 8/14 – Torch Talk w/Ex-WWE Creative Team member Chris DeJoseph: Exclusive backstage details on WWE adjusting to pandemic, Vince McMahon interaction, Bruce Prichard, Cinematic Matches, Creative Process, more (90 min)

SHOW SUMMARY: In his first interview since departing WWE earlier this summer, former WWE Producer and Creative Team member Chris DeJoseph discusses a wide range of topics over the course of an hour-and-a-half.

The following is a detailed “set list” of topics covered in the interview recorded yesterday (8/13/2020):

  • How he ended up working with WWE again after a nearly ten year break. He initially worked for WWE from 2004-2010 as a creative team member.
  • What his role was during his roughly six months back with WWE, and how it expanded over time despite initially resisting offers to do more and relocate to Connecticut.
  • Insight into Vince McMahon’s existence in 2020 running WWE.
  • How different was Vince McMahon in 2020 compared to 2010 and in what ways is he different in his mid-70s compared to his early-to-mid-60s.
  • The most frustrating part for him about being part of the creative team this time around.
  • Details on the way Vince McMahon contributes to TV scripting and reviewing and suggesting changes.
  • Is he impressed with what Vince notices when he critiques a script and suggests changes.
  • How the creative process was different in 2020 compared to 2010, either because of the pandemic or just in general pre-pandemic.
  • Do wrestlers have more or less creative input in 2020 than in 2010.
  • Is there a difference anymore in the creative process and people involved in producing Raw and Smackdown.
  • His thoughts on Cinematic Matches matches and Raw Underground, and the influence Lucha Underground might have had in how wrestling looks today.
  • Does he think Cinematic Matches is here to stay
  • Details on the ideas discussed and the adjustments made as they transitioned from fan-filled arenas and live TV to the empty Performance Center, including wild ideas brought up in brainstorming sessions
  • His thoughts on Bruce Prichard running TV on shows that Vince wasn’t at.
  • Is there a difference between Bruce Prichard’s style of presenting wrestling and Vince McMahon’s that might be showing up on TV.
  • Is there a succession plan in place if Vince McMahon were to no longer be in charge of WWE.
  • What would change most dramatically or most noticeably if the current creative team ran the show without Vince.
  • How do so many similar and lame match finishes get booked on the same show and week after week.
  • Was it considered a bigger deal that Smackdown was on Fox rather than the prior networks. (Spoiler Alert: “100 percent!”)
  • Did he think WWE would do more to differentiate Smackdown on Fox from how the show looked before Fox.
  • Speculation on the possibility of Vince McMahon selling WWE to a big conglomerate.
  • What it was like to deal with Roman Reigns withdrawing from WrestleMania and the creative process of placing Braun Strowman in his match instead.
  • His thoughts on Raw Underground’s presentation and long-term viability as a way to present WWE wrestling.
  • Details on the Mandy Rose-Otis storyline that he was involved in producing.
  • Is narrative structure discussed in WWE and is there a set of rules for how wrestlers engage with cameras.
  • How reality TV has changed over the decades and any reality series he recommends.
  • And even more.



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