VIP AUDIO 6/29 – WKH: 10 Yrs Ago Hotlines including review of Raw, analysis of 15 WWE talent trades, Cena says he wants to be doing same thing in 10 years, rant about Impact (72 min)

PWT VIP All Shows
PWT VIP All Shows
VIP AUDIO 6/29 – WKH: 10 Yrs Ago Hotlines including review of Raw, analysis of 15 WWE talent trades, Cena says he wants to be doing same thing in 10 years, rant about Impact (72 min)

SHOW SUMMARY: In this edition of the Wade Keller Hotline, we flash back to four Wade Keller Hotlines from ten years ago this week the third week of June 2009:

6/29 Wade Keller Hotline – Raw: A walk through a newsworthy edition of Raw with some intriguing twists and turns (18 min.): This installment of the Wade Keller Hotline features his analysis of tonight’s Raw including a walk through each segment of the show with a look at the pros and cons of some intriguing booking decisions and match outcomes.

6/30 Wade Keller Hotline – The News: Analysis of 15 Talent Trades and reply to Hardy’s Seven Torch Tweets (20 min.): This installment of the Wade Keller Hotline features his “News Wrap” format with the headlines of the day with a focus on the 15 talent trades announced yesterday LONG BEFORE MATT HARDY SAID WORD-ONE! Keller breaks down the pros and cons for each of the talents that were moved. He also replies with about seven minutes of a response to Hardy’s seven Tweets critical of a Torch story last night – one minute per Tweet just to be fair and balanced (and not to spoil things, but he was TOTALLY RIGHT, although he may have overreacted a bit?)

7/3 Wade Keller Hotline – The Impact Rant: Why last night’s show was maddeningly terrible in terms of character and storyline development and logic (16 min.): This installment of the Wade Keller Hotline features his rant about last night’s Impact with a look at key aspects that were huge storyline development letdowns and head-scratching lack of follow up on major characters involved in big angles. Plus, who are fans supposed to admire and root for? Is anyone likable in TNA, and if they are, will they be next week or the week after? How Jeff Jarrett made himself look like Superman, how Samoa Joe has become the new Sal and Rocco a week after the PPV closing major bombshell angle. And on and on.

7/5 Wade Keller Hotline – The News: Cena says he wants to be doing same thing in ten years, but can he last? Plus Duggan, Dreamer, Raw, Submissions PPV (12 min.): This installment of the Wade Keller Hotline features his “News Wrap” format with the headlines of the day and his analysis of those headlines including John Cena saying he wants to wrestle ten more years, Duggan’s new plans, Dreamer defines his character, Raw ratings for Q1 vs. Q2, WWE PPV news, and more.



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