VIP AUDIO 6/29 – Keller & Powell VIP Aftershow: UK Tournament and why it wasn’t live and evaluating the product and the buzz, evaluating Gargano, Velveteen Dream, Bazler, and other NXT prospects in terms of main roster, Cena-Nikki drama (26 min)

June 29, 2018

SHOW SUMMARY: PWTorch editor Wade Keller is joined by Jason Powell from for the VIP Aftershow. They discuss the UK Tournament and why it wasn’t live and evaluate the final in-ring product and presentation plus […]

FREE PODCAST 6/29 – WKPWP Mailbag Friday w/Keller & Powell: Hell in a Cell Foley-Taker anniversary, Lesnar’s inactivity, Reigns’s vest, Rey WWE dream match potential, creepiest smile, women’s division, Smackdown’s move to Friday (79 min)

June 29, 2018

TODAY’S SHOW SUMMARY… PWTorch editor Wade Keller presents a special “Mailbag Friday” with cohost Jason Powell from They discuss the 20th anniversary of the Hell in a Cell Undertaker vs. Mick Foley match, Brock […]

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