FREE PODCAST 7/20 – Best of PWTorch Livecast: (7-26-13) Ex-WWE Creative Team Member Dan Madigan Interview talking Heidenrich pitch to be Nazi character, Vince McMahon’s odd quirks, Vince’s reaction to Goldberg-Lesnar debacle, backstage insight on top stars, more (144 min)

July 20, 2018

SHOW SUMMARY: This week’s “Best of PWTorch Livecast” features an interview conducted by PWTorch editor Wade Keller on July 26, 2013 with Dan Madigan, a former WWE Creative Team member in 2004 and 2005 who was around […]

FREE PODCAST 7/20 – WKPWP Mailbag Friday w/Keller & Powell: Lesnar-Universal Title, ranking the top five singles belts today, Ross incident, Triple H’s vision, Neville, Jason Jordan, Asuka’s push, Acting Coaches, more (79 min)

July 20, 2018

TODAY’S SHOW SUMMARY… PWTorch editor Wade Keller presents “Mailbag Friday” featuring Jason Powell from as they answer Mailbag questions on these topics: Universal Title, which titles mean the most in Kayfabe Land, Smackdown WWE […]

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