FREE PODCAST 8/10 – Best of PWTorch Livecast: Referee Tommy Young interview – Top NWA referee in the 1970s and ’80s shared vintage stories about Dusty, Flair, Crockett, Mulligan, Buddy Rogers, Bruno, getting kicked out of WWF event, art of refereeing (139 min)

August 11, 2018

SHOW SUMMARY: This week’s “Best of PWTorch Livecast” features an interview conducted by PWTorch editor Wade Keller and PWTorch columnist Bruce Mitchell on Aug. 16, 2013 with Tommy Young, top NWA referee in the 1970s and ’80s who shares […]

VIP 1998 BACK ISSUE – Pro Wrestling Torch #508 (August 22, 1998): Cover story on Ultimate Warrior making WCW debut, Chris Zavisa article on the politics Hogan played in WCW, full reports on WWF Raw, WCW Nitro, WWF Heat, WCW Thunder, ECW TV, and Power Pro Wrestling, plus more

August 11, 2018

We are now posting PWTorch Digital Newsletter PDFs for the year 1997 for the first time ever. These issues from 1997 have never been made available in their original format since their original printing press […]

FREE PODCAST 8/10 – WKPWP Interview Friday: Tony Schiavone joins Keller and Mitchell for part 2 of 2 including Sting’s rise, WCW management changes and growth, color commentators, Gorilla Monsoon, wrestling media coverage, more (59 min)

August 10, 2018

TODAY’S SHOW SUMMARY… PWTorch editor Wade Keller presents “Interview Friday” featuring Tony Schiavone who talks about Sting’s rise, WCW management changes and growth, color commentators, Gorilla Monsoon, wrestling media coverage, anecdotes about color commentators he […]

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