VIP AUDIO 9/23 – Bruce Mitchell Mailbag w/Keller: What made Crusher such a Man of the People as a long-term top act in the AWA? Ramifications of Kerry Von Erich instead of Hogan in the WWF? All-time Hogan WWF opponents? Bischoff and McMahon missing Austin’s upside? (42 min)

September 23, 2018

SHOW SUMMARY: In this edition of the Bruce Mitchell Mailbag Podcast, hosted by PWTorch editor Wade Keller, Bruce covers these topics: What made Crusher such a Man of the People as a long-term top act in the […]

VIP AUDIO 9/22 – WKH – Ask the Editor: What gimmick match will fans believe actually settles a score now? Do wrestlers owe fans anything outside of wrestling events? Was Aiden English’s line about Lana out of line? Shouldn’t Raw promote Smackdown PPV matches? (22 min)

September 23, 2018

SHOW SUMMARY: In this edition of the Wade Keller Hotline, PWTorch editor Wade Keller answers Mailbag questions on these topics: What gimmick match will fans believe actually settles a score now? Do wrestlers owe fans anything […]

VIP 1998 BACK ISSUE – Pro Wrestling Torch #514 (October 3, 1998): In-depth coverage of WWF Breakdown PPV featuring Undertaker vs. Kane vs. Austin, Keller’s analysis of elements of “Wrestling With Shadows” documentary that didn’t have to do with Vince McMahon-Bret Hart controversy, more

September 22, 2018

We are now posting PWTorch Digital Newsletter PDFs for the year 1997 for the first time ever. These issues from 1997 have never been made available in their original format since their original printing press […]

FREE PODCAST 9/21 – Best of PWTorch Livecast – Interview Friday w/Jerry Jarrett (9-20-13): Long-time promoter speculates on a Hogan-free WWF expansion, course-changing possibilities if Magnum T.A. wasn’t paralyzed, transition from territories to national promotions (93 min)

September 21, 2018

SHOW SUMMARY: This week’s “Best of PWTorch Livecast” features an interview Wade Keller conducted with long-time wrestling promoter Jerry Jarrett five years ago this week on Sept. 20, 2013. The discussion is in effect a companion […]

VIP AUDIO 9/20 – WKH – Ask the Editor: Will the next era have a character like Kane? Is Pentagon a good match for WWE or NXT? Is focus on workrate snuffing out character development with this generation? Is WWE booking changing because of Stadium super-shows? (20 min)

September 21, 2018

SHOW SUMMARY: In this edition of the Wade Keller Hotline, PWTorch editor Wade Keller answers Mailbag questions on these topics: Will the next era have a character like Kane? Is Pentagon a good match for WWE […]

FREE PODCAST 9/21 – WKPWP Friday Mailbag w/Keller & Powell: Does WWE adjust based on NFL or Emmys? Did Evolution get created to combat woman-free Saudi shows? Can WWE get fans focused on product instead of booking? Plus Styles, Joe, Graves, Shelton, more (73 min)

September 21, 2018

TODAY’S SHOW SUMMARY… PWTorch editor Wade Keller presents a special “Friday Mailbag” edition with guest Jason Powell from They cover these topics brought up by listeners via email: Does WWE adjust based on NFL […]

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