FREE PODCAST 10/20 – Saturday Livecast – The Deep…Dive with Rich Fann: Brandon Carr of WhySoSerious Pod returns to chat Bobby Lashley smells, worst case scenarios for WWE Evolution and Crown Jewel, XFLtips for players, how current WWE situation is similar to an occurrence in Marvel Comics, more (97 min)

October 20, 2018

SHOW SUMMARY: This week’s Deep Dive is a return of Brandon Carr of WhySoSerious Pod to discuss the intersection of business and wrestling vis a vis percentage of income of WWE, how that affects power with […]

FREE PODCAST 10/19 – Best of PWTorch Livecast – Keller & Powell (10-15-13): Discussion of news of the week including Cody & Goldust winning tag titles, is Big Show stealing Bryan’s spotlight, did Michaels help sell HIAC, live callers and emails (130 min)

October 20, 2018

SHOW SUMMARY: This week’s “Best of PWTorch Livecast” features PWTorch editor Wade Keller and’s Jason Powell discussing current events five years ago this week including examining what it means that Goldust & Cody Rhodes won […]

FREE PODCAST 10/20 – WKPWP Mailbag Special w/Keller & Powell: How damaged is ROH if Cody & Bucks leave? Why aren’t Trish & Lita getting big crowd pops? Can fans make a difference by not watching Crown Jewel? Did Edge help turn fans against Becky? Renee-Dean dynamic? (59 min)

October 20, 2018

TODAY’S SHOW SUMMARY… PWTorch editor Wade Keller presents a bonus episode of the Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Podcast with Jason Powell from They cover these topics: How damaged is ROH if Cody & Bucks […]

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