VIP AUDIO 4/27 – VIP Podcast Vault – 18 Yrs Ago – Post-PPV Roundtable on TNA Lockdown PPV (04-24-2005): Keller, Powell, and McNeill rate and review event including whether Dusty Rhodes’s booking helped, did all-cage format work, Nash’s absence (32 min.)

April 27, 2023

SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the PWTorch VIP Vault jumps back to the April 24, 2005 post-PPV Roundtable episode. PWTorch editor Wade Keller is joined by PWTorch columnists Pat McNeill and Jason Powell to discuss the […]

VIP AUDIO 4/26 – Alan4L’s ProWres Paradise: “What’s on the Telly?” Episode 4 (Pt. 2) – The stars of 1991 are back…in 1995! It’s AWF Warriors of Wrestling feat. Sgt. Slaughter, Michael Hayes, Trevor Blanchard, and our World Champion Tito Santana (146 min.)

April 26, 2023

SHOW SUMMARY: In our latest episode of Alan4L’s ProWres Paradise, PWTorch columnist Alan4L is joined by Erin Quinn for episode 4 of “What’s on the Telly?” In this monthly series, Alan and a guest will each […]

VIP AUDIO 4/26 – WKH – Ask Wade Keller: Is Tony Khan overlooking character building due to focus on good matches? Reaction to Bret-Bulldog at Summerslam ’92 in Wembley? Ospreay at Wembley? Vince McMahon creative influence? WrestleMania in two cities? (28 min.)

April 26, 2023

SHOW SUMMARY: In this “Ask Wade Keller” edition of the Wade Keller Hotline, PWTorch editor Wade Keller answers email questions on these topics: Will Tony Khan ever realize the importance of building compelling characters and […]

VIP AUDIO 4/25 – VIP Podcast Vault – 18 Yrs Ago – Bruce Mitchell Audio Show: Why Flair got a pass on things Triple H didn’t, Top Five WrestleMania matches ever, Most Embarrassing and Disgusting pro wrestling angles, MSG fans taunting Lita, Diva Contest, more (93 min.)

April 25, 2023

SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the PWTorch VIP Vault jumps back to the April 22, 2005 episode of The Bruce Mitchell Audio Show with host PWTorch editor Wade Keller, Bruce covers these topics: Why Ric […]

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