VIP AUDIO 9/12 – RETRO RADIO – Keller’s Pro Wrestling Focus (3/29/1992): Eddie Gilbert talks about his aspirations to become a WWF booker, speaks about state of ESPN’s Global Wrestling Federation, discusses his marriage to Madusa/Alunda Blayze (75 min)

September 12, 2019

SHOW SUMMARY: This episode of Pro Wrestling Focus, from March 29, 1992, features a long interview with Eddie Gilbert as he talks about booking ESPN’s Global Wrestling Federation, his aspirations of replacing either Dusty Rhodes as […]

VIP AUDIO 9/5 – RETRO RADIO – Keller’s Pro Wrestling Focus (3/22/1992): Ventura’s old boss explains to Keller why he was fired from NFL commentating job, latest WWF scandalous allegations discussed with live callers, more topics (53 min)

September 5, 2019

SHOW SUMMARY: This episode of Pro Wrestling Focus from March 22, 1992 features an hour of phone calls from listeners talking about the latest scandalous allegations against the WWF, the steroid usage issue throughout the industry, […]

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