VIP AUDIO 2/22 – VIP Podcast Vault – 18 Yrs Ago Wade Keller Hotline (1-20-2004): Final Royal Rumble line-up thoughts, Trish-Jericho storyline backstage details, TNA’s X Division roster thoughts, Hogan-Austin prospects, Dutch Mantel’s booking attitude, more (17 min.)

February 22, 2022

SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the PWTorch VIP Vault jumps back to a Wade Keller Hotline from January 20, 2004. Throughout the month of February 2022, we’ll be posting the January 2004 and February 2004 PWTorch […]

VIP AUDIO 2/21 – VIP Podcast Vault – 18 Yrs Ago Roundtable w/Keller, Mitchell, McNeill discussing Royal Rumble 2004 hype, the Angle-Guerrero pairing, Ross’s treatment, heat on Fairplay in TNA already, Goldberg’s WWE future, more (48 min.)

February 21, 2022

SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the PWTorch VIP Vault jumps back to a “Current Events Roundtable” podcast featuring PWTorch editor Wade Keller and PWTorch columnists Bruce Mitchell and Pat McNeill from Jan. 19, 2004. They discussed […]

VIP AUDIO 2/20 – VIP Podcast Vault – 18 Yrs Ago Wade Keller Hotline (1-14-2004): Even more details on McMahon’s meeting including why he treated Smackdown differently than Raw, early WM20 line-up construction, HBK & Hunter’s influence, Kendrick, Orton (24 min.)

February 20, 2022

SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the PWTorch VIP Vault jumps back to a Wade Keller Hotline from January 14, 2004. Throughout the month of February 2022, we’ll be posting the January 2004 and February 2004 PWTorch […]

VIP AUDIO 2/19 – NXT Eight Years Back: Tom Stoup covers NXT from 2-19-14 including Emma and Neville revisiting old feuds ahead of Arrival, re-ranking IMDb’s top ten Best Picture Oscar winners, Ivan Reitman’s filmography, more (65 min.)

February 19, 2022

SHOW SUMMARY: Tom Stoup covers NXT from 2-19-14 including Emma and Neville revisiting old feuds ahead of Arrival, re-ranking IMDb’s top ten Best Picture Oscar winners, Ivan Reitman’s filmography, and more. DIRECT LINK:  VIP AUDIO LINK NOT […]

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