VIP NEWSLETTER – PRO WRESTLING TORCH #1500 (March 8, 2017) – Keller’s Fastlane PPV Report & Staff Roundtable Reviews, Parks on Impact’s 2017 Refresh, Keller’s Raw & SD Reports, more

March 8, 2017

PWTorch Newsletter #1500 Cover-dated March 8, 2017 LINK: 1500TorchNewsletter –LIST OF ALL LATEST NEWSLETTERS SUMMARY: This week’s PWTorch Newsletter begins with Wade Keller’s WWE Fastlane report with match analysis and star ratings… Also, a PPV Roundtable with staff reviews and […]

VIP AUDIO 3/6 – Monday Livecast – Raw Post-Show (AD-FREE): Keller talks with callers, including three who attended Raw, about Owens-Jericho, Roman-Taker-Braun, Goldberg-Lesnar, Bayley-Sasha-Charlotte, Punk chants, more (77 min)

March 7, 2017

SHOW SUMMARY: PWTorch editor Wade Keller talks with callers, including three who attended Raw in person in Chicago, about Owens-Jericho, Roman-Taker-Braun, Bayley-Sasha-Charlotte, Punk chants, Neville-Aries, and much more. APP USERS: If you are a VIP member accessing […]

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