VIP AUDIO 3/16 – RETRO RADIO – PWSpotlight #171 (09/19/1992): Keller and Meltzer join Arezzi to talk about Sting’s future, Rude’s future, talent blow-ups with Watts in WCW, wrestler medical coverage, more (51 min)

March 16, 2017

SHOW SUMMARY: This features the September 19, 1992 debut episode of Pro Wrestling This Week, John Arezzi’s new radio show, followed by the usual Pro Wrestling Spotlight Radio Show (#171) hosted by John Arezzi. PWTorch editor Wade Keller joins Arezzi […]

VIP NEWSLETTER – PRO WRESTLING TORCH #1501 (March 15, 2017) – Keller’s review of Orton-Bray build, Mitchell on Impact’s relaunch, Parks on Women’s Rev at WM33, Radican’s ROH PPV report

March 15, 2017

PWTorch Newsletter #1501 Cover-dated March 15, 2017 LINK: 1501TorchNewsletter –LIST OF ALL LATEST NEWSLETTERS SUMMARY: This week’s PWTorch Newsletter begins with Wade Keller’s cover story critical of the payoff so far to the Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt… Bruce Mitchell’s […]

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