VIP AUDIO 12/2 – Radican’s Wrestling Community Audio (w/Fann): New details emerge in FloSports vs. WWN lawsuit, new insight into how FloSports expected WWN to perform, Jack Gallagher “An Extraordinary Gentleman” documentary review, more! (54 min)

December 2, 2017

SHOW SUMMARY: PWTorch columnist Sean Radican is joined by PWTorch contributor Rich Fann for another blockbuster edition of Radican’s Wrestling Community Audio. The show begins with an in-depth look at the new filings in the FloSlam […]

VIP AUDIO 12/1 – Best of PWTorch Livecast (AD-FREE): Keller interviews ex-WWE Creative Team Member John Carle (11-30-12) who talks about Vince McMahon pranks on private jet, potential WCW reunion show, what Cena and Triple H were like behind scenes (76 min)

December 1, 2017

SHOW SUMMARY: This Best of PWTorch Livecast this week features Wade Keller’s Nov. 30, 2012 interview with former WWE Creative Team member John Carle. This is the VIP Aftershow portion of the program previously offered exclusively for […]

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