VIP 1998 BACK ISSUE – Pro Wrestling Torch #502 (July 11, 1998): Cover story on Goldberg beating Hogan to capture WCW Title, Mitchell’s feature column titled “Meat Puppets” on long-term ramifications of Hardcore Era, WWF Newswire reports on Brawl for All bracketing, more

June 30, 2018

We are now posting PWTorch Digital Newsletter PDFs for the year 1997 for the first time ever. These issues from 1997 have never been made available in their original format since their original printing press […]

VIP AUDIO 6/29 – Keller & Powell VIP Aftershow: UK Tournament and why it wasn’t live and evaluating the product and the buzz, evaluating Gargano, Velveteen Dream, Bazler, and other NXT prospects in terms of main roster, Cena-Nikki drama (26 min)

June 29, 2018

SHOW SUMMARY: PWTorch editor Wade Keller is joined by Jason Powell from for the VIP Aftershow. They discuss the UK Tournament and why it wasn’t live and evaluate the final in-ring product and presentation plus […]

VIP NEWSLETTER – PRO WRESTLING TORCH #1570 (June 27, 2018) – WWE officially announces new TV deals, Mitchell on Lashley-Reigns segment, Parks on NJPW expansion in U.S., Keller’s End Notes on WWE pop-culture icons list, more

June 27, 2018

PWTorch Newsletter #1570 Cover-dated June 27, 2018 LINK: 1570 PWTorch Newsletter PDF –LIST OF ALL LATEST NEWSLETTERS –CLICK FOR ALL 2017 NEWSLETTERS –CLICK HERE FOR DIRECTORY OF ALL PAST NEWSLETTERS BY YEAR SUMMARY: This week’s PWTorch Newsletter includes Wade Keller’s […]

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