VIP NEWSLETTER – PRO WRESTLING TORCH #1626 (July 19, 2019): New Japan G1 Climax tournament through first four nights, Evolve 10th Anniversary, Parks column on Extreme Rules, AEW Roundtable, Extreme Rules Roundtable

July 19, 2019

PWTorch Newsletter #1626 Cover-dated July 19, 2019 LINK: 1626 PWTorch Newsletter PDF –LIST OF ALL LATEST NEWSLETTERS –CLICK FOR ALL 2017 NEWSLETTERS –CLICK HERE FOR DIRECTORY OF ALL PAST NEWSLETTERS BY YEAR SUMMARY: This week’s PWTorch Newsletter includes […]

VIP AUDIO 7/18 – RETRO RADIO – Keller’s Pro Wrestling Focus (2/16/1992): Wade Keller and Dave Meltzer discuss the DEA drug raid of WWF locker room, JYD and Valentine sign with WCW, what steroids do for wrestlers, V.P. Kip Frey’s initiative to improve WCW (45 min)

July 18, 2019

SHOW SUMMARY: This episode of Pro Wrestling Focus is from Jan. 26, 1992. This show includes Wade Keller joined by guest analyst Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer to discuss the potential end of the WWF, […]

VIP AUDIO 7/17 – East Coast Cast #459 (NSFW): Bryant and Hawkins discuss Lesnar once again winning WWE Universal championship and if that signals he won’t be on SD roster in fall, AEW’s Fight for the Fallen, WWE in mainstream brings more scrutiny, more (128 min)

July 18, 2019

SHOW SUMMARY: On this week’s episode, Cam and Trav discuss the top stories in pro wrestling TV including Brock Lesnar once again winning the WWE Universal championship and about a dozen people left care. Does […]

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