VIP AUDIO 2/27 – Bruce Mitchell Mailbag w/Heydorn: John Cena as mainstream star compared to the likes of Steve Austin, Hulk Hogan, and The Rock, the history, trajectory, and ceiling of Cameron Grimes in NXT, Evolution’s place and ranking amongst factions in history of wrestling (70 min)

February 27, 2020

SHOW SUMMARY: In this edition of the Bruce Mitchell Mailbag Podcast, hosted by PWTorch contributor Zack Heydorn, they dive into the mailbag including these topics: Does John Cena top Stone Cold Steve Austin and Hulk […]

VIP AUDIO 2/20 – Podcast of Honor w/Ryan Sullivan & Tyler Sage: Newly announced Wildcard Wednesday show for YouTube, the upcoming weekend shows in Nashville and Saint Louis and if they’ll continue to show the direction of ROH under Marty’s creative direction (58 min)

February 27, 2020

SHOW SUMMARY: In this episode of Podcast of Honor, Ryan and Tyler talk about the newly announced Wildcard Wednesday show for YouTube. They also discuss the shows this upcoming weekend in Nashville and Saint Louis. […]

VIP NEWSLETTER – PRO WRESTLING TORCH #1657 (Feb. 25, 2020): Keller’s cover story on NXT’s 10th Anniversary, Mitchell on changing WM line-up, Parks reviews XFL after three weeks, TV reports on NXT, Raw, Smackdown, AEW Dynamite

February 25, 2020

PWTorch Newsletter #1657 Cover-dated February 25, 2020 LINK: 1657 PWTorch Newsletter PDF –LIST OF ALL LATEST NEWSLETTERS –CLICK FOR ALL 2019 NEWSLETTERS –CLICK HERE FOR DIRECTORY OF ALL PAST NEWSLETTERS BY YEAR SUMMARY: This week’s PWTorch Newsletter features […]

VIP 2000 BACK ISSUE – Pro Wrestling Torch #589 (February 19, 2000): Cover Story on how WCW blew opportunity to win over new fans with unopposed Nitro when Raw was preempted, Mitchell’s Ninth Annual Year-in-Review Quiz, Newswire covering Scott Hall’s conduct overseas, Shane Douglas being fired, more

February 22, 2020

We are now posting PWTorch Digital Newsletter PDFs for the year 1997 for the first time ever. These issues from 1997 have never been made available in their original format since their original printing press […]

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