VIP AUDIO 11/13 – Bruce Mitchell Mailbag w/Heydorn: A career retrospective of Tony Halme, history of wrestling in Chicago territory in the ’40s, ’50s, and ’60s, Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin at WM 13, Rita Chatterton rape allegations against Vince McMahon (67 min)

November 13, 2020

SHOW SUMMARY: In this edition of the Bruce Mitchell Mailbag Podcast, hosted by PWTorch Columnist Zack Heydorn, they dive into the mailbag including these topics: a career retrospective of Tony Halme, the history of wrestling […]

VIP NEWSLETTER – PRO WRESTLING TORCH #1694 (November 11, 2020): Keller’s AEW Full Gear cover story and match analysis with star ratings, Parks column on Raw Underground and Retribution, PPV Roundtable, more

November 11, 2020

PWTorch Newsletter #1694 Cover-dated November 11, 2020 LINK: 1694 PWTorch Newsletter PDF –LIST OF ALL LATEST NEWSLETTERS –CLICK FOR ALL 2020 NEWSLETTERS –CLICK HERE FOR DIRECTORY OF ALL PAST NEWSLETTERS BY YEAR SUMMARY: This week’s PWTorch Newsletter features […]

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